Chapter 8

2158 Words

A couple hours later, we reached that spot Frank had shown me before, only this time, we went into the trees. They hugged up close together for a while, then parted to reveal a narrow canyon. To one side was rocky outcropping mixed with soil where determined trees climbed the mountain. On the other side was boulders and scrub piled up high, the two sides allowing a floor maybe forty feet wide. We rode on some distance, stopping only when we came upon a rough shack, a couple tents, a cook fire, and a good deal of man’s debris. As we dismounted and unsaddled our horses, I noted water trickling from the rocky side, forming a little pond where the horses immediately headed. Grass grew plentiful in this area, and once the animals drank their fill, they began to graze. “Cabin’s mine,” Bonner d

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