Chapter 6

1303 Words

Dawn greeted me on my own, which was fine as I had work to do. Cleaned up and dressed, I sought the telegraph office, where a message from Whitlock awaited me. Continue as instructed was all it said, but this was typical until a robbery started shaping up. Next, I sought breakfast at Molly’s, taking a window seat so I could watch for Frank. My work this day was to connect with him, further ingratiate myself, and catch Bonner sober. When my belly was full, I walked about town, noting the continuing absence of law enforcement. I was starting to see what the boss meant about an ineffective marshal. I’d walked Main Street’s length and turned back up the other way when I spotted Frank in a mercantile. Strolling in like I hadn’t seen him, I let him start us up again. “Hey, Walt,” he said. “

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