Chapter 33: Arrival to the Province

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“Stay here I’ll call them out so we can go.” Rose said as I nod and sigh.   I wait there still thinking about what Rose and I plan to do at the reception of my brother’s wedding after the ceremony. It will be exposing for me but I have to do it since this is the only first time a wedding in our family is as grand as Rafael and Susanah, not even my sister Arsey got married wearing wedding gowns and such, they got married traditionally with their normal clothes. I am surprised when I heard a camera shutter. I look up to see Rose taking a photo of me.   “What’s that for?” I ask suspiciously at her as she looks at her cellphone.   “For my photo album, I’ll go and call the others.” Rose said as she smiles and turns towards my uncle’s house.   I sigh as I stand there feeling so nervous and cold with this off-shouldered gown then I hear my cellphone rings when I check it I see it is the phone gifted by my father. I answer the call to hear my mother and father’s soothing voice.   “Hello princess how are you? I heard that you are now in your boarding house in Baguio. Today’s your brother’s wedding right?” my dad said.   “Yes dad, we are going to the province. How are you and mom?” I ask as I look into my reflection from the van’s window.   “We are good over here. Your mom and I are going to London for a business meeting. Your grandpa will call you later for that project proposal thing…… I just don’t know what he is planning this time but he said he will take care of you. Be safe my princess okay? And say our best wishes to your brother.” my father said as I hear my mother shouting in the background that she loves me and that I have to be careful.   “I love you too. Call me every time okay? Be safe too.” I said as I hear them blow a kiss on me from the phone.   I also did the same thing and I hear the call ended. I am surprised to hear my other cellphone ringing. It is the phone given by my grandfather. I hit the answer pad before placing it on my ear. Having 3 phones is really a pain.   “There you are, my brave princess. How was your project proposal coming?” my grandfather said and I take a deep breath.   “Ah!!! Having trouble, I see. No worries love everyone can help you. Henry will coach you together with Roland – my secretary. By the way, where are you? The servants said you’re not in sky mansion.” my grandfather said as I let go of my gown and let it touch the ground.   “Grandpa I’m in the province as Anna. It- It is my brother’s wedding. Ah! Yah! Regarding that project proposal thingy – I just want to ask. Can it be anything at all? I mean – is it okay if I think of something like creating a mall, buildings, park, or anything?” I ask as I play with my necklaces.   “Yes, it may – as long as it can benefit the company and as well as the people working on your project and even your target customers my brave princess.” my grandfather said.   “Anything as long as it gives back the capital huh, oh grandpa how are my cousins doing with this project proposal thing?” I ask as I play with the ribbon of the gown.   “Yes, it is my brave princess. Think big my dear; I heard Marlon and Austin had already come up with something. Impress us my little crazy.” He said.   “I’ll try my best grandpa. I need to go. I’ll call you if I have any questions.” I said as I look at my reflection on the van’s window.   “Okay. I love you dear.” my grandfather said.   “I love you too grandpa.” I said before putting back the cellphone in my bag.   I turn to see everyone looking at me as if they had seen a ghost. Rose came out behind the stunned Michael and Mark.   “Wow! Anna is that you? You- You look… so different.” Mark said as I look at myself.   “What do you mean different? Why? Do I look ugly in it?” I said.   “No- No you look good.” Mark and Michael said making Rose laughs that it changed the atmosphere that seems to get weirder.   “Let’s get going guys. Mark and the others will ride with uncle Oliver and Michael. Let’s go before we get late.” Rose said as she helps me pull my gown up.   We all follow as the others ride to the van as I slowly slide to the black minivan we used to come here yesterday. I look at the window as we drive towards my province. It’s been months since I had stepped on that place. My province is a little village composed of farming villagers, it is a quiet and secluded place but news runs like wildfire in that place that is why I have to hide that I am adopted by my known parents and that my real family is insanely rich. The bad news about me will start to arise and it will only harm my grown family. I begged my family and my uncle Oliver to keep my sudden life change a secret. Michael also is told to keep it a secret since he was there when my real parents took me. I am so grateful to him that he is also keeping it as much as he could.   “What are you thinking? You are too silent.” I look at Rose when she suddenly speaks.   Zyrem and Clide are on the front seat as Zyrem drives and Clide looks around as if checking for any cars tailing us.   “I’m thinking about that project proposal thingy that grandpa told us to prepare. My grandpa called, guess what he said.” I said with a deep sigh just by thinking about that.   “What?” Rose asks as she looks at me.   “Impress us.” I said repeating what grandpa said as I take a deep breath before looking back to the sceneries outside the window.   At about 9:10 am we arrive at the province. I am so reluctant to go out of the car as I look at the visitors around the house where I grow up, memories of me in this place start to flood my mind making me smile. I remember how I got scolded when I was 10 for playing outside instead of helping with house chores. Mama was so mad at me since I was tasked to cook rice but when they arrive from work nothing is cooked. I can still remember the stick hitting me on my butt many times and ME running away to the mountain crying and wishing. That time I wished that I am rich and with one call someone will take me away from this place to end my agony from endless working on the farm and being in the sun all of the time. I smile at the weird coincidence of that.   “This place is really cold.” Rose said making me smile.   I see my mama with my niece Clayra wearing a cute violet gown, Clayra is one of the flower girls and she looks so cute in her gown and flower basket with ribbons and flowers as decoration. My mama is wearing a traditional dress weaved in the traditional way. Our car approaches where they are laughing and talking with some guests as Zyrem finds a free space to park the car. All eyes are on us as they wait to see who is in this luxurious car that even if it is a minivan it is still in its brand new state and branded famous name. I see my uncle Oliver get off the van that is been parked by Michael a little far from the groom’s residence followed by the others. They seem to have delayed my mama and the other from walking towards us as they all introduced their selves.   “Come on, don’t be nervous. You have done this before. Remember, at your showing party.” Rose said as she opens the door on her side to walk out after Zyrem parked it a little bit closer to our house because we still need to unload those boxes of fruits and wines from my real parents.   “Who said I’m nervous, I’m freaking cold. Can’t they have chosen a much thicker and not revealing dress for this wedding? It’s freaking cold in here.” I said as I rub my thighs in my gown since when Rose open the door the cold wind meet me and in the gown, I am wearing it is impossible to remain warm.   Clide and Zyrem walk out of the car then Clide walks to my door and opens it making the cold wind blow to me even more making me hug myself as I take Clide’s offered hand then slide my feet out of the car. I sigh as I stand in front of Clide still shivering as I hope that my body will get accustomed to the weather here any moment soon. I shiver as Clide takes off his brown trench coat and wraps it around my shoulders covering my body with its warmth. I look at him and hold the side of the coat so it won’t slide off my shoulders.   “Wait, Clide aren’t you going to be cold?” I ask looking worriedly at him with his black t-shirt and black knitted sweatshirt.   “Don’t worry Milady my t-shirt and sweatshirt is too warm.” Clide said as he is about to bow but I stop him.   “Okay but Clide – don’t call me Milady here. Anna will be fine.” I said as I look at him.   “I understand Mila…… Miss Anna.” He said when he looks at him sharply.   He bends down and zips the zipper of the coat until my chest covering my gown. I sigh as the warmth from his coat starts to make me feel calm. Rose walk towards me and look at the people near the house and some are looking on our way.   “People are looking.” Rose said making me snort.   “Prying should be the proper word. I am sure they are thinking something odd seeing us in this car and seeing Clide and Zyrem… they are still a foreigner and that is quite uncanny in this place where city attitudes are being criticized.” I said with a sigh.   I look around the place as Zyrem and Clide stand behind me. I see my mama look in our direction and then smile as she faces my uncle Oliver again. I see my niece running towards me, it seems like she is the only one who doesn’t care about why we are in a luxurious minivan that looks so brand new and that I am in the company of two foreigners.   “Aunt Anna, Aunt Anna.” I turn to look at my niece who is running towards me with her cute dress that is a mini version of what I am wearing.   I smile and lean down into the level of my niece as I hold her cheek then hold her hand.   “Clayra, where are your Uncle Rafael and Aunt Susanah?” I ask as I try looking over the other people near the house but the car is covering us.   Rafael is my brother, he is the 3rd amongst the Marcelos and Susanah Clicente is his bride. They are like childhood sweethearts that started as childhood playmates. Our houses are just a few meters apart so if you look farther on the road the bride’s residence is just visible so we can see those many guests in that place too.   “They are preparing in aunt Susanah’s house. We can go and see them.” Clayra said as she plays with my necklaces.   “Maybe later, I and my friends are tired from the way here. Would you go and see if we have a place to relax for a few minutes.” I said with a smile as Clayra nods and run towards the house.   I watch my niece run towards the house as mama walk towards us followed by Uncle Oliver and our classmates with Michael.   “Thank God you made it Anna. This must be Rose your best friend.” my mama said as she smiles warmly at Rose and then at the two men behind me.   “Hello, auntie it’s nice to meet you. Anna was right, this place is freezing.” Smiled Rose as my mama look at them.   “Come on everyone let us first go inside to rest. The ceremony will start at 10 so let’s have some warm snacks and coffee first.” my mama said.   “Ah wait before I forget ma, we have many present from- from our family friend…… well anyway, can you send some men to unload it from the car and bring it all inside. My gift to the couple is in there too; it is the one wrap in silver. If it is okay those presents in green wrappers can they place it into my previous room before? I’ll sort it out after the wedding. Those wooden boxes are full of fruits and wines…… courtesy of our family friends.” I said as Rose and I open the back door of the minivan revealing those many presents and wooden boxes in there.   “We can help you bring all of those in.” my uncle said and on his cue, Michael, Ian, Casper, and the others carry those out of the car and bring them into the house as mama guide them in.   We also follow when all the items in the car are gone. Clide and Zyrem take our bags then lock the door. We all sit on the chairs surrounding the wooden table while the other guests left to check what is happening in the bride’s residence where everyone is getting ready and fixed for the ceremony. My sister Arsey, Clayra’s mother who is the 2nd child and Daisy who is the 4th one are serving us some warm pancakes buttered with chocolates and some warm coffee. My papa and Uncle Oliver are talking in the corner. Some of the elder visitors and other mothers are sitting there talking. I can see their stealing glances and that whispering.   “Anna your phone is ringing.” I am nudged by Rose who is sitting beside me.   I look at my purse bag and see that it is the phone given by my dad where I save the numbers of people related to the Villaflors while the one grandpa gave me if of that people grandpa introduced me to. I look at the caller’s name to see that it is an unknown number. With my brows up I get up and walk out of the house after excusing myself while holding my gown up so I won’t step on it. I sit on the wooden bench outside the house and hit the answer pad. Why do I feel that this caller emits annoyance?  
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