Chapter 34: Call from the ice-cold princess

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  “Hello, who is this?” I said as I see Clide and Zyrem coming out of the house and walks towards me.   I just sigh when they walk towards me and stand beside me with their usual butler gestures. I just shake my head still can’t wrap in my thought that I have some butlers that are as handsome as them and that I am an heiress of a rich family… when all my childhood that I spent in here I have to do everything just to survive like working in the farm, doing house chores, carrying heavy things like drinking water that we need to fetch in a stream a little far from the house, and studying so hard just to find a much better job than staying here forever. Then now…… I still feel like I am just dreaming of everything. My simple, hard and boring life had changed completely in just a snap of a finger. It is just like a fairytale story but then…… for me it is like it is turning into a horror tale.   “Yow ugly! Where are you?” I hear a familiar cold voice that made my eyebrows shoot up.   “Oh! This ice-cold princess voice, let me guess…… Princess Cole. What had you eaten that you think of calling your dear beloved cousin?” I said with sarcasm as I look at Clide and Zyrem then sign them to sit beside me on that wooden bench.   The two sit on each of my sides making me in the middle. I sigh as I feel the warmth coming from the two who look like a cat that is being wary of the surroundings. I just smile seeing their silly alerted faces as they look around into those passing guests who are stealing glances at us making me want to scream at them.   “Yah right! I just called to see if you are already giving up. Trust me; you can’t beat us with this project proposal presentation. You will end up humiliating yourself. I’ve heard Marlon and Austin have already come up with something big. Listen to my advice and back out.” He said as I hear that noisy background.   I can hear people chattering and some clinking glasses and that disco music is too loud. I already got the idea that he is in a bar.   “Wait, where are you? Why is it so noisy there? Don’t tell me you are drinking right now. Cole better stays away from trouble seeing how troublesome you are.” I utter as I look around me.   I heard laughter before the sound of something screaming and some hard smacking.   “Huh! Don’t worry about me or anyone else. You better worry about yourself because you have some scary enemies. You might one day give up and cry in agony. Better give up now and leave…… for your own safety.” Cole’s cold voice said but I feel relieved that he at least has some concern towards me even if he hides it by being mean and cold towards me.   “Thank you for your concern Cole but I think I can do this. Take care of yourself and stop drinking.” I said and I hear him snort.   After a few seconds of silence I heard a girl flirting near the cellphone so I know she is near Cole and then I heard him pushing her with his grunt and sound of distaste.   “Ah hell! Get off me. Excuse me – I’m not concerned about you. Hey! I told you to get off me, lady.” I nearly laugh hearing Cole’s shout, I can literally hear everything and I can almost picture what is happening.   “Come on Cole. Shania said you like me.” A woman’s voice said sounding like an obsessed woman in love.   “Shania? Damn lady, get a grip. I never said anything like that. Tell your best friend that I need to talk to her.” Cole said and I hear a glass shuttering on the floor.   “Shania doesn’t want to. Besides, she said you two broke up because she loves someone else. Come on, you will like me soon.” The lady said and I heard another glass broke. “I said get off!” Cole's angry and scary shout echoes as I heard voices.   “He- Hello Cole, are you okay there?” I said softly worried that something bad had happened on his side after a few minutes when I heard a door slamming.   “Oh! I thought you ended the call already.” A weary voice said.   “A- Are you okay. You seem – frustrated. Are you drunk?” I said changing my tone in a softer and concerned voice.   I heard Cole takes a deep breath then after a minute of silence he speaks again but this time it surprises me since his tone changed into a softer one and he sounds like he is so tired making me feel uneasy and more worried.   “Zam, I… envy you.” He said.   “Why is that?” I ask surprised at what he said as I look up to the roof that covers the porch of the house where washing of clothes usually is done but got wider when they clear everything that will go out of the way.   As far as I can see my parents are having a major reconstruction of our old house making it a little bit wider and cleaner like I have told them so. I sent them money to do the reconstruction and I am proud to give them some money from my own hard work… I totally made a deal with my real parents that I will help on the farm every free time I have and they will give me salary like of the other workers. So far I had sent my parents here an amount that will start the reconstruction until I can gain much more. My real parents wanted to give me the money free but I have to prove to everyone that I am not a gold digger and that I don’t want to become a weak Cinderella who will rely on pure luck to have a better life.   “I envy you because you have understanding and loving parents who support you and do not dictate what you do. You are quite lucky… THUS I hated you more than anyone else.” He said as I heard him sigh again.   “I – don’t know what to say but – Cole. We are born with our own minds to think for our own good. We are not born as robots that follow people’s orders. Even if my parents will not support me I will still follow what my heart says because I’m not a robot that can be controlled. Cole – find that person who can support you with anything. I know we are different but…… you are better than anything Cole, as long as you do what you want to do. I just don’t know if you can fight for it… like I am doing now even if it is so hard and dangerous I will face these trials even if I have to face all of you who look down on me even if you don’t know who I really am.” I said as I sit straight and sign to Zyrem to loosen the knot on my hair for it is making my headache.   Zyrem stands behind me and slowly loosens the tie. I sigh when I feel that relief from my head and that I feel like the cold is not intense anymore even if I am wearing Clide’s trench coat.   “Huh!! I don’t know what you mean but don’t think that you can win over me on this coming presentation.” Cole’s natural mocking voice returned and I smile at that.   “Ha! Ha! Give it your best ice-cold Princess. Let’s see what each can do. Oh! I need to go. Cole, take good care of your own health and I mean it. It will be no fun if you will suddenly be out of the competition… as you all call it.” I said before ending the call when I see my mama and the others coming out of the house as they look at us upon seeing us.   “Let’s head to the church, your brother and Susanah had already gone ahead.” my mama said as I just nod and stand.   I am a little bit pissed at how the other visitors keep on looking at me. I look behind me to see Clide and Zyrem looking as awkward as me as they just stay silent there. Rose walks towards me and looks at my face.   “Uhmmnn is it okay if you all go first. I need to fix Anna’s make-up.” Rose said as everyone nod and walk ahead of us looking so suspicious of who and why we have some foreigners with us though mama and the others told them that they are like sons of a family friend but they are making issues in their minds again.   I slowly and carefully sit again as Clide and Zyrem just stand behind Rose. Rose brings out her make-ups from her pouch and starts putting my face with different make-up.   “Who called?” Rose said as she fixes her things after putting me some make-up.   “My cousin Cole. He sounded so depressed and he is in a bar I think.” I said as I stand and Clide kneels to straighten the folds of my gown.     “Is he like those people who don’t want you...”   “No, I think he's different. A loner I can tell, he is just being bossed around by his parents making him this ice-cold princess.” I cut her off and Rose smiles.   “Ice-cold Princess huh, he sounds like a total pain.” Rose said making me giggle then nod.   “You got that right. He is one block of ice that I cannot figure out and no one can melt, a very odd one to get near to but a little better than the rest.” I said with a sigh then look towards the road.   We all slowly walk to this stupidly rocky and muddy road leading to the church as every person we will pass or walk with will look at us. I just sigh and hold my gown up as the two males follow behind me and Rose as usual. I see many people around the church and I can see Susanah in her long wedding gown standing beside her parents who are fixing her dress, they are at the very end of the marching line that being fixed by Daisy holding the ceremony paper with the names of people who will enter the church. I walk slowly when I step on a stone and about to fall when Zyrem and Clide hold me in place. Rose bent down and raises my gown to look at my now painful feet. Rose pulls my pump and looks at my feet. I see her take a Band-Aid on her pouch and put it into my feet before she returns my pumps and straightens my gown before standing straight.   “Be careful Anna, my gosh! your foot had turned really red and is starting to swell. Can you still walk?” Rose asks looking at me worried.   “I’m fine, I can still walk. I am just not used to wearing pumps with 3-inch heels in a rocky road like this.” I said as I wait for Rose to turn and continue walking.   I feel as worried as everyone is looking at us as we approach the crowd. Somewhat I feel so anxious for an unknown reason. I wonder why is it because I am back to this place… the place I grow up to and hated before and that everyone who watched me grows up are looking at me OR… is it the fact that I have to face a greater challenge facing my cousins in that project proposal thingy? Nonetheless, I feel so weird and different.   “Anna there you are, come now to your place. Allan your partner is already in the line. Your friends should go to the church first so they can have better seats.” My sister Daisy said as we approach the line as Susanah smiles at me when we pass them.   I sigh and take a deep breath before I look at everyone then face Rose while the two men are looking so serious now. I guess my annoyance at how people are looking at me is making me more pissed and challenged. I’ll show them something different if I have to… the hell with their preying eyes and the villages’ rumors.  
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