Chapter 11: Zamanna the warrior princess

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“Dear, I made it for you, use this in your showing party and everyone will be so surprised and envious.” My aunt Carla said as Jake come in with 2 more dresses in his hands.   “Jake, thank you. You can choose from these three too.” Aunt Carla said excitedly as she takes the two dresses that are placed in hangers and hang them into some hooks there.   We look to the dresses as I look at those astounded and bewildered. The dresses are so gorgeous and unique. I can see my Aunt Carla’s unique designs and style; I look at her as she smiles while looking at me.   “Wow! Aunty they are so pretty, thank you. Though, it might take long for that party to happen. I haven’t yet met those relatives of ours and my parents and grandfather said I need more time to settle to my new life.” I said as my aunt just nod and tap my shoulder.   “Well, if THAT party will finally come you know who you can call for a major dress.” My aunt said as Jake and I smiles.   “Of course, Aunt Carla and.....  thank you for these lovely dresses you’ve made for me. They are so beautiful.”   I eat lunch with Jake and Aunt Carla in a nearby cuisine. I enjoy every moment with them before Jake and I together with his friends decide to head into the falls for their fun time. We are all currently walking up the trail towards the forest after we left the van in the parking lot.   “Riri, I am happy that you came with us. You look so different. What is the occasion? Jake said looking at me from head to toe.   “Nothing, I just want to at least try using makeup and wearing these clothes. It will be just a waste if I let it hang on the closet.” I said with a smile.   “Hmmm, I am just as happy you are here and enjoying with us.” Jake said and I just smile and nod. Oh! You might be wondering what their “fun time” is. It is not like what you think, they are not a group of kids gathering together and drinking, NO. There this lovely small log house a few meters away from the falls standing right in the forest. Inside, Jake and his friends play and practice their music. Yes, Jake is a singer and they have a band he created with his friends. They practice in that log house so that they won’t bother people.   “What do you think of our song?” Jake asks as I sat there listening and cheering them.   “I love it, one more time please.” I said making the others laugh as they continue to play again.   After their practice, we all get together into the falls and swim. That is why I love this place when they first brought me here. I think it is the only place I like and feel relaxed at amongst the place I’ve been to right after coming here so far.   “Now enough of this practice and let’s head towards the fall. Let’s have a race; first to arrive in the falls will get to ask anyone of us some requests that the person should do. Deal?” Broze said making everyone stretch and then look at one another as if agreeing.   “Deal.” All said as we all race out of the log house and run towards the falls.   We all are gasping for air as we reach the falls. Carl is happily waving on top of a big rock. He is the fastest to arrive so he is giving a victory wave using his jacket.   “Alright, alright... so who is the unfortunate one?” Shawn asks as we all sit on the rocks.   “Broze, you will have to cook different delicious meals for all of us for a week.” Carl said making Broze froze and everyone starts to cheer.   From what I know about them all, Broze is the one who does not know how to cook and is being taught by Lily and Kaye. Seeing his regretting and unwilling look every one of us laughs and literally forces Broze to agree.     We had so much fun, after our ‘fun time’ in the forest and swimming on that falls we all walk down to return back to the town. I am now wearing one of Jake’s t-shirt; it is a brown t-shirt that now looks like a dress to me because Jake is 6’9 tall and I am just 5’4 and is in his chest level. I am only wearing stockings and Jake’s t-shirt like a mini dress as Jake’s arm is wrapped around my shoulders. I am fine with that because Jake takes me as a younger sister. He is holding on his other hand my wet clothes placed on a plastic bag because he pushed me in the water after I have only taken off my stockings. He really is mean.   “Jake, please don’t tell Aunt Carla about my face, okay.” I said and Jake look at me as if he doesn’t want to but then nods.   They saw my swollen red cheek when the water washed away the make-up from my face. I told them what happened and they were all so shocked. I clearly see how Jake swallowed hard as he looks and checks my cheek.   “Yah! Sure, just let me hit that JERK on his face. He should be protecting you YET because of the psycho fling f his he even hit you. The nerve!” He said sounding as angry as he takes a deep breath and they all look at me.   “Oh! You don’t need to do that Jake. I already did.” I said sounding so amused remembering what I did to Henry’s face.   I told them how I punch Henry after he slaps me. They all laugh at that as we continue walking down. My wet hair is now freely hanging on my shoulders. Jake suddenly stops walking when we arrive at the entrance of the forest where stalls of gift shops are located for tourists and where we park the car to the parking lot. There is this park and resort just on the opposite side of the forest so tourists are flooding there. I and the others also stop to see what Jake is doing when he walked towards a stall. Oh! Yes, I forgotten to introduce Jake’s friends, we have 2 ladies and 3 males, 2 of them are the same age as me and most are the same age as Jake. There is Lily and her best friend Kaye, Lily is Shawn’s girlfriend and Lily introduces Kaye to the group. Also, there are Broze and Carl who are good at guitars. Shawn is their drummer, Lily is the pianist and Kaye is the bassist. Jake is the lead singer and also a guitarist while the others are also his back-up singers. They all became a good team ever since high school and they are actually great together. They are all really good and combined together they are perfect. They perform everywhere they like, on the bars, hotels, or even on occasions like fiestas.   “What is he doing?” Kaye asks as we all wait for Jake.   We watch Jake as he speaks to the flower shop vendor. The flower shop vendor gives him 3 red roses and he returns to us with a smile on his cute and handsome face. I watch as Jake gives Lily and Kaye the two, he came closer to me with a grinning smile. I just look at him confused and wondering.   “What’s that smile for?” I ask as I watch him walk closer to me still holding that one stem red rose.   “May I?” he said as he shows me his comb.   Still confused I just smile and then nod to give him my permission. I see how his team looks at us with their amused smiles. Jake starts to comb my hair and I feel that he is tying it into a knot but some strands of my hair are hanging freely on my neck.   “Oh goodness Jake, we don’t know you got it in you.” His friends said when they see what he does to my hair.   Even if I can’t see it I know he did fine base on the other’s surprised and amazed reactions to their faces. He slowly breaks the rose into a smaller stem and slowly slides it into my hair; I feel it from the knot he tied.   “There, you look perfect. Zam, you were brought to sky mansion as Anna and you lived there as Zam. Now I want you to return there as Zamanna, the perfect combination of a princess and a warrior. Show to that jerk Henry that his words and actions can never break you down. You want to know why I like you upon meeting you. It is all because you look so different from any woman I have ever met. You are strong, confident in yourself, you are a fighter and you do not act so high and mighty. Continue doing that, no one is forcing you to change into a princess.” Jake said looking at me.   “Yes Zam, Jake is right. Show him that you’re way better than him. Better than his girlfriend who is a two-faced bitch.” Kaye said as they all smile at me.   “Thank you, everyone. At least I feel okay now, thanks to all of you. It was really hard being someone else when I really want to be.... me... to be Anna. I was torn between choosing to act like a princess and being who I really am.” I sadly said.   They all circle me and hold me by my hand and I can feel their assuring warmth. I look at them to see them smiling at me with their eyes encouraging me.   “You don’t need to choose between being Zam and being Anna. You can just be both at the same time.” Shawn said as the others nod.   “Thanks, Shawn.”   “Now let’s bring you back home.” Carl said as we all walk inside Broze’s black van.   They are singing all the way to Sky Mansion while I listen to them and I feel so much better, thanks to them.   When we arrive at sky mansion, Broze parks the car in the mansion’s parking area as I take a deep breath as everyone walks out of the car.   “Wow! It’s really lovely here. Even if I have been here before I still feel so amazed and overwhelmed.” I heard Lily said.   I look out to Jake looking at me as he stands outside the car. He smiles at me and extends his hand towards me.   “Come on Princess Warrior, time to show the world who you really are.” He said as he looks at me and waits for me to take his hand.   I smile and slowly slide my feet out of the car and take Jake’s hand as he supports me. Jake closes the car’s door after I am out and we look at each other.   “Come on guys, have dinner with me. I’m hungry, and I’ll feel bad if I just let you go, after all – you did make me feel better.” I said with a smile as they all look at one another then they smile and nod.   “We can’t leave you here knowing Henry is here. Who knows what he can do to you.” Lily said making the others nod.   The truth is that I don’t want to face Henry and Sammantha alone. I want them to come with me to so I can be able to raise my head and be confident. I smile as we all walk towards the door. The door opens and we see all the servants lined up again like usual as they greet us. The people behind me are all stunned as they follow me.   “Can you please prepare food for us? Thank you, Oh! And please call Beth too.” I said to one of the maids as she bows and left to do what she is told.   “Whew! Is this happening every day?” the people behind me said as I look at them and see them looking around.   I wave the maids to return to what they are doing. I see my nana coming out from the direction of the kitchen and walk closer to face me.   “Dear, are you okay? Oh! Look at your face. Henry and THAT girl are in the kitchen.” my nana said in a whisper.   “I’m fine nana, what are they doing there anyway?” I ask sounding so piss just by hearing their names. My nana pulls me into a hug.   “They are eating. Oh! Jake, you guys. Welcome, so you are with them all along dear. I was so worried. Thank you for looking after her.” my nana said as she hugs them one after the other.   We all froze and look at one another when we heard an angry shout from the kitchen. We slowly walk towards there to see what is going on. We see Henry and his b***h sitting there together. The b***h stands and starts to rub her lap, I clearly see a smudge of brownish tint in her white dress. Henry stands and starts yelling at the maid who accidentally spills the soup.   “What the hell is wrong with all of you? Why can’t you stop harassing Samantha? Why are you staying 3 feet away from us all this time? What’s wrong with all of you?” he yells that made my eyebrows shoot up; he really is a piece of s**t.   “IT’S BECAUSE I told them so.” I said as they all look at me; I walk towards an empty chair in front of them.   Henry looks at me coldly as Sammantha sits down and is so silent as if she is a bullied damsel in distress. I clearly see how red her other cheek is.... just like mine but a little bit worst. That made me feel better, I look up at Henry to see how red his left eye is and I feel much better. It looks like my punch landed into his left eyes, how nice... for sure he will have a black eye in the morning. I sign the maid he is scolding and she slowly steps back 3 feet away from Henry and is lined with the others.   “And Henry, nothing is wrong with all of them. They’re actually perfect and decent. The one with something wrong is Y.O.U.” I said as Henry suddenly taps his hands on the table.   He frightened everyone even Sammantha but I just cross my arms and lean on the chair as I challenge his anger. Who does he think he is? If everyone in here cowers in fear when he does that..... COME ON, don’t expect me to kneel and beg to a jerk like him. Never will I let him step on me even if I am so poor and he is too rich.   “What the hell is wrong with you? Did you tell them to do that to her?” he said screaming with his scary cold tone as he points at Sam’s lap.   What an overreacting fool he is. I laugh and look at him seriously.   “Oh! For goodness sake Henry, THAT didn’t kill her. I hope it did (I whisper but I know they heard it). It’s just an accident. And stop shouting you’re at the table, have a manner. Did you teach me that right Henry? Aren’t teachers supposed to be a great role model to their students?” I said as I look at Jake and the others.   “Oh! Come on you guys. Don’t be such a stranger and sit with me.  Everyone, please bring us plates and food.” I said as I look at the maids who look so scared.   They all start to work ignoring Henry. Jake and the others sit beside me.   “Hello, Henry. It’s nice of you to treat the ONLY DAUGHTER of the persons who helped you this way. I am so disappointed. You are now on my watch list remember that.” Jake said coldly after he sits; I can feel the tension in the air as Henry remains so silent.   I see Beth walks in and stands behind me, her head is bowed and hands interlaced into her stomach. When we are done eating we left the 2 lovey-dovey there and head outside. I watch as their car leave before I walk back inside still followed by Beth. Henry is there waiting for me.   “Zam, we need to talk.” He said seriously as he looks at me.   “Talk? Really now, I bet you meant to debate. Sorry I have no more energy and time to just waste on you.” I said and walk by past him.   He grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I lost my balance and fall on his chest. I look up at him really pissed; his face looks so surprised but just look at my face. I push him away then with all my anger and frustration I slap him right to his face. Sorry I can’t help it, this is not the type of person I am but he really is stepping on me this much. I look at him with burning eyes before fixing myself.   “Don’t you dare touch me?! Even my grown brothers and adoptive parents never did lay their hands on me. How dare you! I hate you, Henry. I only wish I was never been found so I haven’t met such a person like you. I am so sorry for my parents but... I can’t stay in one place with you. I did try to be nicer to you and befriend you but you only showed me distaste. You disgust me.” I spit with venom as I look at him angrily.   He is just frozen there; I turn away and left him there. When I am about to walk up the stairs I stop to look at him, all the servants are frozen in place as they bow their heads but I am aware that they are listening. No one dared to move or speak as if only Henry and I are there. He really pisses me off.   “Open your eyes and see the reality before coming to talk to me. I hate dreamers – and fakers. I wonder why you are so angry at me when I AM NOT the one who left you on your wedding day and stole all your money. I hope she will do that again to you, you deserve it.” I said mixed with venom before walking up the stairs and heading towards my room.   I close my door just to sigh and walk towards my bed. I drop my tired body on the bed; I stared into the ceiling for a few moments. With all of that, I begin to cry, I admit I am weak like this. All my fighting, my screaming, and me being strong are just my act but are slowly eating me up. There is too much negative energy in this place and it is making me weak. I touch my aching face before I look at my cellphone. To what happened this day, I am so determined now to leave. I have to prove to that jerk that I don’t care about being rich. Can I even buy my own happiness and my freedom with my parents’ money? No right? How dare he to say that I came for money. He didn’t even bother to know me really well YET he said that I came for money..... I only hope my plan will work. SCREW HIM!
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