Chapter 38: Successful k********g and My escape

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  “There she is catch her, stupid idiots!” I heard a man’s shout and I look back to see those 4 men running after me.   I run and run in a direction I don’t know all I care about is to get away from them for a little while so I can think of what to do. When I am tired I hide on a big tree as I peek to see that the 4 men running after me are looking around to look for me.   “Go there and I’ll go here. Catch her or I’ll catch your heads!” the angry man said as 2 runs to the other side and 2 to the opposite side.   I am breathing heavily when a man suddenly grabs me from behind. I tried so hard to struggle but since I am so tired, disoriented, and still can’t think straight not to mention that his arm around my waist is so hard I am unable to resist.   “Gotcha kitty, where do you think you’re going? Don’t worry, daddy Ben will take care of you.” The man said and I almost vomit at the stinky smell of his breath.   He pulls a knife from his pocket and starts to play it in my body. I feel really disgusted right now and I really don’t like how he is holding me. If I have a g*n now I might have killed him without thinking of anything about killing someone. This guy is the type of man I call an animal and not a human. Since he is behind me all I know is that he has the same height as Henry about 5 ‘7 feet tall but have a body like of The Rock: Dwayne Johnson, the smell of liquor and cigarette which I hated so much, and he has a color skin like of the color of chocolate. In short, this man holding me emits a very perverted vibe which I really hated among men.   “Hmmnn too young, soft skin and smells like a fragrant rose. I do sure that you are a virgin.” he said as I can feel his warm breath on my nape as he smells me like he is some kind of an animal.   I gasp when his hand touches me on my sensitive part and even if I am wearing my jeans I still feel his hand making me feel so dirty…… and so furious. His other hand holding the knife is in my neck. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I must calm down so I can use my training. This is the perfect time to use all that I learned from Mr. Benjamin and the others.   “Let go of me you freak!” I scream and he just continues to play with my very private part.   He rubs here in there as if he is rubbing his cat. I really want to pound on him and s***h his neck with his knife as I feel so violated. The man laughs and I close my eyes to gather my strength.   “That’s it Kitty, moan and beg me to continue.” He said.   When he is about to kiss me by making me face him I step on his foot with all my might using the heel of my boats, when he is caught off guard I kick him to his head from above since he leans over to rub his aching foot that I step to making his head just the right height for me to kick. He jumps to stab me and I feel a sudden pain in my left arm. I look at it and see that my left arm is bleeding and I have a deep wound that is bleeding. The man seems to have stabbed me too fast that even if I dodge I was still wounded. I see him smirk making me even angrier.   “That’s it. You asked for this.” I said angrily and I jump to the man then pulled him to the ground.   I lock his arm which is holding the knife that is dripping with my blood then twist his arm making him scream out loud. I take the knife and stab him on his left shoulder. I get up as I watch him roll to the ground due to the stab and to his dislocated left arm.   “You b***h I’ll kill you for this!” he angrily shouts and when I remember how I was violated by this stupid man I take a big rock beside me and dropped it to the man’s groin. The man starts to roll in the ground and his face screams in pure pain.   “Never- never and ever touch a girl in her private part especially if she is against it. I may look kind and weak but I’m also a f*****g devil!” I said in pure anger as I walk towards him holding my bleeding arm.   “You b***h – you b***h!!” he keeps on shouting as he holds his groin.   “Yah!!! I know that already. But you – YOU are a piece of s**t!” I said as she kicks him on his stomach.   I take my handkerchief from my pocket and using my mouth I tie it in my wounded arm to stop it from bleeding. I turn around when I heard my name being called from afar.   “Milady – Lady Zarianne where are you?” I heard Zyrem’s frantic calling making me sigh in relief.   I start to walk in the direction of his voice. I smile in relief seeing him looking around the forest as he calls for me and he is holding a g*n in his hand.   “Zyrem, I’m here. Zyrem!!” I shout as I walk towards him.   When he sees me he immediately runs towards me and checks all over my body. He suddenly drops to his knees and looks at the floor making me step back in surprise.   “Forgive us Milady for being a failure. We- we disappointed you. This- this is our fault. We should have seen that they have been waiting for us in the mall and that they are waiting for a time we will separate. One of us should have stayed to protect you. Punish- punish us Milady.” Zyrem said as he bows there to me then holds out a dagger from behind his butler uniform coat then presents it up to me with one hand.   Clide also arrive and did the same. I just smile and walk towards them then give them both a pat on their shoulder.   “You guys, I am just as happy that you two are safe and are here now. That is more than enough for me. And stop saying that it is your fault because with or without you danger will still come to me as many want me to disappear just for that silly inheritance. They are no point blaming yourselves; all you can do now is to do your best since from now on many like this might happen again. Wait… how- how did you find me?” I said as I look at them and pull them up so they will stand.   “We track you, Milady. Forgive us for being late.” Clide said as they still bow to me while I look at them confused.   “Track me? I- I don’t have my phone – oh! Yah! I dropped it in the mall's C.R. with my bag and the folders.” I said feeling so frustrated since all my presentation is in that bag.   “Don’t worry Milady we have your cell phone and your bag in the car. There is a tracker set by your father in your necklace. Milady, are you hurt? Are you okay? You have blood in your clothes.” Zyrem said worriedly.   “No- no I’m fine, these are from that crazy man who is so perverted to even violate my body.” I said and upon remembering it my face changed making Zyrem and Clide angry.   “He did WHAT? Where is that man, Milady?” Clide asks looking as angry as ever.   I take a deep breath as I just look into the direction I left the man to. I don’t care anymore what they will do to him. Men like him are not worth my sympathy and even my time. Clide runs towards there still holding his g*n in his hand like Zyrem. I look at Zyrem confused as I look at the g*n in his hand. I think I might need one from now on. I will talk to grandpa about it; I hope he will agree to give me one.   “By the way, I remember there are 4 men. Where are they?” I ask upon remembering those men who went looking for me.   I look around trying to hide the pain I am feeling in my arm. I didn’t mention it to the two since they might get worried and rush me to the hospital. After they do this to me huh! I will make sure to arrive in the company and show them that messing with me is a bad idea.   “We already tied them in the entrance. We called sir Denvert and he said he called General Benjamin and they are on their way.” Zyrem said as I look at my watch to see that it is already 1 hour after my k********g.   “I see, we need to go to the company. The presentation, we need to go.” I said as Clide walks towards us with the man I had beaten walking in front of him and I see that he was beaten again so I know that Clide is the one who beat him again… tsk serves him right.   After changing my clothes in the car I sit comfortably on the passenger’s side as Clide and Zyrem sit in the front silently. I slowly hold unto my wounded arm that is covered by my sleeve. Zyrem and Clide do not know about it and I will keep it a secret for now until my presentation is over. I called Mera after changing and she is so frantic. I am even scolded by her though I didn’t tell her what happened since I know they will surely worry and stop the presentation. I ask her if she can delay them so I can present. I don’t know what she will do but I can feel that it is something crazier than me hiding my wound.   “I hope we can make it. I really want to show those people that I am really pissed at what they did and I can be as vicious once provoked.” I smirked as I look out of the window still trying not to feel the throbbing pain in my arm.   To the wound I have, I saw that it is as wide as my middle finger and it is like 1 inch deep. I know that it needs medical attention right away and stitching or I will lose a lot of blood but… I don’t want those cunning people to feel triumph once I won’t appear. We arrived at Star and we are now in the elevator going to the presentation hall. I take a deep breath then smirk as anger and frustration are seen in my face. Zyrem and Clide also look at me just to look at each other and swallowed really hard. I see Mera and Mr. Roland frantically walking back and forth in front of a door.   “So… did we made it or not?” I said with my serious and cold tone.   The two both look at me with shock. Mera runs towards me and hugs me tightly. I feel my arms sting when Mera hugged me really tightly but I just let it. Not just my arm but also my hips that the man punched. To be honest all part of my body hurt because of fighting that man and my wound from the rusted stairs where I jump to escape.   “My God, I was so worried. When you suddenly… in our call… I was so nervous...” I immediately cover her mouth and shake my head to tell her to keep it quiet.   “How- how is the presentation? I know I am late but… can I still present? I don’t want to waste your efforts in helping me besides…… someone has really challenged my anger and wants to see my dark side.” I said with all anger and seriousness in my face making the two look at each other and swallowed hard.   I know they are really scared and confused as to why I am being like this… I know that this is not like my usual self but I really hate being the subject of bullying and maltreatment. I will fight back for sure, that is why I hate movies especially those fairy tales with weak girl leads and novels that have weak and meek protagonists who tolerate bullying and maltreatments yet in the end their lives become so nice like Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, and others… this is real life so it is to eat or be eaten. Mr. Roland nods and opens the door for me. Mera holds my hand as if telling me to stop.   “What happened? Why are you like this? Wait… did- did your crazy relatives did something…” I look at my friend’s worried face then smile.   Mera stops and I walk closer to her; I hold Mera’s cold face then give her a pat on her cheek.   “I’ll be fine. Now assist me with my presentation please because I won’t let them look down on me just like that. Did they think that by doing that stupid thing to me they can take me back down just like that and I will cower in fear… huh they better think again” I said as my eyes burn in pure rage as I give Mera the clear books and Mera just take a deep breath before taking it in her hand.   “Sorry for the inconvenience, she’s here. Let me present to you Miss Zarianne Andrea Marlile Villaflor.” Mr. Roland said as I walk to the middle where presenters present and I snort hearing gasps from those who are on the side upon seeing me enter the room following Mera.   ‘Tsk surprised I see. Do you think you can stop me that easily? Think again, doing something stupid is really becoming my motivation to fight you dirty too.’ I said in my mind with a cold smirk towards my so-called relatives.   I see my grandfather and parents sitting in the center. On the left side are my crazy relatives. My three cousins are standing on the right. Behind them are other people I know that work and partnered with the family in the business. I take a deep breath as Zyrem follows me holding the project chart and he hangs it to the stand beside me. I am too angry and frustrated now to feel nervous so I just smile there with my cold glare towards my cousins and to my aunt and uncle. I see that my parents noticed my change so they follow as to whom I am glaring at, so did my grandfather who looks like he understood right away.   “Zam it is not proper for the only Villaflor heiress to be late in such appointment. What took you so long?” my uncle Marz said impatiently.   I am more frustrated upon hearing that and how he spits venom while saying Villaflor heiress. I smirk then look at him with a cold dead stare.   “Sorry if my tardiness frustrated you DEAR uncle… or shall I say, I am sorry that I even made it… spoil the plan I see. Nonetheless…… I have no choice but to come even if I don’t want to. A certain wolf tried to lock me up but what that wolf did not know is a prey could become vicious too. What a pity. Anyway… to all who are here I beg your forgiveness since I made you wait for being late, BUT if you can give me a chance… I can present here and now. Please don’t mind my cold manner I am not usually like this BUT… an unfortunate event had transpired to make me this way.” I said with a cold dead smile as I bow at all of them.   I heard some gasps and some whispers all around as I just smirk and look at them. I look at Mera who is standing on the side of the judges holding my clear book and waiting for the cue to distribute it to the judges including my parents and my grandfather. Like everyone she also looks as if she is confused too but since she is my best friend she looks worst since this is the first time I am being like this… not likely, I acted like this once or twice before but Mera was not there to witness it.   “Dear are you okay? Are you sure you can present? Wait… what had happened?” my mother said worriedly.   “My brave princess, you look pale. Are you alright?” my grandfather asks as he looks at me worriedly.   “I’m fine, I’m sorry I’m so late. I was held up by some freaking ugly – sorry I’m held by some traffic. Can I still present?” I said as they all whisper and then nods.   My grandfather looks around and then looks at me. I know he noticed that I am lying but seem to let it before now since I look so determined to present. I take a deep breath before I look at my so-called relatives… this time; I know they won’t let me be. More dangers will come to me and I know that… I must be ready if one day they will succeed. One thing is for sure…… I will fight them with all that I can. I will protect my family from the likes of them.      
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