Chapter 13: Followed by the jerk

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-----PRESENT TIME-----   I really can’t believe that HE is there. It had been 3 weeks and I am doing just fine. I am now back as Anna Marie Marcelo, yet WHY is he here? I look at my plate and I still can feel his gaze on me. Why is he here? Did my parents tell him where I am, I clearly told them in my calls that they are not to tell anyone especially HIM.   “Hey, best are you alright? You are so silent there; did your lasagna bite your tongue?” Rose said jokingly and I look at my friend’s face.   I slowly lean closer to Rose and sign her to get closer to me. Rose looks so confused but she leans closer to me.   “What’s wrong?” Rose whispers.   “Do you remember the man I told you about before? The one who is the son of my papa’s friend? You know, the insane man?” I said as Rose think then looks at me with wide eyes.   “Yah!  I remember. The one who is an addict and a psychopath? What about him?” Rose asks as she eats her fries. “Wait, isn’t he the one you said who slapped you? I clearly remember how swollen your left cheek was.”   “Don’t look back but he is sitting behind you. He is currently looking at me like a freaking i***t. Geee HE IS so creepy.” I said as Rose looks at me in disgust as she slowly drops the fries she picks.   Rose’s eyes widen and look at me while she is fighting the urge to look behind her. Rose just looks at me then leans more closely.   “You mean he is here, with us.”  She said.   “Yes, and we need to leave before he could notice that we are aware of him.” I said and Rose nods.   I pick my bag and put it on my shoulder as Rose grabs hers and walked ahead of me without looking back towards me to check if I am following her. I grab hold of Rose’s arm as we walk out of the fast-food but by the edge of my eyes, I clearly see him stand and follow after us. Tsk he really is persistent, what the heck is he doing here? He should be using his useless time to his useless biatch girlfriend.   “My gosh! that’s him? He looks so handsome and the way he is dressed he looks so dignified. He must be rich to afford to dress like that; I mean... the watch, the shoes, and that business suit.” Rose said taking a small peek over our shoulders.   “Yeah he is rich alright, BUT looks can be deceiving my friend. I told you, he is a psychopath. He tortured and locked 2 girls and they were his girlfriends. Hush now, he is behind us – following.” I said and Rose looks at me with the look of dread on her face, I don’t want to lie but this guy just pisses me off.   “Y-You mean he is following us?” Rose said as I sign her to be silent as we walk out of the fast-food chain.   We cross the road and face the other side. He stops behind us making Rose grab my arm so tightly. Rose must have seen him too. When I see a jeep I signal it to stop beside us.   “Wait, what about you?” Rose whispers as she reluctantly looks at me then at the jeep.   “I’ll be fine; I’ll walk into a public place so he can’t touch me. But you – you are walking alone in a very quiet place so you better go now.” I said adding a little threat to my voice as I push Rose to ride on the jeep.   I see my friend peek on the window and she waves at me taking a small glance towards my back where the jerk is standing. I wave back at Rose as the jeep drives away from where we are. I turn to see him standing behind me as I look at him emotionless. I walk bypassing him towards the jeep station where I can get a ride home. He follows me silently and suddenly blocks my way.   “How long are you going to ignore me, Zam?” he said as he looks at me coldly.   I look at him with eyebrows up and cross my arms across my chest. Who does he think he is for coming here just to give me such a tone and treat me like this? I left because he pissed me off right…… well he is the other reason why I left yes.   “Excuse me, do I know you?” I said full of distaste and sarcasm before I walk past him again.   He sighs before he follows me while walking a little faster to match my pace.   “Zam, please talk to me.” He said as he pulls me by my wrist and let me face him.   I slap him right to his face as I can feel my face burn in anger. How dare he come here and still treat me the same way he did when I am back in Sky Mansion. I can see some people looking at us but I don’t care. I turn then pull my wrist but unable to do so.   “Let go of me or I’ll punch you right to your smug face. Who do you think you are to just come here and treat me like a piece of s**t?” I said full of spite.   “I’m sorry okay. I know I am wrong; I was full of pride and even hurt you. Please let me have a chance to alter my first impression of you. Please, Zarianne. Give me another chance and let us be friends.” He said that all people walking past us are looking in our direction with their questioning faces.   “What the hell are you doing here, Jerk?” I said full of spite as I look at him before I pull my hand free from his hold.   “I’ve come to say sorry.... and to take you back home.” He said and I look at him.   I start to laugh making those who are walking past us look before they continue walking away. I look at Henry; he really is a total jerk.   “What makes you think I’ll come with you? Wait, how did you know where I am?” I ask as I walk to a corner with less attention, he follows as he looks around the place.   “No one wanted to tell me, even your parents. It seems like they don’t trust me anymore and I can’t blame them. I hurt their daughter when I am supposed to be taking good care of her. So I have no other choice but to pay a hacker to locate your phones so I can look for you. I’m so sorry, can you forgive me and please come back. Your parents are so worried about you.... and your grandfather is grilling me.” He said as I look away and take a deep breath.   “Hump that serve you right and you think I will just come with you after what had happened. You know for a seemingly smart guy you are so dumb. Do YOU think I will come with YOU who I hate so much? I am still mad at you and hate your gut, I have already forgotten about what happened that time but not how you treated me. I can’t go back right now. My classes are still ongoing. You can go back without me.” I firmly said as I look towards the buildings around here.   “I can’t, I promised your grandfather that I’ll ask for your forgiveness and I’ll bring you back. I can’t go back without you, he’ll kill me. You know him, he just won’t stop worrying and giving everyone a hard time ever since you left Sky Mansion.” He said and I just shake my head.   I already know how my grandfather is but he also knows that once I decided... I won’t back down. He is the one who said that I am just like him. Plus, I can’t just return so Henry will feel better. Hell no, he should suffer the same way I did. I smile to myself cunningly thinking of much weird revenge on my mind.   “Nope, I know my grandfather and he knows me too. Anyways as I have said, I can’t go back I have classes to attend to.” I said as I walk away from there towards the jeep station where I take my ride to the place where I am staying.   As I expected he follows after me and walks beside me. I silently smile knowing that he can’t return without me or he will face my grandfather’s wrath. My grandfather appears to be a goofy grandfather but he is so cunning and manipulative. I think I inherited that from him.... being cunning and manipulative.   “I can’t go back without you.” He said.   “Suit yourself but I still won’t go back until I have days free. You’re free to live with me but remember I have rules on my own. If you are going to stay with me, you need to follow it and learn how to live a poor normal life. Can you take the challenge?” I said as I walk as he follows.   “I’ll take it; it’s kind of you to let me stay with you after what I had done. What are the rules?” he said as I stop and look at him with a doubtful face.   “You are serious right? You will have to do everything according to what I say and what I do? Are you up to the challenge of living the way not-so-rich people live?” I ask looking at him.   “I will take the challenge until you decide to give me another chance to become your friend… and might even return with me.” He said as I tried so hard not to burst out laughing.   “Okay you better write it down, it will be too long.” I said as I cross my arms on my chest.   I really can’t get myself to believe that he is up to my challenge of staying with me. He looks as if he's starting to get pissed but forces himself to calm down. He is learning to control his temper, that’s good. He should know by now how intolerable I can be if provoked. That will be a good thing. I grin after seeing that he is determined. Some crazy ideas came into my mind.   “I’m smart I think I can manage.” He said and I look at him with a face saying ‘you got to be kidding me.’   “Okay, first I’m known here as Anna Marie Marcelo. You can’t just go on in here and call me Zam or princess. If you do that, I’ll act that I don’t know you and kick you back to Palawan. Next, if you are going to live with me, you need to learn to live like a servant. Oh! And please don’t approach my friends.” He looks at me looking as if he wants to say something but stayed quiet.   “Don’t be hurt, they might think that you are my boyfriend – and that is gross. I’m just being honest, and oh! You’re overdressed for a funeral. You need new clothes to fit in our world here, your highness.” I said with a mocking tone saying ‘your highness’ I smile at him with a smug smile.   He looks at me and he takes a deep breath before he nods. I know he is being like this since he has no choice. I have the idea that he was reprimanded by my grandfather and my parents are treating him coldly. Thus, he has to make sure I can return back to Palawan to ease his ego.   “Good, then come with me.” I said and walk ahead of him as he follows silently behind me.   We stop beside a vegetable stall and I look for some better vegetables, I silently glance at Henry to see his weird expression as he looks around. I grin when I think of something mean; after all... he DID make me suffer back at Sky Mansion. I chose some vegetables as the vendor lady put them all in a bag. I take it and hand it to him but he just looks at it confused so I raise my eyebrows at him.   “What? You said you can live the way I live as Anna right?” I said making him sigh and look at the bags then take them in his hands.   After buying something to cook we line up for a ride home. Unfortunately, public transports like buses and jeep need to be first come first serve so everyone needs to line up. Henry seems to be starting to get piss and I am forcing myself not to laugh. The look on his face is epic, remind you not to bully me ever again. We are standing for minutes waiting for a jeep to come and I can see how Henry keeps on moving around with his face sweating, somehow I feel bad for him seeing how he is not comfortable around many people of low standing. Beside us is a thrift shop or otherwise known as “wagwagan” for Filipinos. I see a t-shirt for men. I smile; having some crazy ideas is really amusing me.   “Wait for me here.” I said as I left him there.   “Wait, where are you going?” Henry asks as if he is lost, I just grin at him coldly.   “Just there, wait for me here.” I said still coldly.   I walk into the shop as I see him looking in my direction as if checking if I didn’t run away while he lines outside, he is holding 3 plastic bags of what I had just bought. He is wearing his usual business suits and he looks so out of place. I look into the hangers of clothes. I smirk seeing 5 men's t-shirts that I liked and will fit Henry.   “This seems fine. Are they washed?” I ask the shop owner making her smile as she nods at me.   “Is he your boyfriend?” The shop owner said.   This shop owner knows me since during my studies I always pass in here and buy some clothes too. Almost all of the vendors here know me to so I am expecting them to wonder as to why I am suddenly with someone when I usually pass here with some girlfriends or with my schoolmates.   “Ahh no, Miss Pam he is like my uncle. He just came to visit.” I lied as Miss Pam looks at Henry who keeps on looking at me.   “From abroad then, he looks so handsome. Here you go dear; the other t-shirt is free if it is for him.” Miss Pam said making me laugh.   “Miss Pam, you need to find yourself a husband. You will get your shop go bankrupt if you keep giving free clothes to handsome customers.” I softly whisper to her making us both laugh as I pay her and walk out of her shop while waving at her.   I bought 3 pairs of jeans and 3 jogging pants. I also bought 5 t-shirts since I am not sure how long he will stay with me OR how long he can tolerate staying. My next problem will be... his underwear. Buying such a piece isn’t a bother to me at all; growing with 3 brothers will get you to get used to it and suddenly it will just feel so natural.   “I think the next-door shop has some brand new under piece.” I utter as I look at Henry who is just following my every move.   I slide the sliding door of the shop next to Miss Pam and a lady in her 30’s wearing an eyeglass meets me.   “Good evening Miss Helen.” I said as I walk to her displayed items.   “Oh it is you, Anna, how is school doing this days?” the kind woman said as I look into a pack of men's underwear.   “Same as everyday Miss Helen, it is stressful and boring. Anyway, how much are these?” I said showing her the items I have chosen.   Miss Helen raises her eyes glasses to clearly see the items I am holding. I can see how her face turned amused.   “Ohho… Having a sleepover?” Miss Helen said and I feel my face burned. The kind woman must have thought of something odd.   “Ammnn sort of Miss Helen. You see my uncle came for a visit without notice and he didn’t bring some extra clothes.” I said as I hand her the items inside a pack.   “Ahh, I see. Those will be 180 pesos, the underwear as written on the pack is 120 while those pairs of socks are 60 pesos.” Miss Helen said as I hand her a 200 peso bill.   “Thank you Miss Helen and have a nice evening.” I said as I walk out of the shop holding 3 paper bags with the items I bought.   When I am out of the warm shop I sigh seeing that the line is still long and it is so cold here outside. I look at Henry to see him looking at me with his black coat on his arm.   “What- What did you do in those...” I didn’t make him finish when I just silently and coldly hand him the paper bags even if I can see that he looks pissed but he just take it.   I nearly laugh seeing how hard he is holding those bags. I see him pull his necktie down to give himself some air. I can see his sweats falling on his face as he wipes it with a white handkerchief. His high and mighty appearance is now nearly gone.   “Wait here.” I said as I walk out of the line and leave him again.   I walk inside a grocery store and buy some can sodas. I also buy some street foods like barbeque and some takoyaki just outside the side of the grocery.  Holding 2 paper cups in my hand and 2 can of sodas I balance it all as I return to where Henry is. I look at the line to see that it is still long.   “Here, give me that.” I said as I take the 2 paper bags in his right hand and hand him the paper cup with the takoyaki.   “Eat that, you look terrible. Here, drink this.” I said after opening one can of soda and hand it to him.   “Uhmnn thank- thank you. What is this?” he said looking at the takoyaki in his hand.   “A poison, eat it so you will die and stop pestering me. Just eat it.” I said looking at him sarcastically.   He just sighs as he looks at me. I sigh then use the plastic fork that he is holding and pick one takoyaki ball and eat it. I then pick another and force it into his mouth.   “Chew, I hope you are not allergic to octopus.” I said as he chews the food.   “This is... a Japanese appetizer. It tastes the same to those in the expensive Japanese cuisines.” Henry said as he looks at the paper cup in his hand.   “Yap, whatever place they are sold, whoever made these foods, foods will always taste the same. Even if they are made ugly or odd what matters is that what tastes inside. Just like people, rich or poor all are the same. So what if you are rich, we all do the same things... rich or poor. We eat the same food, we breathe the same air, we drink water just the same, we bath and many more. You will get to see what I mean... if you can tolerate staying here longer.” I said as I look at Henry with a smile.   Henry is just as silent as he drinks his soda. I look at him then I take the takoyaki in his hand.   “Now try this.” I said handing him the barbeque in a stick dip in a sweet sauce.   Henry takes one stick and bites into the meat just to look at me surprised.   “Taste just the same with expensive barbeques right? It is presented in an ugly way but the taste is just the same. And guess what, it just cost me 10 pesos each. In your expensive restaurants, it will cost you 500 or more right?” I said as I turn and face the line as I eat the takoyaki balls from the paper cup in my hand.   We are waiting there when I see this old lady having trouble getting her heavy bags inside the jeep and we are just next to her. I hand all to Henry the bags I am holding taking him by surprise. I laid my shoulder bag on his feet and walk towards the old woman.   “Grandma here let me help you.” I said as the old woman who I usually see every time I come here to wait for the jeeps smiles at me.   I carry the heavy bag and put it inside the jeep. A man who appears to be the driver helps me as we put her 2 heavy bags and 2 market bags inside the jeep. I also hold the hand of the old woman as she climbs the car’s stairs and let her sit just beside the door.   “Thank you, my dear.” The old woman said as I smile and nod as the jeep drives away.   I return beside Henry to see him looking at me. I take my bag on his feet and place it back to my shoulder as I take the paper bags that I handed to him.   “Why are you looking at me like that?” I said sounding piss since he is so silent but is looking at my face.   “You- You are amazing, I see it now.” He said and I look at his face to see him looking at me with his weird expression.   I turn around as I feel my face burning. I don’t know how to rebut that with mean words. For the first time I hear him sound like that and for the first time, he said a compliment... to me.        
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