Chapter 12: Time to leave

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  I laid my back on the bed without even changing my clothes. I am so stressed, tired and so emotional to even try to get up and change. I sleep with too many matters in my mind and not to mention my plans on leaving.   “Zam, please open your door, I need to talk to you.”   I heard the jerk knocking on the door that made my morning worst. What does he want this early? Oh gosh, my eyes are so swollen and my head is aching so bad. I reluctantly slide down from the bed; I touch my cheek when I feel a sudden pain. I suddenly then remember that I was slapped right on my face that’s why my face hurts. My anger and frustration start to return especially knowing that Henry is now knocking on my door. He even dared to see me this early after what happened yesterday, he really has the guts.   “Can’t he understand that I hate to see his face? He didn’t even say sorry and is acting as if nothing happened. Urgggg what a complete A-hole.” I utter in frustration as I can still hear him knocking.   What a jerk he is. I slowly walk to the door still a little bit dizzy and open it. I see Henry and when he sees me he went silent for a moment.   “Are you so dense to understand that I don’t want to see you or even talk to you? You still dare to knock on my door this early. What do you want?!” I said coldly as I look at him with still sleepy eyes.   “Ahmmnn Sam suggests conducting a party in here. She said she is sorry and it is her fault. She just wants to become friends with everyone. She thinks that the party will get you two to know each other. I want you to plan for the party. Decide on foods and any designs you would like, Sam will help you. She is downstairs waiting for the maids to talk to her. I know you can get the maids and nana to be her friend so I want to ask you to help her and.......” he said that made my jaw drop, he must be kidding me.   “Can you even hear yourself, Henry? YOU don’t even ask for forgiveness for what you did to me and now you want me to help your psycho fling to befriend everyone in Sky Mansion. You really are an asshole, Henry. I hate you. Can’t you understand that? I know you hate me so stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours. AND..... no thanks, party all you want but I won’t be going. Besides, IF SHE can let ONE of the maids talk to her, then I’ll see what I can do for her party. But I guess no one will, so goodbye.” I said and slam the door right into his face.   “What the HELL is wrong with you Zam? Why do you hate Sam so much? Are you jealous of her? Just say so and not take your anger to her.” He screamed as he pounds to my door.   What the H did he just say? First, he tortured me on that training, second, he slaps me and calls me a gold digger and now... he thinks I am jealous of Sammantha. He is really nuts. He really is making me angrier.   “Don’t be a fool, why would I be jealous of her? First of all, I have everything she doesn’t. I have friends, she had enemies. And if you think I am jealous of her because of you then you are insane. You can never mix oil and water. The same with a JERK like you and a province girl like me.” I said as I hear him punch the door.   “Damn it, do you hate me so much Zam? Why can’t we be friends?” he said.   To what he said I suddenly laugh so hard. It is official; this guy is crazy and a total lunatic. To ask me that question is like asking where his cellphone is and it is right in his hands. How frustrating and disappointing he is. I thought at first he is this handsome, cool, and prince charming person but it turns out that I was wrong. He is a beast hiding on a handsome face, a total ugly beast that is now coming out.   “You know what, perfect question. Ask yourself, I know you had the answer all along. Now leave me at peace. You know if you could have been kinder to me, then you can gain Anna’s respect. Now, sorry but I have no time to waste on you.” I said as I walk towards the wide flat screen T.V and I insert a disc into the player.   A rock and a lively song start to play and I turn the volume to maximum. I am hoping that the loud music can distract me from hearing that Henry’s voice and even noticing him. The music starts to echo into the whole mansion. I sit on my chair just beside the dresser and start to write some letters. 2 to be exact, a letter to my aunt Carla and Jake and a letter to my parents. I know that nana will tell them what I said before but I want to write it for them, to ensure that they will not drag me back. I hear my door opens and I know it must be my nana or Beth since only she and Beth holds the extra key to my room, I turn to see who enters and I smile upon seeing my nana Dolores and Beth holding 2 suitcases.   “We- We will pa- pack for your trip, dear.” Nana said as they smile at me and I just sigh and nod.   They start to pack my clothes as I silently write the letters. Beth already knows that I am leaving but she didn’t say anything, though I know that Beth doesn’t want me to leave like my nana Dolores.   I am now looking into my 2 suitcases in the bed. My nana and Beth are standing there, I smile and walk towards the bathroom to take a bath. I wear the clothes and shoes Beth laid in my bed for me. It is a blue t-shirt paired with jeans and a black wedge with bluish stones. I covered my blue t-shirt with a black cardigan. My nana fixes my hair as tears drop from her eyes. When all is done I stand in front of them, Beth hands me a pair of sunglasses and I wear it to cover my swollen eyes.   “Oh, dear is there any chance we can change your mind?”   “I’m sorry nana but I am determined. Don’t worry I will... I will visit once I get a chance. Tell my parents that I’m sorry and I promise to call.”   I take a deep breath as the two look so sad but just nod and look at me.   “You are so beautiful and an amazing person. You were raised to be this kind person and wonderful daughter as Anna. Whatever other people say either you are Anna or Zam you will always be that little baby girl I held into my arms long ago. Be careful and take care of yourself Zam.” my nana said as she holds my hands and looks at me as tears drop from her eyes.   “I will, I am stronger than anyone thinks. I- I might not be raised as a princess but I was raised to be stronger, a fighter, and kinder by my adoptive parents. Don’t worry nana, I will be fine. I will call everyone to tell you what is happening to me there.” I said as I smile bitterly.   Ram came into my room and look at me sadly. Ram also knows that I am leaving and he will drive us to the bus station. He takes one of my suitcases on the bed after he bows at me. My nana hands me a black purse with a strap.   “Do not forget to call okay. And take care of yourself there.” She said as she hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead.   “I will nana, don’t worry I’ll be coming over if we have holidays so.... always take care of everyone. Everyone, always take care of and be well okay?” I said after my nana let me go.   I feel so sad and torn but I have to leave before everyone can stop me. I will surely miss them but... but I can’t face Henry knowing he still thinks lowly of me as Anna. He didn’t even think twice before saying those words and slapping my face. Aren’t I still the daughter of the couple who helped him? I am not just a stranger who was brought to the mansion; I am there flesh and blood… aren’t I? Somehow I feel so down. I have to leave so I can build my confidence again.   “I… I will Milady. Take care of yourself; we will talk to your grandfather if he will ask.” Beth said and my eyes widen, oh yah! I forgot about my grandfather.   Well! I can always call him and explain everything. I have his number anyway. But I feel bad knowing how my grandfather is. He isn’t like that strict and stingy grandfather I usually watch in movies or dramas. He is cool, kind, understanding and a very nice person.   “I’ll be just fine, by the way. Where are the two love birds?” I ask and I can’t hide the sound of being annoyed and pissed just by mentioning them, the two look at me.   “Oh! I forgot, they are just downstairs and are planning for a party. I don’t know what that WITCH is planning to do now but I know it has something to do with acting clean and weak in front of Henry. Oh by the way dear, we're proud of you.” My nana said as she rubs my aching cheek.   “For what? I haven’t done anything that you can be proud of?” I ask confuse as I touch my aching cheek.   “For covering Beth and standing against that WENCH. That Sammantha has gone too far. Someone should bring her to her place.” My nana said.   “Oh! So you all did saw what happened, that is so embarrassing.” I said.   My nana shakes her head and hugs me tightly.   “Nah!! It’s time that Henry should hear that, and THAT crazy witch deserves your slap for slapping Beth. You never raise your hands on your servants, yet here she comes and acted like a queen. Who does she think she is?” my nana said with distaste.   I look at Beth’s cheek and like mine, it is still swollen but at least not like mine. Beth was slapped by a thin BIATCH while I was slapped by a strong JERK, no wonder I have more pain, visible bruised, and swollen cheek.   “Yes but still, I should not have done that in front of all the servants. They might think indifferent about me.” I said as the 2 smile and Ram chuckles.   “It’s quite the opposite dear, they respected you even more. Nothing in the history of Sky Mansion that a master has stood out for their servants, only YOU… my dear that did that earning everyone in Sky Mansion’s respect and they adore you even more. The way you punched Henry’s face is the part they really like. Oh! Look at your face. You 4 have now matching bruises now. Beth, Sam, Henry, and you are a great history in this house. You have only proven to all of us that you are a good mistress. You really are the Villaflor’s one and only daughter. You are a fighter just like them.” My nana said as Beth also nod.   I just smile and take a deep breath. I am relieved that they think of me like that. I will hate it if they think I am a bad person when I did that. I only hope everything will be fine after I will leave this place. I only hope so.   “Well! How can we get past the two if they are downstairs?” I ask worriedly.   “Don’t worry dear; the 3 of us with your suitcases will walk through the backdoor. You should walk through the front door to distract them.” my nana said and I nod.   I don’t like to face those two but if it is the only way for me to leave without being caught... so be it.   “Are you all ready?” I ask as we step out of my room.   “Yes, Milady.” Beth and Ram said as my nana nods.   I take my earphone in my purse and put them in my ears as I play a song from my cellphone, the one my father gave me. I fix my sunglasses on and I nod to them. They nod and walk towards the stairs right on the corner of the hallway leading to the backdoor right to the kitchen. I walk in the opposite direction towards the main stairway. I am still wearing my father’s gift – the emerald locket necklace.   “Tsk they really look good together, a b***h and a jerk, which is a perfect combination right?”   I utter disgust when I see Henry and his girlfriend talking to two of the maids who are bowed and are looking so scared. I can’t hear what they are talking about since I have my earphones on, well! That was the purpose of it anyway. I see how Henry looks up at me as I step down to the last stair. Sammantha look at me also, the two maids run to line up and greet me.   “Good morning Milady!” all the lined servants said.   “Morning, make sure to have a fun day.” I said as I wave at the servants with a smile.   I ignore the two love birds as if they are not there and continue walking to the door even though I see Henry talking to me. I am stopped by a pull from my wrist and I see Henry looking so mad at me.   “What the hell Zam, where are you going? I said we are planning a party, can’t you just stop bitching around and help us.” He literally screamed making me hear those words that made me even madder, a hard slap landed on his face because of what I heard.   “Excuse me, ME bitching around?! Please, WHO are you to say that to me? You don’t even know me, I can be worst.” I said with a scary smirk as I look at him making Henry froze and his face is full of wonder.   He must be wondering how come I can be like this?  I slowly take off his hand from my wrist and look at him and his smug girlfriend.   “Look- Look, Miss Villaflor, I’m so sorry. Can we start over and get to know each other? I know I’m wrong back then. Can you give me a second chance to correct my mistakes?” The b***h said as if she looks so innocent, her face looks as if she wants to cry.... what a fake.   Henry looks at me then at Sam. I can’t get to believe this girl’s words. I can’t feel her sincerity and I only feel exaggerated acting from this winch. I take a deep breath before taking off my sunglasses. I see how Henry’s eyes widen. Why wouldn’t he, my eyes are now swollen because I was crying all night. Not because of what happened but because – I am leaving. I feel so bad for my parents but I have to.   “Sure why not, I don’t need to forgive you or even ask forgiveness. It’s fine with me if you want to show that you are good, why not. Just remember that, THESE people, all of who work in Sky Mansion is f*******n to be inflected with violence. You can just tell them what made them wrong because no human is perfect. You can have a party without me. I have some important things to attain to.” I said and I spin around putting my sunglasses on.   Two maids open the big door and I walk out. I directly get into the car that stops in front of me. I give one last look to the mansion as Ram drives away from there, while my nana looks at me. Beth also looks as sad as I look out of the window to see the workers working on the vineyard.   I am looking at the 3 sad people in front of me as I hold my purse firmly in my hands. The taxi driver takes my two suitcases and puts them in the trunk of the taxi that will take me into the hotel. Because of that Henry and Sammantha my bus has already left, my nana paid me a taxi that can bring me to the hotel owned by my family and a helicopter is waiting for me to the rooftop that will send me to Manila then I can just ride a bus to Baguio, I don’t have my passport yet so riding a plane is not possible. It is a long journey but I am willing to take it even if I am scared to ride a helicopter. The 3 agreed that a taxi is better than a public bus so I have no choice but to ride to a taxi alone.   “Well! This- This will be a temporary goodbye. Take care of yourselves and oh! Don’t tell Henry where I will go.” I said as my nana hugs me in tears.   When she let me go I one by one hug Beth and Ram who both are about to start to cry and are trying so hard not to hug me as per respect for me as their boss. I don’t give a damn about those so I just hug them tightly without caring if they are just a servant or not.   “Please don’t cry, I still will return. It’s not as if I’m leaving forever.” I said jokingly and they all nod.   I hand nana the 3 letters in a white envelope. I wrote a letter to my grandfather in a hurry. My nana takes the letters and I enter the taxi then look at them through the window. I wave them goodbye as they follow their gaze to us as the taxi drive away. I just wonder.... what will happen to me next? Will I be able to survive and what will my parents do? I only hope they will not feel so bad and come dragging me back.    
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