Chapter 14: Cold Henry living like Anna lives

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  A jeep came and we sigh in relief as we take our seats inside the jeep. I nearly laugh when Henry looks so mad upon being squeeze when the jeep starts to get crowded.   “What the –.” he nearly curses when someone steps on his feet.   “Shhh bear with it.” I said grabbing his arm and look at him with a warning.   I can’t stop myself anymore seeing his pained expression making me giggle in amusement seeing how he turns silent but his face unexplainable.   “What’s so funny?” he said with a tone of being pissed.   “Oh nothing, finally – you can see what Anna is going through.” I said as I look at his face as he takes a deep breath and starts to pull his neck tie down so now it hangs on his neck with his white dress shirt open one button.   “You are enjoying this right?” he said looking at me making me cover my mouth not to burst out laughing.   “Very, you made me suffer before teaching me how to become a princess. Now... I will make you suffer teaching Y.O.U to become a human.” I said as I look at him coldly and he just sighs.   “I know it. I hope you won’t do worsts.” He said with a sigh.   “Aho! So you want to see my worst? Wait for it buddy, I might let you taste something more painful.” I said smiling at him with a creepy one making him clear his throat and look away.   After a few hours and the jeep is now almost empty as we are all that is left. I call out to the driver to stop and I point Henry to go out. I nearly laugh when he stretches his feet and rub his arm, he must have been stiff for he is 5’6 in height and the jeep was so packed a while ago. He must have been so stiff.   “Come on your highness, I bet when you will return back home and you will thank God that you are back there than being here.” I said as I laugh.   “I assure you, I will learn to get accustomed really fast. You might be surprised.” He just said as he looks at me making me laugh again in amusement.   “We shall see.”   We slowly walk towards my Uncle Oliver’s gate and I slowly open it. Hopefully, my uncle and cousins are all sleeping. I can’t explain things this night. We walk in and walk into the small house just beside the 2 story house of my uncle Oliver. I open the door and the light.   “You live here?” he asks looking around.   “What? Expecting a castle or a slum place? Come on in before the dogs start to go crazy.” I said as I let him enter before closing the door and locking it.   Henry places the plastic bags on the table before facing me after looking around my small house, to be precise my papa owns this house. He bought the little portion of land from my uncle Oliver and builds this small house with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom and CR outside. It is intended for us who will study here in Baguio. I look at Henry before placing my bag and the plastic bags of clothes I bought in a chair. I look at him then I smile.   “Here, change your clothes inside the room on the corner. I’ll have to change to, so…… don’t do something shady.” I said as I take the plastic bag of clothes and toss it to him.   He looks at it before going into the room I pointed. I chuckle before taking off my blue blazer and hanging it into a hanger. I look at the mini living room with a small table on the corner for radio and CD player connected to the kitchen and sigh seeing those hanging newly washed clothes of mine and some underwear on a hanger. Taking them all I enter my room and hang them on the pole my papa made for hanging my clothes. By the way, did I mention what course I am taking? Yah! I am apparently in college and it is now my 4th year. I am a BSED student majoring in English. So yah! I am wearing a bluish blazer uniform and a pink blouse and blue slacks. I so hate the style and color of our uniform. I lock my door and start changing.   “Oh yeah! When you’re going to stay with me who will take care of your business?” I call out to Henry making sure that my voice is loud so he can hear me from the third room. We still have one room space so I have to raise my voice a little.   “Your grandfather took care of that. He really wants me to bring you back even if you’re going to t*****e me.” He said from the other room.   “That’s great; I’ll have to t*****e you really hard then.” I said sarcastically.   I walk out of my room and I see him coming out of the third room looking at his self and checking his clothes. I look at him from head to toe. I almost laugh at the look of how he is now. He is now wearing one of the t-shirts I bought that is color gray and one of the jogging pants I bought that is brown. He looks at me with eyebrows up.   “You look – normal. At least now you look like a human.” I said as I walk towards the shoe stand and take one pair of slippers there that is used by my brothers when they will come and stay here when they will sell their crops. I hand it to him. He gives off a sigh before taking it and wearing it. He sits on one of the chairs there as I sit in front of the table and take out my notes to answer my assignments.   “So – what are you taking?” he said as he just sits there and looks at me.   “Ahmmnn I am studying education, a teacher for secondary level. I am majoring in English.... shocking?” I said as I look at him.   He just looks at me checking if I am messing up with him. He nods after seeing that I am serious.   “Anyway, have you eaten?” I ask.   “Ahmnn not yet.” He said making me smile really creepy at him.   “Perfect.” I said before I stand and prepare those vegetables I bought as Henry watch on the side. When I am done I fix the table and place the vegetables I cook with pork meat cut in pieces. I smile cunningly as I set the table and face Henry.   “Let’s eat.” I said and Henry came closer and sits on the chair right in front of mine.   “You can eat now.” I said as I take some rice from the bowl and look at him.   He follows the same way I did as I take some of the vegetables. I look at him as he takes some and starts to eat. I am not sure but I made sure the food presentation at the table is nice so he won’t say that I don’t know table etiquettes. I smirk as I watch how he place a spoon full in his mouth and chew. I nearly laugh but I keep myself. He looks at me then at his food. He looks at me and at the steaming foods in front of us. I close my eyes and pray before I open them and look at him.   “Taste bad?” I ask and look at him.   “No, it’s perfect. I didn’t know you can cook.” He said and I smirk.   “Why? Do I look illiterate to you?”   “No… no, it is not like that. Let’s just enjoy and eat before this turns into an argument.” Henry said as I watch how he enjoys his food.   “Tsk I should have placed more chili and vinegar than salt.” I utter to myself as Henry eats.   It had been 3 days since Henry stayed with me. I still can see that he is trying so hard to live the life I am facing as Anna. He makes me laugh every day seeing his unpainted expressions seeing new things we poor people do. He can manage to go out alone and pick me after me and my friend separate. He is even laughing and going by my silliness. I already think that Rose should know the truth about Henry. Rose seems to really believe what I told her about Henry being psychotic. I just said that before because I was so mad at Henry.   “Henry, come with me, I need to buy something at SM.” I said as Henry nod.   “Hey, will you slow down for a minute? What the rush?” Henry said as I walk faster while he is following me.   “In here we don’t take things slowly since all our time is precious. Unlike you who can just use money and influence, you can have everything you need. In here people need to work hard to get what they want. So if you come late you are at lost when you arrive first you take the nicest credit.” I said to him really cold making him turns silent.   We are as silent as we walk towards SM. I need to buy certain books for our creative writing. We enter the book store and I start going through the pile of books. Henry comes near me and looks into the books.   “What are you looking for?” he said as he looks at my face.   “Hmnnn”   “Tell me I will help you find it.” Henry said.   Henry just looks at my serious face as I went through the pile of books. I am aware that he is like looking at my face for a long time and is keep on glancing at me.   “Ahmmnn a book entitled Wuthering Heights by Emily Bonte, Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens, and hemmnn Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.” I said as I look into the books there.   “I see, those are rare books now since they are old and people nowadays don’t like sad and pure narration stories.” Henry said and I just nod.   Henry is now helping me through the pile of books. It was almost 30 minutes yet we haven’t found one of the 3 books.   “Damn this!” I curse as I look at the pile of books with frustration.   I then heard Henry amusedly laughs at me. I look at him really pissed.   “What’s so funny?” I said sounding so pissed.   “Come on, what’s the use of being the daughter of a well-known businessman and a granddaughter of the 3rd richest man in the business world if you t*****e yourself digging into these books? You can just call someone and that book will be with you in no time.” He said amusedly I throw at him 1 book that he caught in time.   “Oh Yah and be called a gold-digger, opportunist, money sucker, and many more.... no thanks!” I said pissed and I look at him to see that the Henry I known during my stay at sky mansion seem to have changed.   “Oh come on! Who cares about what people say? Isn’t it that your own words?” he said and I look at him really pissed he face to read the back of the book that I had thrown at him but the smile on his face is still visible.   “You know what, you’re right. Ah! Heck with that deadline. You’re Highness, time to bring out your moves.” I said as I look at him.   He chuckles upon realizing what I meant. He takes his cellphone into his jeans pocket and dialed a number. I watch him as he talks to the phone with someone as he sounds so bossy yet sounds nicer than before. I take the book from his hand, the one I had thrown to him.   “Oh add the series of Sherlock Holmes will you.” I said and his eyebrows shoot up. I look at him challenging and he gives off a sigh and a smile.   “Whatever my boss says, the humble servant obliges.” He said and continues to speak with the one on the phone.   I walk to the counter and I laid the book there for the saleslady to receive it. I look at Henry. He is wearing the t-shirt I bought and the jeans. He is wearing the rubber shoes we bought 2 days ago. I face the saleslady to see her looking at Henry.   “You- You have a very handsome boyfriend miss.” She said that I almost look at the girl pissed.   “Ewww no he is NOT my boyfriend. He is uhmnn, my brother.” I lied and it shocked the lady but a shady smile comes to her lips.   “Really? You two look......  unalike.” She said now looking at Henry.   “He is my stepbrother. Want to get his number?” I said cunningly and the girl looked at me shocked.   I really can see through people's acts. The way this lady looks at Henry and the way she looks at me. He looks at me with judging eyes as she looks at Henry with love-struck smiles. Such ladies, they piss me off.   “O-Oh n-no –.” she said   “Yow Henry, come here.” I call Henry; I really want to give this girl a little shake for looking down on me.   “Oh no... Miss!” The lady said as she hands me the bag containing the book I will buy.   “What’s going on?” Henry said as he stands behind me.   “Okay, I’ll leave you two together.” I said and I turn to walk out, she turns to see Henry looking in my direction really confused and the lady is blushing.   The look on Henry’s face and that girl are really making me laugh. This is mean but funny.   “What?” Henry said looking at me confusedly.   “You pay and might as well get her number. You might need it.” I said directly winking at the girl who is red like a tomato and Henry looked at me with a confused face.   “What for?” Henry said.   “For books you i***t, she is working as the keeper of the books. In case of book matters, what are you thinking?” I said and walk out of the shop and start to laugh silently to myself.   I look inside through the glass walls. I see how Henry is talking to the girl and the girl’s face is so red. Henry came out and I see that he is looking at me.   “What happened? Did you get her number?” I ask as Henry shakes his head and walks ahead of me.   I run after him and walk beside him as I observe his face.   “You really hate me that much, do you?” he said as he looks at me with a sigh.   “Do you really want me to answer that?” I said and he just chuckles.   “So did you do something? Why is she so red?” I ask and he stops to look at me.   “You really want to know? Okay, I told her that you are my wife and that you are in your early stage of pregnancy. So she just gives me their business number.” He said and my jaw drops.   “You said that how dare you!” I said punching him on his shoulders as he laughs.   “Okay I lied, I said she is pretty and that if I can get her number. She even let me have this book free. Happy?” He said making me burst out laughing as he shows me a book he is holding.   “You really said that? Come on she’s really pretty you know. And I think she likes you.” I said as I smile.   He faces me and his eyebrows shoot up as he puts his hands on his hips.   “I already have a girlfriend, remember?” he said and I faced him as I cross my arms on my chest and look at him too.   “So? She’s not yet your wife, remember?” I also said imitating his voice a while ago.   “Geee, let’s just go and eat something. I’m starving and I’m tired.” He said as he wraps his arms around my shoulders. I take it off and just hold it into his arm; I don’t like someone hugging me by my shoulders in public.   “Fine let’s go eat; besides I think you are already getting distasteful to my terrible cooking.” I said in a soft voice and Henry looks at me.   “Actually I was surprised that you can cook. Honestly speaking I liked your cooking; they look so simple but taste better.” He said and I laugh.   “Good then, actually at first those vegetables I cooked before, I intentionally made a mistake. I was surprised that you liked it.” I said laughing and he looks at me while we enter the fast-food chain inside SM.   We sit at the table beside the glass walls. Henry went to order as I look at my bag for my cellphone. I see that my real father is calling me. I answer the call and I am as glad to hear my mom and my nana’s voice in the background. They are asking how my studies are doing. They already know that Henry is living with me and that I am doing my best to teach him what life I have as Anna is like. I also told them that I will make sure that Henry will return there a changed man. Thinking about that made me laugh and when I ended the call Henry came with our food. We are eating and telling stories when suddenly a cold ice tea is suddenly thrown to my face, I am so stunned and so is Henry. I immediately get up and look at my clothes.   “Who dares?” I utter in anger, my mean side is now out.      
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