Chapter 8*PEP TALK*

1032 Words
||*ALLISON*|| “Lest I forget, you’re invited to the party,” Luna says. “Oh, I’ll inform my parents,” I responded before I realized it. "Wait- What?" I looked up, surprised. The Luna just shrugged and laughed it off. “Something wrong, Allison?” she asks innocently, like she doesn’t know. She knows. "No, I don't… I don't mean to be rude, Luna, but I…” I paused for a second to collect my thoughts. “Did you just invite me to the future Alpha’s, uh, I mean Jason's, birthday party?" I asked, shocked, hoping I heard wrong. “Yes Ally I did. What's wrong with that? Why are you so surprised, like you weren’t expecting it?” “Oh, well, you know, I am a low-ranked omega, and omegas don't get invitations to pack parties,” I replied, feeling uncomfortable suddenly. “Allison, you need not worry about that. Just so you know, you are not just a low-ranked omega. They only called you an omega because of your inability to shift during the ceremony.” My body tensed at the mention of that, and I think she could sense my distress as she continued. “You're not useless, and you don't have to feel uncomfortable around me. Even if your wolf hasn't surfaced yet, it doesn't mean it won't ever. It doesn't change who you are. I know you might not take this seriously, but I have this strong feeling that your wolf is still in there, inside of you. It’s just waiting for the right place and the perfect time to pop out! Be a little patient and have faith in yourself.” She smiled sympathetically before continuing, “Besides, you are my best friend’s baby girl and soon to be daughter-in-law.” She sounded so sure of that fact. “Now, tell me why you shouldn't get an invitation?” Her eyes radiate warmth and comfort; I don't know how, but a part of me knew she meant every word as it came directly from her heart. If only I could prove her right. If only I could prove to the pack that I’m everything she just said I am. As painful as it may be, I may never get to prove those who think I'm a failure wrong. I guess I'll just hold on to this little shred of hope and faith as I sit back and watch what the future holds. But I have a feeling it will be a long, rough ride. “I don't know, Luna, I feel helpless.” I sighed in defeat. “You don't have to feel that way, Ally. If you want others to believe in you, you need to believe in yourself. Have the conviction that you will get through this. That you will be better and that your wolf is still with you. Believe in yourself first,” Luna said, her eyes full of compassion. “I just… I… I don't know,” I stuttered. “You are family, Allison, you don't have to feel nervous around me. You can always come to talk to me if you need a listening ear.” That caught me off guard. I would never think it in my wildest dreams that our Luna thought of me as family. I mean, it's just kind of unbelievable. First words of encouragement, now I’m family? Over the years, she’s never made efforts to talk with me this much, and I had always tried to avoid being in the same place at the same time as her. “Luna, in all honesty, I never knew you had such thoughts towards me, especially me being family. I don’t know how to express how that makes me feel right now.” “You don't have to say anything or express anything, just take everything I've told you to heart,” she said simply. I nodded, muttering an “okay.” I'll have to tell my parents about all this later, my mom especially. "Thank you, Luna. I will inform my parents when I get home," I said, giving her my brightest smile. "Oh, shit.” I heard Luna cuss under her breath. "Can you believe we've been talking for an hour?" she told me while glancing at the clock. “Oh my, Luna, I'm so sorry! What do you need me to do before I head to the kitchen?” I asked her. "Nothing much, you can go to the kitchen now. I'll clean the room. You don't have to worry about that, but make yourself available by noon. We need to get some things for the party and when we get back, I’ll need your help in organizing the venue. More like supervising, I assigned some omegas to do the decorations; I was hoping you could watch over them and make sure the omegas do everything correctly because I'd be busy elsewhere." Luna explains. I nodded, smiling at her. Who am I to say no or reject the work? Although most omegas will probably be peeved once they realize I am supervising them. "Oh, okay Luna. It would be an honour to do that." "Oh! And before I forget–the cake! Remind me to call the bakery tomorrow. Also, I already told your parents you would sleep in the packhouse tonight, if that's okay with you?" Holy cow, sleep in the packhouse? Under the same roof as Jason? Can this get any more unbearable? First supervising bitter omegas and now sleeping in the packhouse! "Uh… yeah, that's fine with me. I'll call Aiden to bring me a change of clothes. I'll excuse myself if that's all, Luna." I bowed my head respectfully, and I stepped out of the room. I mentally face palmed as my mind rumbled with different methods of suicide. I made my way to Hell's Kitchen with zero excitement for the rest of the day. *********** **************** AUTHOR NOTE Follow our group to see character visualizations. Search for Lily-Star Universe on to join and interact with many other lilies. Check out My Mermaid Romance; His Atlantean Princess. Book Two of Her Grace is completed, and Book Three is ongoing.
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