Chapter 5*Earth to Allison*

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||* 5 Years Later *|| Several things have changed and happened in five years, except for my family. Brandon and my elder brother Aiden have been my knights in shining armor on most occasions. My shield in times of trouble. Aiden and Brandon are always lurking around every nook and cranny of the school to save my ass from getting bullied by either Jason or his minions. Everyone seems to have one reason or another to pick on me. Jason stopped talking to me right after the shifting ceremony; he rejected my love for him and told me he wished we never ended up as mates. I wouldn’t deny that it hurts, but who am I to question his choice? I knew well he wouldn’t have if I had turned during the shape-shifting ceremony. It was unfair to my teenage heart, but I couldn’t blame him. But with all the bullying and hate he has shown so far, I also do not wish to have him as my mate. Hell, everyone knows he will reject my sorry ass if we ever get to be mates, and I am not looking forward to that. Brandon and Lisa had also grown apart from each other for obvious reasons. They wanted Brandon to stop being friends with me, but he refused; I thought Lisa would have understood him more. Guess I was wrong. I was not in any way bothered about any of it though, as I have bigger problems in my life to deal with rather than worry about others. I feel sorry for Brandon; he has lost so many people because of being my friend, even his parents pay little attention to him these days. Said they can’t have a son associating with the runt of the pack. Dad and Mom have been supportive over the years, always reminding me how much they love me and how they will do anything to make me happy, which I’m grateful for, but sometimes it makes me feel helpless and hopeless. Alpha Nicholas has been encouraging, to my utmost surprise. Even Luna as well; they still wish I end up being Jason’s mate as they seem oblivious to what is going on between us. The school bullying is mild compared to the pack, but it doesn’t help that the school belongs to the pack. And everybody knows one another, but the kids are only scared of getting in trouble with the teachers if they get caught, so they try to keep it minimal. I don’t understand why they feel the need to make me feel miserable or hurt me, especially Jason. I can still remember one of my many encounters with him. ***Flashback—4 Years Ago*** I woke up this morning feeling like s**t because I had to run errands and do a lot of work at the packhouse during the weekends, but Alpha Nicholas always tries to make sure I’m not overworked. But the moment he’s out of sight, these little fuckers leave everything to me. Even the other omegas work me to death. I checked the time; I had 30 minutes left to get to school. I rushed into the bathroom, did my business, and hurriedly put on my clothes. I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs to meet Mom and Dad sitting at the dining table. I said a quick ‘good morning’ to them and rushed out of the house to school. Aiden has always driven me to school, but he is out of town, and I forgot to tell Brandon to pick me up today, which means I’m running to school. I ran for 25 minutes and finally made it to school before the bell for the first period rang. I hurried down the hall to get to my first class when I crashed into a wall. I thought it was a wall, actually a human—no, werewolf—wall. Being in haste, I didn’t bother to look at the person I crashed into; I mouthed an apology and hurried out of the way, but stopped when the said wall grabbed my hand and slammed me against the lockers. Ouch, son of a b***h! I winced in pain and rubbed the back of my neck, lifting my head to see who my abuser was this time. “What the f**k is your pro-o-blem?” I said, stuttering when I finally saw who it was. “My problem is your stupid, ugly ass, Omega,” Jason said with clear anger in his voice. I let out a sigh. “I-It- I’m sorry, I didn’t know… I…I mean I wasn’t looking,” I muttered, looking down at my feet. “Yeah, dumb ass, you’ll never know your place. Just because you’re the beta’s precious daughter and allowed to be in school when you’re supposed to be scrubbing floors in the packhouse, doesn’t mean you have permission to do as you wish. But I can see you don’t know your place, but it will be my pleasure to show you.” he said cruelly. I just nodded my head in silence, hoping he would just let me go. The next thing I saw was a fist flying and landing right in my stomach. I groaned and fell on my knees, clutching my now throbbing mid-section. Another punch landed on my left rib and then a slap on my cheek, before kicking me hard in the stomach again. It felt like hell, and it hurt like hell coming from the person I once loved—Jason. It’s tragic how rapidly people can change from good to evil. The Jason that was all over me a year ago became this monster that I never wanted to cross paths with, and the most annoying part is that I don’t blame him because I would hate myself also if I were him. I stood up, grabbed my backpack that was lying on the floor, straightened my clothes, and looked up at him with no emotions. “Can I leave now? I have a class to catch,” I asked, looking at him with a bored expression despite the pain and the aching feeling in my heart. I guess it pissed him off because I heard him growl. “Oh, so now you’re trying to prove you’re strong, like you don’t feel pain?” he scoffs. If only he knew how much this hurts and how badly I want to let out all these tears bottled up in here. But I won’t. I’ll never cry in front of him. Never. “I want to get to class. And thanks for reminding me where I belong. I know my place, and my place is a low life omega. You and everyone make it known to me every day. It’s hard to miss; I even get reminded in my dreams, there is no forgetting that, so if I may…” I said, making a gesture to get by. I thought I saw sadness or regret in his eyes, but I ignored it and just walked past him, heading to my class as I heard him call me, but I did not care to wait. He called again, “Allison, I’m.....” Jason said, and I sighed, cutting him off, not caring what he had to say. “I know you’re not through with showing me where I belong, but can it wait? Just let me go to class. You can continue with the beating during lunch or after school. I won’t stop you then… no one will.” "That’s not what I...." I didn’t wait to hear any more of it as I rounded the corner, entering my first period. I won’t have him hurt me and tell me he didn’t mean to. I’d rather not listen to that. **End of Flashback** “Earth to Allison…Allison...” *Snap* “Oh, Earth to Allison...hello?!” So lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice when Brandon and Aiden came into my room.
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