Chapter Ten- Autumn's POV

1148 Words
 As Alex stared at my naked body I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down to me and kissed him. He eagerly returned the kiss as his hands roamed my body. His touch was soothing and electrifying all at the same time. I felt his hands run down and cup my ass and a small moan escaped my lips. I chuckled. "Alex, we must shower. Undress, come on." I said as I stepped away from him and into the shower.    The hot water felt amazing on my body. It relaxed muscles I didn't even know were tense. I smiled as I felt Alex step into the shower with me and his hands wrapped around my waist. I leaned into him, his presence was soothing and I craved his touch. Slowly I turned to face him, placing my hands on his chest and looking up into his eyes. "Alex, I am so grateful for you. The bond between us, although not complete, is strong and growing. If our bond is already this strong how will it be when we complete the mating process? Alex I already crave your presence beside me, your touch on my body. I even felt your emotions today. Is it bad that I already feel like I love you?" Alex smiled, a smile I've never seen before. Pure happiness shone in his eyes as he cupped my face between his hands and I leaned into them.  "My dear Autumn, I feel the same, I feel attached, protective. I feel myself craving you, even if it's just your smile. I feel like I love you. We are truly meant to be together. Two people connected, one completing the other."   Alex leaned over planting a kiss on my lips. soft and passionate. Quickly it turned needy and fierce. I smiled as I Jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. never breaking the kiss. Alex carried me out of the bathroom and gently laid me on the bed. I scanned his body as he leaned over me planting kisses along my jaw and collarbone. A moan escaped my lips as I arched up to feel his skin on mine. Feeling bold I let out a growl and entwined my fingers in his hair and pulled him down to me, pressing his lips to mine firmly. Alex however let out a loud growl as his hand found the most sensitive part of my body. I moaned in pleasure as his fingers slipped inside me.  "Are you ready for this? ready to be marked?" "I am Alex, I am ready to be completely and utterly yours." I said out of breath.     Alex smiled and without hesitating plunged himself into me, I screamed in surprise as pain and pleasure surged through me. Digging my nails into Alexander's back as he thrust himself in and out of me. Our moans and growls filled the room as we made love for the first time. Alexander, without hesitation leaned down and bit my neck, marking me as his. A wave of pain and pleasure coursed through me as I leaned forward so I could bit his neck marking him as mine. The growl that escaped Alexander's lips had me smiling, and together we both reached our climax.  perfectly content, I laid by Alexander's side, my head resting on his chest. "I am yours now as you are mine." I said and kissed his cheek lightly. "But unfortunately it is time I go check on our pack."  Reluctantly, I got up and started dressing as Alexander watched. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I dressed.  "Care to dress and join me?"     Alexander laughed as he rolled out of the bed and began to dress. That laugh, it was something I wanted to hear more of. It was the most contagious and beautiful laugh I’ve ever heard, I couldn’t help but smile in response.  "Like what you see?" Alex asked amused Smiling I walked over to him and placed my hands on his chest and looked him up and down. "Yes, yes I do." I replied, placing a kiss on his chest.  Alexander shivered at my touch and put his arms around me.  "Keep that up and we will never get to the pack." Alexander teased "Well my love, we will have plenty of time to spend together once our packs are merged. Right now we need to go."  Walking through the territory was hard. People were cleaning up blood, holding each other, crying some were scared and frantic trying to find their family. It was heartbreaking. I looked up to Alexander who wore a stoic expression,  not letting his emotion show. But I could now feel his every emotion. Feel his sadness, his pity for the pack, his anger. I squeezed his hand reassuringly as we stepped up to the podium where we normally addressed the pack. Taking a deep calming breath I stepped to the microphone. "Fellow pack members may I have your attention? Please come and stand before me." My voice was carried throughout the territory, through mind link and out loud. I waited as members filed in, filling up the clearing.  "Today has been a day filled with death, pain and sorrow. Now we take the time to honor our fallen, remember them for their courage, their bravery and their life. We will celebrate the life they lived, the time we had together and mourn the time we lost with them. We lost our Luna today. Our king has fallen into despair and will mourn the loss of his mate in solitude. I am Alpha until he returns and  I can assure you, the rogues have been dealt with. We are once again safe and will remain so. I will give my last breath to protect all of you, and assure the safety of our pack and our title as most feared. Now, I would like to introduce you to my mate and your Prince, Alpha Alexander. We will be merging our packs making us stronger and more able to protect both packs. Now please if you need anything don't hesitate to come to me, please everyone go, mourn and celebrate the lives lost tonight. Be with your families and hold them close.  Thank you, and goodnight."  Walking back to the pack house we were greeted with hugs and smiles all around, everyone accepted Alexander and it made my heart soar. He was accepted and loved already as he greeted everyone. I was completely happy, even after everything. Having my mate, my pack accepting him, being marked. It all seemed like a dream, a dream I knew would turn back into a nightmare after Alexander left for his pack. I didn't want to leave his side, but I knew he would be back and we would lead our pack to new heights. 
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