Chapter 11

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* The next day, I went to school with a bruised heart and irritable mood. Everything was the same yet so different. Never in my life have I felt so disconnected with reality. Heartbreaks can do the trick to you. The classes were plain. Nothing interested me. I wasn't even up to jot down notes. Emptiness was all I felt. Thankfully, I hadn't seen Axel yet. It would be like rubbing salt in my wounds. My subconscious told me to skip cafeteria lunch. That was the place where the entire school was present. I think I was in the mood for a dose of a reality check because before I knew it my feet took me to the cafeteria. I paid for my lunch, then sat on the table furthest away from... people in general. I don't know what was wrong with me, but my eyes searched for him. Maybe I wanted to see if he was miserable just like me. What if yesterday was a mistake and he wanted to apologise for it? I spotted the likes of Chase Henry, Ares Torrance and other popular students dominating the scene. No sign of Axel could be seen. I frowned. Not feeling like eating oatmeal. I slipped the unopened box in my bag and charged out of the cafeteria. There was physical health next on my timetable. I decided to pass time in the locker room since I had nothing going on right now. I entered the locker room and shrugged out of my school blazer. The temperature of the room was a hundred degrees, I swear. Suddenly, the sound of heavy breathing and moans filled the room. What...? The sound of the breathing grew as did my anxiety because I didn't want to witness anyone having a make-out session. The curious side of me wanted to see who was responsible for making that sound. The moaning increased. I smiled, because someone was definitely having the time of their life. Who could it be? "Oh, Axel." I froze. "Kiss me, Axel." My ears felt like they were bleeding and my insides had stopped functioning. It was the initial shock that kept me rooted at my spot, but then it was my pride that kept me still. I wanted to hear every second of it. After all, that's what I deserve. "Ah, please, Axel, baby." It was followed by the sound of them kissing. Yes, please, continue what you were doing. I had to witness what exactly you are doing to her Axel. That lucky girl was me yesterday and now you've replaced me. So effortlessly. I was replaceable. I deserved to go through this excruciating pain because I had made the mistake of thinking that I was irreplaceable. When they were finally done, I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. C'mon, show me your face. On accord, the devil came face to face with me and right along with him came Jenna. Oh, I understand now. "Oh, God, Astoria. Were you listening?" The b***h sounded appalled. "Every second of it." Axel knew my words were addressed to him. He scowled in return and walked past me, his shoulder pushed me out of his way. I stumbled a little, but managed to maintain my balance. "How dare you—" "—You knew about me and Axel didn't you?" I already knew the answer to it, but I wanted to hear it from her mouth. With a smirk, she arched her back. "That's how you win your way in life." "Well, congratulations. I hope he treats you just the way you deserve to be treated." Days faded into months. My anger vanished the moment I came to terms with my life. It is what it is. Nothing can be changed, but at least I can control what happens to me. Lesson learned thoroughly. Axel and I were reduced to nothing but strangers. He ignored my existence and I forgot what we used to be. He did his own things, made friends, stole more hearts and never looked back at me again. Sometimes when I can't sleep at night, I yearn for the friend I lost. If I could do anything differently, then I would change everything except the time I spent with my friend. The friend who still ruled my heart. *** Playlist - Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin axel and astoria - 17 Astoria "You don't need to use your retirement fund to pay for my college. I'll die before I let you both sacrifice your hard earned money on me." My grandma's sad blue eyes met mine. "Everything that's ours belongs to you, biscuit." She held onto grandpa's hand. I shook my head, furiously. "No, no. I don't want a penny from it." "Astoria, I want no arguments on this matter," Grandpa said, sternly. "Neither do I want any arguments. I will run somewhere you won't be able to find me if you put a single penny in my college trust." "How will you get into college without money?" Grandma's concerned voice acted as a mediator. "Students loans exist for a reason, mama," I yelled, which earned me a glare from grandpa. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have spoken so loudly," I apologised immediately. "But you both need to understand that I'll figure things out on my own." "You'll take out loans for college, then your entire life will be spent in paying off those debts," Grandpa said. "So what, papa? What's life without struggle?" He banged his fist on our kitchen table. "You don't know what real struggle means, Astoria." I wavered in my seat. It's been ages since I last saw my grandpa angry to this extent. Grandma ran soothing circles on Grandpa' back in hopes of calming him down. "Griffin, honey..." "No, Paige." He held up his hand. "This girl can't be reasoned with. Just like her mother." That hurt like hell. My mother was a sensitive topic for me and for grandpa to compare me with my mother hit a nerve. I looked down. "Excuse me-" "Biscuit, no, wait-" I ignored my grandma's voice and ran out of the kitchen. My feet carried me to our front porch and before I knew it, I was out on my bicycle, peddling away. The tears finally grazed my cheeks. I didn't care for them. I just focused all my energy into peddling. Life could do the trick. It had the ability to make you miserable beyond consideration. They think I don't notice their little hushed voiced late night conversation they have that breaks my heart into a million pieces, because the only reason they labour themselves is to give me a life I deserve. Their constant knee pains, backaches, throbbing head, weakening stature doesn't go unnoticed by me. I feel terrible every time I watch them suffer because of me. And I am helpless. I can't do anything for them yet. At least, I can stop them from paying for my tuition. If I don't get a scholarship, then I'll take out loans or attend a community college if need be. The only thing I've ever held on in my life were my dreams. I was taught to never let go of the things you want in your life because if you want it bad enough, then they'll find a way to reach out to you. It's as simple as it can get. Life's not fair to everyone. I need to learn to embrace the struggle. That's all I can do. I stop right outside a pharmacy. With my bike parked and a cardigan wrapped safely around me, I head inside the store. Tears had fogged up my glasses, I took them off to clean the surface area. I stopped to put them back on as I saw my reflection in the mirror. For the first time in years, I carefully analyzed my appearance. My eyebrows required grooming, eyes bloodshot red that made my blue orbs turn into its dullest shade, my french braid on the verge of damnation, the blue overalls looked two sizes too big on me. I was sixteen, but I was nothing like my classmates. My classmates enjoyed being sixteen whereas it was a burden for me. I didn't party, had any friends to talk to or share my feelings with, no luck with boyfriends and top of it, I was sure none of my classmates even knew I studied in the same grade as them. I was a mess in all sorts. If I could forget for one night... just one night to not be myself. It would be just perfect. I just want to be a normal seventeen year old even if it's for a night. Who cares if I go out and kiss boys? I know for a fact, he won't care at all. Over the years, he and I had gone in different directions. He had forgotten about me, had carried on with his life just fine. In fact, last time I checked, he was dating two girls at one time. He was out there enjoying his life, kissing girls, having s*x, not a care in world. If I could pretend to be like him for one night... oh how perfect it would be! "Gosh! That's too many condoms, Luna." I heard a feminine giggle. "What if I get lucky tonight?" "With Axel?" Okay, now you have my full attention. "Mia, I can only dream of it and please I am not buying these condoms for myself. I have a s*x-ed class tomorrow and I have to buy to keep it stocked up." The other girl giggled while I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. I took a closer look at the girls and immediately recognised them. Luna West and Mia Carter-Henry were my classmates and I bet they don't know that I am their classmate. I double checked their appearance. Luna West was the definition of american beauty. Her blonde waves beautifully cascaded down her back, neatly, Alluring turquoise eyes and face to die for. Mia West on the other end was the ultimate next-door-girl. Her curves were perfect and she had the most friendly face out of all. "You're going to the party tonight?" Mia asked. "I heard it's an open invite party. That's a big event. One of Chase's friends is throwing it." "Yeah, I heard about it. Ares Torrance is crazy to throw such a big party. How can his parents allow him to throw a party during a school night?" "It's Saturday tomorrow, dummy." "Still. To answer you, I am not going. Parties are not my scene." I saw them turn around to leave and quickly inspected some bottles of shampoo to look busy. They left the store and I sighed. So there was a party. Ares Torrance was throwing it and if I recall, his mansion sat adjacent to Trent's palace. My eyes fell on a blonde wig and suddenly, an idea popped to me. I knew what I needed to do. *** Axel The most powerful weapon a man can exercise over a woman is pleasure. There's nothing greater than pleasure to anyone in this world. I had learnt it early on from my cousin how the right amount of dominance and pleasure can get you exactly what you want. Control. I was a f*****g moron when it came to exercising the right amount of pleasure and pain. I craved pleasure way too much for my liking. Still, I couldn't find pleasure in any of the girls I'd been with. Not Charlotte. Not the little vicious Jenna. None of the girls had the capacity in them to give me exactly what I desired. I admit both of them were a good f**k, but that's it. I don't curl my toes, roll my eyes to the back of my head or feel the rush of ecstasy flow to my veins when I fuxk the random girls. I don't care about getting them off, my only search is to relieve myself. They were nothing more than c*m buckets to me. I hated myself for it. I didn't love anyone and yet love was everything I wanted. Why couldn't I go make love to Charlotte when I know she damn well loves me madly? It's impossible for me to imagine myself loving anyone. Anyone, but her. Fuck. It was always her. It enraged me to think about her. My hands tightened in her beautiful honey colored hair as her mouth worked me. If only I can imagine for a second... "Gag me, baby." Fuck. Did she have to open her mouth? On the contrary, her mouth was already open and her tongue out like a greedy slut. I was furious with myself. I was imagining the one girl I couldn't have and now I couldn't find it in me to finish. f**k her. I'll find my own c****x. Livid, I didn't care if I was too rough on her. I yank on her head and slam her mouth down my length. I hold her there as she gags and moans. I keep her there until she struggles to breathe. Another yank to her hair and I pull her away. Drool runs down her mouth, but I don't give her a chance to recover and f**k her mouth. I imagine blue eyes staring at me as her beautiful mouth pleases me. In my head, she loves giving me a head. Enjoys every second of it. Reality is the complete opposite. I release myself inside her mouth and she gulps the liquid. I lean down and kiss her lips. She kisses me with a passion I can't match. I don't have it in me to kiss her anymore. Pulled away and shoved my length inside. "Go clean. You brother will leave me with broken limbs if he sees you like this," I told her. Charlotte wraps her hands around my waist. "So what? You are mine. I like everything you do to me." She kissed my bare shoulder. "I don't want to share you with others." Not this again. "Charlotte, you know we can't do it." "Please, I just can't do it. How would you feel if I shared myself with different people?" I am not sure how I would feel if she started f*****g other people, but I'll learn to deal with it. "Let's talk about this another time. I am going back to the party." I untangle myself from her hold and put my shirt back on. I ignored her whines and walked out of the room. *** Hosting parties was a headache that's why I never hosted any parties at my place. It was Ares' scene to do the work. The strangest thing was that the host himself never went out his way to enjoy his own parties. No. He kept himself invested by watching the people who attended his parties. I don't get my friend sometimes. I headed to the bar to grab a beer for myself when my eyes subconsciously landed on a blonde, who sat on the far corner of the barstool, engaged in an animated conversation with Derek Johnson. Her back was facing me and I caught the lewd expression on Derek' face. I rolled my eyes and left. The guy was a certified maniac. I never bothered associating myself with the likes of him. I took the flight of stairs that led to Ares's surveillance room. I found both of my friends in the room. "Hey," I said. Ares jerked his chin in acknowledgment while Chase was too deep in thoughts. I dropped my weight on the sofa that Chase had occupied. "What?" Chase snarled, annoyed. "Had your fill already? I bet there's always someone new to suck you." "Aww... I know you love me, but I don't do heads from boys. I am not opposed to it, but no thanks." "Shut up." I smiled to myself and took a gulp of my beer. "Where are the cigarettes? I need a smoke." "Top shelf, to the left corner," Ares said. "Go grab it for me, Chasey." I loved getting a rise out of Chase. It was entertaining to see him get annoyed. He huffed, but as I told. I lit the cigarette and took in the dose of nicotine that I so damn craved everytime. The waves of steam left my mouth and I was home. I had recently started smoking. It was difficult at first, I had coughed up a lot, but Charlotte taught me how to do it properly. The lights had become a coping mechanism for me. "It's funny to think that your girl taught you to smoke," Chase chuckled. "Not the other way around." I mimicked the sound. "She's not my girl," I said, matter-of-factly. "If I ever have my own girl, I sure as fuxk won't teach her to smoke." "You want them pure." "And you don't?" I c****d my eyebrow at him. He leaned back, arms behind his head, flexing his biceps. "I like them dirty. A w***e is always better than a goody two shoes. They know what exactly to expect from me." "You want the mother of your future to be a w***e?" "She'll be my w***e. There's fun in it." I gave it a thought, but pushed it away. "I wouldn't tolerate my girl that way. She'll have to be sweet and innocent so that I can keep her on a tight leash." "Are you both fuxkers seriously calling my sister a w***e?" Oops. I had totally forgotten about Ares. A laugh escaped both Chase and me. "Sorry," I mumbled, taking a sip of my beer. "You guys are not going to enjoy the party?" I changed the topic. "It's seriously getting a little wild." "I know how to keep them tamed," Ares said, airily. "That's why I like to keep an eye on everyone. In fact, I need one of you to do my work." "What work?" Chase asked. "Second floor, east wing bar, it's getting out of hand. I don't want cops to be on my case when some girl files for assault." That piqued my interest. I was at the east wing bar, moments ago. "What's happening there?" I asked. "I think I remember seeing Derek Johnson with a blonde at the east wing bar." "She's resisting his advances. Just go and handle the situation." ***
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