1132 Words

Natalie POV Thinking about what Emman told me this morning makes me confused. Will I give him a chance? Did he really mean it this time? Can I trust him? Those are the questions that keeps repeating in my mind right now. "Hey Nate! Your not listening!" Arabella whined at me. Waking me up from my deep thought about this morning with Emman. "Sorry! Just thinking something. I am really sorry... So what are we talking about now?" I asked her. "Well! Since you are a doctor, mom and I decided to tour you in one of our hospital! So what do you think?" Arabella asked me excitedly. I eyed at my mother in-law Ysabella whose making doughnuts and cookies in the kitchen. "Can I come Mom?" I asked her while I make a move on helping her. "Of course! Your going to be one of doctor soon in the h

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