Chapter 16: Cornered

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“I have enough of your games, Stanley,” she hissed and the man let out a boisterous laugh because of it. Some of the customers looked at them curiously and she only felt more uncomfortable because of it. She wipes the sweat forming on her forehead before she glanced at Philip on her left who was watching Stanley still going on at it. Her employer might be curious about her relationship with the Aces since she seems so close with Stanley. During the twice of their visit when she was employed by him, Stanley always goes to her. Curiosity might be shown on Philip’s face but he never asked her. “Your barmaid is hilarious, Philip,” Stanley said after he has recovered. “Uhhh…indeed, Sir.” “Hiring her must have been the best decision you have ever made.” Philip glanced at her and was forced to say, “Yes, Sir.” “If that is so, your pub may have gained more profit when she came in?” “It has, Sir. More customers are returning when she came, mayhap because the singers now are also giving better performances—” “No,” Stanley immediately interjected. “It’s because of her.” Then pointed in her direction. “She has been your greatest asset for a whole month already…therefore, you will give her a raise.” Her eyes widened because of that. She is in no need of money. Whatever idea could have put that on Stanley’s head is entirely wrong. He is only making Philip more pressured. “Very well, Sir.” Stanley rests his arms on the counter, lacing his fingers together. “And you will give her a day’s off every week.” Her employer’s mouth parted. “Every week?” “Is that a problem?” Stanley asked. She interjected by saying, “That’s too much. I’m alright with my—” But Stanley countered it. “No, you’re not, Freira. Look at you. You look like you haven’t slept for days.” She shouldn’t think that he is concerned. He kills people but then he is bothered by low salary and no days off for employees. They may be good to others but their ways toward others are still wicked. It's like they are not yet over with the war and now, they are wreaking havoc amongst their own people, in their own street. "Philip?" Stanley asked. He looks like a completely different person without his playful smile. He was already leaning by the counter and his presence felt more intimidating with his serious eyes on her employer—it seemed like he would kill him which she wishes that he won't. "Very well, Sir. I'll arrange Freira's wage and her days off.” That is when Stanley's smile came back. "Wise decision, my friend, very wise." Then grabbed his cap and gave her a glance before he goes on to their room. She took a cautious look at Philip who is now looking displeased with the situation. He rolled his eyes at her and pushed the drinks he has been preparing a while ago. There is a bottle of whiskey but there are already different drinks on the glasses, according to the preferences of their customers. "Take this." "Where?" "Where else? Since you have been close with them, better have you deliver their every drink then.” Her mouth parted. “To the Aces?” Philip huffed and ignored her since she knew where to go already. She slowly grabbed the tray but looked up when she saw the singer going down on the stage, already done with her performance. She immediately carried the tray and followed the woman. Gladys glanced at her but did not say anything and just continued walking. Since she is by the woman’s back, she can smell her perfume and she cannot help but relish it. It is interesting how one’s scent could distinguish someone from the others and she wonders about what she smells. She does not want to buy any perfume since it is pointless and she does not want to attract anyone. But she takes a bath and the feeling of being clean, for her, is better than smelling good. Unconsciously, her thoughts drifted to Doctor Harrington and the way his room smelled when she entered it the first time. His smell was fresh and musky that have stayed on her mind for days. Remembering the man only pains her and though she has no right to feel anything about his departure—something that she keeps on reminding herself ever since she knew about that news. Absent-mindedly, she entered the room when Gladys passed the door and the two men who were on the post. She only realized that she was inside when she inhaled the thick smoke of cigarettes. She was so close to coughing but she held it in since she is still holding the tray and it would be unhygienic. Her mouth turned agape when she looked around the room and seeing that it was huge—also had its second floor and have rounded stairs—she was surprised. However, she had no time to make sense of everything when her eyes dropped to the man sitting by an armchair, regarding her closely. “I…Your drinks, Sir.” Gladys was beside him, clinging onto him like a snake, kissing his face, his cheek with her hands roaming around his body. It is obvious that he was the one leading the gang. He is always the one who is guarded and when there was a fight on her street, he was the one who does the talking. “Put it here,” he said, pointing at the table in front of him. His blue eyes followed her every move as she immediately went to the table so she could go out of the room fast. She was taking everything out on the tray when the man grabbed one glass and drank its content straight up. “Pour some whiskey, please.” “I’ll fill it in,” Gladys said. “Not you. Let the girl do the work.” Gladys leaned back on the chair and watched her, making sure she won't do anything stupid. That is when she saw the other men going down the stairs together with Stanley. "You're here," Stanley exclaimed and hurriedly went down. "You two knew each other?" the man with the slicked-back hair asked. "It is the w.hore who Stanley had been talking about, Arthur," the man with a long hair said, eyeing her closely. He has the same green eyes as Stanley and admittedly, among them, he is the most beautiful. It is not right that she looks at their appearances despite their wrongdoings but she cannot help it since it is what she sees every time. "She is not a w.hore, Clyde, and she has a name." "What is your name, dear girl?" She almost jumped when she looked to her right and saw the man leaning close to her. He was the one who is smoking when she first saw him. The same as their leader, he has blue eyes and because he is half-naked, she could see the great number of tattoos on his upper body. "F-Freira, Sir." "Freira," he slowly said. "I didn't even look at her since I thought she is just another w.hore Philip hired for us. I am not interested with his picks lately," The man who Stanley called Clyde said as he sits down on the chair just on her back. She cannot help but be aware that she is being cornered. Arthur—their leader on her right, Clyde on her back, the man with tattoos still leaning by her left, and Stanley standing in front of her with his hands inside his pockets. The tension is palpable, even Gladys felt it, making the woman slightly move away from Arthur, not wanting to get hurt because she is forcing herself on him. "Didn't know this one is a beauty despite these ugly clothes," Clyde whispered and she freeze when she felt him grab a strand of her hair. She immediately stood up. "I must go." Stanley widened his grin. "I think you should, right, Michael?" The man on her left shifted and was about to grab her but she unconsciously took a step away from him, only to get tripped and fall on Arthur's lap. She gasped, the mistake dawning at her. “I’m so sorry.” She was about to stand but an arm was wrapped around her waist and she can clearly feel Arthur against her. She looked at the other men who are watching them silently, waiting for what their leader is going to do. “You’re not a w.hore?” he whispered and she can feel his hold on her tightening, pulling her close to his chest. “That’s a pity. My brothers seemed to like you.” Then pointed at Stanley. “Especially him.” “I am no w.hore, Sir,” she said. “I am a barmaid and I am only doing my job.” “Indeed,” he said. “But clearly this place is not for you. One day, you will be like that if you remain here, therefore, you should leave...especially now that you took our attention.” She inhaled sharply as she grits her teeth with determination. They are depriving her of what she has been striving so hard to take. She will not stop now that she has been remembering things little by little. They are such bastards to think that they could control everyone they want. “Release me,” she hissed. It must have been the exhaustion or the heartache she has been feeling when Doctor Harrington left but she unexpectedly has the courage to speak, determined that she will not let them have the satisfaction of bullying her. “Release me at once, Sir,” she said and when he still did not, she grabbed his arm and shove it away from her body. She was about to go when Stanley blocked her with his smile wavering. “What do you think you’re doing?” “I am no toy for you all to play with. It should come to your understanding that not all women would do anything for your attention nor does anyone would be pleased that you get to control their lives.” “Watch your words, Freira,” he hissed and they both looked back at the other men when someone laughed heartily, finding everything amusing. “Let her be, Stanley,” Arthur said. “Let her be.” “But—” “She will soon realize the weight of her actions…” the man said but she did not wait any longer for his next word since Stanley lets her go and she ran out of the room hurriedly. “I’m done for the day, Philip,” she said when she got to the counter. “But it’s not the end of your shift yet,” the man protested. “I’m done,” she repeated as she grabs her coat and walked her way out of the pub.
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