Chapter 14

2292 Words
At Alpha’s parent’s house “So, how did you survive?” it was Alpha asking Aro. They were in the living room of their house. Mira is beside him and Aro’s sitting in the sofa opposite to them. Kathara woke up when they were about to go and doesn’t want to let go, still clinging on Aro despite being sleepy. “Well, I was on my way to the hospital. Ella’s giving birth prematurely. I was on the list of the biologists who were supposed to be on the expedition, but apparently there was also a substitution in the other vessel. There’s two of us. Our senior doesn’t want to submit the change in names because it would delay us. But on my way to the hospital, the earthquake caused a major road accident and I got injured. The head injury was not that bad, but since there were lots of casualties, it took some time before I got the medical treatment I need. I lost a lot of blood and I woke up and became James” he explained. “Their family is quite influential. Michaella was suffering from depression, she really couldn’t recognize I wasn’t her husband, so for all those years, we lived together. Then memories about you and mom started to come back to me. I wanted to contact you, but she was very sensitive about it. That time, she was also diagnosed with brain tumor. I just can’t bring myself to leave her, or Kathara. I was the one who named her, by the way. My little baby, I didn’t know where I got it; then I learned it was because my name is quite similar. Ha-ha” he laughed. “I’ve known about him” Dolores said looking at Alpha. “Darling, please forgive me for not telling you first, I’ve known about him for quite a while now” she apologized. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked. “I asked her not too, Alpha. She told me about how you’ve waited for so many years for me. How your life was, back then. And after I remembered everything, I still couldn’t bring myself to come home, to come to you. And then, I learned about Mira, and how she made you whole again. I don’t want to ruin anything just by coming back” he explained. “And yet you’re back” he replied. “Ella died six months ago, I didn’t came back earlier since I thought it isn’t decent to just go simply because she died. But after a while, I thought it would also help Kathara move on, so I’m here. Forgive me, Alpha. It was all me” he simply answered. “I’m not angry. I kind of know, that you’ll come back because, that’s you. No matter how many times I tell you to get out of my sight, after a while, you’ll just pop back up like nothing happened, like a real dumbass” he told him. He heard him chuckle. “How old is she?” “She’s four. She’ll love it here. I was thinking about settling here, for good this time. I don’t want to waste any more time away from Mom, and you all.” “That’s good to hear” he simply replied. They stayed for a while catching up. Alpha even called Harold and Mathew and told them about him. They videochat and the two of them just stared on screen before they could speak. They even teased Mathew of crying but they were both tearing up. He decided to go home when he realized Kathara was already sleeping in his lap. Aro woke up on little tugs on his shirt. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Kathara beside his bed looking at him. He didn’t lock his door since he thought she might wake up and cry. “Yes, baby?” he asked. “Daddy, I want my milk” the little girl said. “Okay, let’s go to the kitchen?” he told her. The little girl nodded and raised both her hands to make him carry her. He carried her to the kitchen and put her down near the cupboard while she watched him make her milk. “Daddy, why do they call you Aro? You are James” she asked. That’s right, her mother used to call him James. That was his identity for the past four years. “You’re right baby, but you see, when you were born, Daddy became sick, so he didn’t remember his real name or his family. That’s why Mommy gave me a temporary name and that’s James. But now Daddy remembered everything” he explained. “What’s temporary, Daddy” the little girl asked. Aro chuckled, “it’s when you use something for only a short time” he said. His baby girl is a very curious child. He put half hot and half cold water in her glass before giving it to her. She drank from her glass and then looked at him. There’s milk in her mouth. “So, you aren’t really James?” she clarified. He chuckled again and shook his head. He wiped her mouth with his hand. “So, what’s your name then, Daddy?” she continued. “My name is Katharos” he replied. “Oh! Like mine!” she shouted with a big smile. “I’m Kathara!” “Shush” he said laughing. “Mama Dolly’s still asleep” it’s still four in the morning. She must still have not adjusted to the time difference yet. “Daddy, would you still love me if I get a new mommy?” she suddenly asked. Aro was surprised by Ara’s sudden question but he managed to compose himself quickly. “Of course, baby. Why?” he thoughtfully asked. “We came here so you can leave me with Mama Dolly?” she asked. “Oh, baby girl, no, no. Why would you think that? I will love you, always. You will forever be my baby girl, Daddy loves you more than I love mermaids” he assured her. “Okay, daddy” said Ara as she hugged him and he carried her and kissed her head. “Daddy, will I get pretty like a mermaid?” she asked. “You’re a lot, lot prettier than them” he replied. “Let’s go drink your milk in the living room, okay?” “Okay” she responded. Kathara sat on Aro’s lap as she continues to drink her milk. They were sitting in the pink sofa near the window. “Do you want to go back to bed?” he asked as soon as she finished her milk. “No” she said as she latched to him. “Let’s go” he said and prepared to stand and carry her but the little girl wiggled in protest and started to yell ‘no’ so they stayed sitting in the sofa. They sat there in silence as he felt Ara grew sleepy but not asleep yet. He remained there looking outside as his vision grew blurry and he fell asleep too. “Sweetheart” Aro woke up to his mother’s call. “Mom” he replied. “What time is it?” “It’s quarter to seven in the morning. Why are you two sleeping here?” his mother asked as she took the empty glass Ara used just a few hours ago. “It’s Ara, she hasn’t gotten used to the time difference yet” he replied. His mother started to walk to the kitchen holding the empty glass. He heard the clanks of the mug and spoon from the kitchen, afterwards his mother came in the living room holding two mugs of tea. She gave him the other mug. It’s chamomile tea with lemon and cinnamon. He loves it, it smells like home. It tastes like home too. He never thought he would feel so happy and contented like this. “I miss you, Mom” he told her. “And I miss you, my darling boy. You just don’t know how much happy I am to know that I can still say it” she said looking at him lovingly. “A parent’s greatest sorrow is her child dying before her, as you bury him, you bury your heart with him. But how much painful it is to not have the chance to bury him at all, to think that he died somewhere else and stayed there. There is no greater sorrow. Was he hungry? Was he cold? Did he suffer? You ask yourself all those questions. But still, I know you wouldn’t want me living a miserable life so I still eat while thinking if you ever starved before dying. I still cover myself thinking if you ever felt cold. I don’t enjoy any of it but I have to keep living anyway.” she told him and he saw her pain. “But you’re here now, you brought all the missing pieces in me. Now, I’m complete” she said smiling. She looked at Kathara and touched her cheek, “you even brought a little angel with you.” He chuckled, “she is. And the sweetest, too” he replied. Ara started to move. She opened her eyes and saw him, he smiled. “Daddy” she called him. “Yes, baby?” he asked. “Milk” she said. Aro chuckled, “You just had your milk. We’ll have it again later, okay? Do you want to go back to bed?” She just let out a long ‘hmm’ sound and shook her head and hugged him tighter. Dolores laughed at her. “You’re one, sweet, little daddy’s girl, aren’t you?” “Baby, let’s play volleyball later, okay?” he asked. She nodded. “Don’t you think she’s too young for that?” his mother asked. “Her arms and bones are still soft” she continued. “I’ll buy her a softer ball” he replied. “Do you want it?” he asked his daughter? “What is it?” Kathara asked. She slightly tilted her head to look at her father. “It’s called volleyball. Daddy used to play it when he was still in school. You will meet many people there, you will have new friends” “Okay” she replied and yawned as she rested her head in him and hugged him. After a few minutes, the little girl drifted back to sleep. Aro stayed at home for a few days, going out only to buy stuff. He bought knee pads for Kathara, a little volleyball uniform. He didn't know how enjoyable it is to buy clothes for her. It was always Ella who bought it and mostly all online. He’s focusing on getting Kathara used to the time difference and to their family. She likes to watch his mother sweeping the yard and watering the plants every morning. He felt relieved that she doesn’t ask about the things she used to have back at the old house, she has a big room, there’s a pool outside and she have many toys. In fact, she looks livelier. Tomorrow he’ll introduce her to his old team. The next day, they arrived at the gym a few minutes earlier. He started with letting Ara play catch ball with him. He’s not used of teaching other people how to play and he remembered his mother telling him that her bones are still soft. No, it’s not, he thought. He’s trying his best to be as gentle as possible in throwing the ball to Ara, not to be forceful or too far. Ah, she’ll feel this tomorrow, he thought again. Then he heard familiar voices coming from behind them. “I thought it was a celebrity! Who’s this beautiful lady?” it was Harold baby talking Ara. “My name is Kathara!” Ara shouted making him laugh. “Baby, you’ll hurt your throat. Speak less loudly” he instructed. “And this is my daddy, James. His real name is Katharos. We have the same name!” she continued making Harold and Mathew laugh. “Good to have you back, man” it was Yuan tapping his back. “Thanks” he replied. He saw Andrei and TJ also nodding at him. He nodded back. “How can you be so beautiful? Your daddy doesn’t even look that good” it was Mathew teasing the little girl. “That’s not true! My daddy is the handsomest in the world!” she shouted again making Aro laugh hard. “That’s correct! You tell them, baby!” Aro said laughing. Ara started running around with the ball. “Man, Archi took his sweet time moving on and you came back with a child” Mathew joked at him. They laughed at his comment. “Good thing she’s a beautiful girl, I can’t get mad even if I want to” Alpha suddenly came with Mira. “Hi, Mom” Mathew and Harold said almost in unison. “Sometimes, I’m really amazed how connected your brain cells are” TJ's snide comment to Harold and Mathew. “What’s mom?” Aro asked. “Ara! Don’t go too far!” Aro shouted when he saw Ara running too far from their location. “Wow. Now there’s two Mom now” Harold teased. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Mira’s my mom” Yuan told him. “Yeah” Andrei agreed when he saw Mira about to protest to Yuan. He smiled. They became so close during that time he was absent.
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