Chapter 10

1481 Words
“Hi love” Archi greeted Mira. He took the towel after he hang his bag behind the door and went straight to the bathroom. After fifteen minutes, he came out wearing shorts, topless and still drying his hair with the towel. He sat next to Mira who’s folding their laundry. “Hi” she glanced and smiled at him. “How was your day?” she asked. “It’s a bit tiring” he replied. Archi rested his head on Mira’s shoulder and started kissing her neck. She felt his hand on her stomach and went to her thigh. “Can I just—” She laughed. “No, love. We can do it later. I have to finish my chores” she said removing Archi’s arm around her. “You’re so diligent these days. I’ll still give you three stars even if you don’t finish your tasks on time” he joked. Mira just shook her head while she started putting the folded clothes in their cabinet. “It’s your turn to wash the dishes after dinner” she reminded him. “Oh, you’re right, I forgot” he replied while he lay in bed. “I get too tired these days” he complained. “Fine, I’ll do the dishes until Sunday” she offered smiling. “Okay?” he said waiting for the continuation of her offer. “But you will be in-charge of the dishes whole week next week” she answered feeling like winning an argument. “Next week, Monday to Friday?” he asked again. “No, next week Monday to Sunday” she clarified with almost a permanent smile on her face. “Let me get this straight, you want to do the dishes this Friday night until Sunday and I will be in-charge from Monday to Sunday next week” he asked in disbelief. “That’s correct!” she proudly replied. Archi shook his head slowly, staring at her while she laughs. “I will do the dishes tonight” he declared. “Oh, you didn’t fell for it” she said almost laughing. “The equality of effort we will exert in this agreement made it so tempting for me to say yes” Archi told her. She laughs “You’re starting to be sarcastic, where did you learn that?” “Where indeed” “What are we doing this weekend?” Mira asked Archi while still continuing putting clothes in the cabinet? “What do you want to do?” Archi asked her? “Well, do you want to stay at your parents’? Its been awhile since we visited Tita Dolly” she answered. “Its only been a week” Archi commented. “I know, but still. She didn’t even call as much” she continued. “Do you think she’s also moved on?” she asked. “Why do you ask that?” Archi sit up and looked at her. “Well, she looks happier. Maybe she’s going out with friends, like how she’s suggesting me to do. Maybe she moved on like you and—” “Its different” he cut her. “How is it different?” “Aro’s not someone we can just forget—” “I’m not saying anything about forgetting Aro. I’m saying, maybe now, she’s learned how to live it” she said. And there was long silence between. “Have you?” she asked him. “Of course, I do. We will not be here if I don’t” he answered. “I’ll prepare dinner” he stood up and went to the kitchen. Mira stared at the open door. She can hear water running in the sink. Now TJ’s question’s finally sinking in. At first, she likes the apartment to stay the way she first saw it. That’s why she doesn’t really think about taking the pictures down. But what about Archi? I have to stop, she thought. It’s not like Aro’s coming back. She doesn’t need to feel competitive. She stood up and followed Archi to the kitchen. “Need help?” she asked. “Yeah” he answered. “I need help with the dishes” he smiled. “Sure, not doing it for the rest of next week isn’t so bad” she replied. “Just joking, love. Just sit there and relax” he answered laughing. He continued slicing onions when he looked at Mira and saw her looking at him. “What?” he asked. “Nothing. Its just” she paused. “Just what?” “It suddenly felt like I pushed the wrong buttons back there” she answered. “No, you’re right” Archi told Mira. “I think Tita Dolly and I are both already moving on, it just felt so unreal to me. That’s why I answered that way. I’m just not used saying it, that I've moved on. I’m sorry” he apologized. “It’s okay” she told him. “Do you want to visit Tita Dolly tomorrow?” he asked. “Yeah, and your parents too” she added. “Oh yes, ha-ha” he suddenly laughed. “There was this one time Mom caught me visiting Tita Dolly so late at night. It was awkward” Mira also laughed. Mira’s right. Something’s definitely different with Tita Dolly. She looks, somehow, radiant. “Tita” he started. “Mama told me they often see your light in the living room open so late at night” he told her. “So?” Dolores asked Archi. “Are seeing anyone?” he asked. “You're dating someone, aren't you?” he said with an accusing tone. “What? No! Why would you say that?” Dolly defensively replied. “You look beautiful tita” Mira told her. “You look more so than usual” “Ah, that reminds me” it was Archi. “Tita, why are telling Mira to get more friends? She’s learning about other people’s background. Very personal information, it’s scary” he joked. “It’s better if she has lots of friends. She’ll have people she can run to if you ever cheated on her” Dolores replied. “Oh, I never thought of it that way. Thank you, tita!” Mira beamed. “Hey, no! If we have problems, we talk about it and resolve it. Don’t sleep without fixing a fight” he said. “That’s too old school. If its such a bad fight, and we can’t resolve it right away, it is better to be apart, take a step back, think about the situation and then talk. That ‘don’t sleep without fixing a fight’ is almost never effective. The fight will just get bigger” she explained. “How do you know that?” he asked. “If we’re both angry, we might say things that will make us angrier. It will just get worse” she added. “You have a point” he yielded. Mira and Dolores smiled at each other. Tristan James Don’t do anything stupid, sent to Andrei through messenger. Why not? Andrei replied Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because she already has a boyfriend, TJ replied. It’s not like I’m going to ask her to date me while dating him, sent by Andrei. What would you have her do? He asked. Tell her I like her, and see what’s she’s going to do next. It was Andrei. That’s partly manipulating, TJ replied. Fine, I will not do anything. Just tell me who do you like. It was Andrei again. You can do whatever you want ? sent to Andrei. He heard his phone beeped a few times, probably Andrei asking her who the girl is. He doesn’t want to tell anyone. Of all the ways he could live his life, the complicated way isn’t one of the choices. if you ever felt ready, will you tell us about that girl you like? He could almost hear Mira’s voice. If he will describe his childhood, or teenage years, it will be mediocre. He doesn’t like too much effort about anything. He doesn’t want to expect. Because he’s seen it once. His brother taught him everything he knows. He’s the most dedicated, hardworking person he knows, so when things don’t go his way, he becomes devastated. He doesn’t want what it looks like. So don’t work too hard, don’t like too much, let go of things not rightfully yours. That’s him. He doesn’t want anyone to know he likes someone. But he accidentally told Andrei about it while stopping him from doing anything stupid. Why would you that? Why would you confuse someone you like? Besides, if you ever told her you like her and it didn’t change a thing, why say it in the first place? It wouldn’t make a difference.
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