Chapter 4

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It’s Monday, and it’s only two days since she met Archi. He didn’t text her yesterday, but he did continue texting his other phone, the one for his boyfriend. It really is unusual for her, to find both handsome men in a relationship. There is always at least one who cross-dresses, but the two of them, looked so manly. Especially Aro, he’s so handsome, more than how she could ever explain, so attractive. Archi is another thing; he’s handsome but would blend in eventually to the crowd. He is the kind that would grow more handsome in your sight the more you look at him. That is his difference with Aro, she thinks, Aro would stand out in the crowd and would look really handsome even at first sight. She was walking down the stairs to the biometrics to sign out when her office mates were flocking in her way telling her there’s someone waiting for her. She looked outside and saw Archi still in his uniform. Well, she has to admit, he looks hot. She gestured a ‘wait sign’ and rushed to the biometric machine. Her officemates were teasing her as she walks out of the office. She walks toward Archi, who was standing next to his navy green truck. “Hi”, she said. “Hi Mira, I was wondering, maybe, if you do not have any plans tonight, we can have dinner” He said without even stammering. “Sure, I mean I don’t remember having any plans for five years now”, she laughed and walked to the passenger’s seat. He followed her and opened the door for her. After he sat, he closed the door and walked into the driver’s seat. “By the way, we are having dinner at home with Tita Dolores, she likes to drop by from time to time” he said looking at her from time to time. “Sure, who’s she by the way? Your mom’s sister, or your dad’s?” she asked. “Actually, she’s Aro’s mother. She’s kind of always worried about me, or sometimes she just missed him, so she just drops by to cook food”, he explained. It’s a good thing he doesn’t sound like forcing himself to explain. “That’s so sweet of her” “I know”, he said smiling. “Do you want to go to your house first? You know, change clothes or anything.” “No, I’m fine this way”, she laughed. They drove for almost fifteen minutes until they parked to a familiar apartment. Archi opened the door “Have a seat” he said referring to her. “Tita we’re here, oh hey! I thought we’re having dinner?” he asked as the middle-aged lady looked like getting ready to go home. Mira looked at her and smiled. She’s tall and very beautiful. She’s where Aro might have gotten his looks, she thought. “Yeah, but your mom called and she asked if I want to join them for dinner, I must say I enjoy their company a little more than yours” she said chuckling. “Oh! This is the girl you talk to me about. Hello there! It’s so nice meeting you”, she said while walking closer to Mira and gave her a light hug. “The pleasure is all mine, Ma’am”, she said hugging her back. “Oh, don’t make my age a little obvious, call me Tita Dolores, or simply tita”, Dolores said with a warm smile. “Okay Tita”, she answered. “I cooked dinner for the three of us but I’m afraid I can’t join you tonight. I would have loved to talk to you more, hija”, Dolores said. “There will be other chances, tita. Thank you so much for the dinner.” “Oh, I have to visit him from time to time to check if he’s not forgetting his meals” Dolores said referring to Archi who just tapped Mira’s shoulder before entering his room. “He’s a son to me” she said softly. “Anyhow, feel at home and enjoy the dinner”. Mira nodded as a response. “Archi, I’ll be going ahead, anak!” Anak is a Filipino term used to address one’s child. It is often used in the country as endearment for people you consider your own. “Yes Tita, thank you for the dinner!” Archi was shouting from the room. “Mira! Give me five minutes!” Archi shouted making her and Dolores laugh. “Take your time!” she shouted back. Dolores was picking her jacket and her bag, “He’s a good guy”, she said. “I’ll be going ahead, enjoy your dinner”. Dolores waved at her before going out the door. She just nodded smiling as a response and then waved back. After roughly eight minutes Archi joined her in the living room, “I hope she cooked paksiw na bangus, she cooks the best paksiw but when it comes to adobo, no one beats my mom. Let’s go”, they went straight to the kitchen and he started arranging their food and plates. She stood and started helping arranging the table. “No, it’s okay; you’re a guest, so” “What? It’s okay, besides I hope this isn’t really the last time we can have dinner together. You know, it’s kind of calming having you, as a friend, where I can just talk and you wouldn’t really judge. It’s been a long time, you see”, she explained. He looked at her for a while and replied, “yeah, I kind of get that vibe, like I am talking to a therapist”, he stopped and stared at her for a while, “No, I don’t want to freak you out” he said raising both his hands to air. “No, I don’t want to freak you out either, I mean I just thought it’s been a long time, that’s why I kind of want to have someone to talk to, but then you feel the same way. So, I am happy, that I lost my phone and had to get a new number, and I got this SIM card and kind of end up here, meeting you. Having a new friend, I’m happy” “You know, you’re one smooth talker, did I already tell you that?” he said laughing. She was laughing too, “No.” “Well, you are. Sit down, I got this.” He said while preparing everything. He even put rice on her plate. “Oh, I’m sorry” he said referring to him putting foods on her plates. “Yeah, it’s okay, I can do this though. By the way, is it okay if I ask you about him, from time to time? I don’t mean to be insensitive, so it’s okay if not.” She was looking at him from time to time while filling her plate with food. “Yeah, I think it’s okay since it’s you” he said while putting the belly part of paksiw na bangus in her plate. He also removed the bones of the chicken adobo, put in a saucer and gave it to her. “Wow, you really are hospitable. I feel so accommodated and incapacitated as well”, they both laughed while Archi restrained himself from doing more for Mira. “I’m sorry, I was just so used doing this” he stated laughing. “I mean it’s okay, I do feel special when you do that”, she realized it was too late for her to take back what she just said so she changed the topic. “You know, I just notice, he’s so good looking. Did he have any girlfriends in the past?” “Yeah, I think he had six girlfriends. Two broke up with him because he’s so emerged with volleyball. You know, no time for dates and all especially during the time when we compete for nationals.” “Oh, you are that good?” she said amazed by his stories. “Yeah, though we don’t really win, it’s always second or third. The tamaraws are good, and the tigers and the maroons. We never won the championship, but still, those were good days.” “Wow that’s so amazing! I mean, my high school doesn’t even compete in a barangay level, you know”, she said laughing. He laughed at her statement too, “What was your high school life like?” he asked as he was putting chicken again in her saucer plate. She slightly laughed at him because he really does not notice the things he’s doing. “Well, I blend in quite well in my class. I am kind of average, but I belong to the top 10. He-he. I get along with everyone but I had four wonderful girls in my circle. They’re very smart. But we got separated after high school. We talk from time to time, until now. But you see, things change, and I get frustrated sometimes because I feel like I don’t.” “So, average high school life. No sports?” he asked. “Jack stones?” they laughed. “But you know, I think I want to learn volleyball. I think it’s about time I should try to do things.” “You said it. I can bring you sometimes to our practice, we have a team.” “You will? I’d like that” she said. “Oh hey, you want more rice?” “Uhm, no. but I do want more chicken”, she said smiling. Archi started to remove bones from chicken and put it in her saucer plate. “Oh, sorry. Ha-ha”, he said realizing what he’s doing. “Yeah, you kind of do that the whole meal. But it’s okay. Do you do that with Aro?” “Well, yeah. That dumbass really doesn’t know how to take care of himself. He overworks, eats so little and still looks gorgeous. Sometimes it feels so unfair” “I know, right? I mean, look at his pictures. He’s so unnaturally gorgeous. If it’s the other way around, he’s here, you’re not, how could I come here with a pure heart and good intentions?” She was laughing so hard while he’s shaking his head smiling. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that”, he said though he looked like he’s enjoying the conversation. He put another chicken in her plate and started removing the bones of the bangus. “What is he like?” “He’s a pretty silly guy, he jokes around all the time. He’s also good at school, only I’m better and─” “Hey, what do you mean he’s good at school and you’re better? How are you exactly better?” “Well, I was salutatorian in elementary, he’s valedictorian. In high school, it’s the other way around, he’s salutatorian, and I’m valedictorian. And we graduated in college both with Latin awards.” “That was really amazing; you still manage that while being a varsity player. But how was that better? I think you’re just the same.” She said, while eating the fish he put in her plate. “Well, I manage to get those and still get some sleep. He, on the other hand, really tends to overwork. But that only shows how he’s into something. One time, during high school, he went to school without a single second of sleep. He was up all night watching some documentaries about mermaids.” “What?! That’s amazing! I believe in mermaids too.” She said exclaiming, she really enjoys their topic. “We actually finished all the foods. This is amazing” “Wow, yeah! The chicken was amazing. The bangus too, but I love it fried after you cook it paksiw.” “You do? You also eat a lot,” He said. She giggled, “I think I will gain weight this time, I don’t really eat much when I’m alone. After a long time, this is the first time I really feel so full. I will help with the dishes”, she said. After dinner, they cleaned the table and wash the dishes. Mira looked inside the fridge. It has water, some fruits and vegetables. She laughed silently looking at the charcoal at the edge of one of the compartments. “What are you looking at?” It was Archie wiping the sink. “Nothing. Some ice cream maybe?” She laughed. He also laughed while shaking his head, “You just ate”. “I know, that’s why I’m not disappointed. Let’s have coffee later.” “Sure” “You know, I just noticed, you are amazingly clean. I mean, in your home and all. Are you a clean freak?” He chuckled, “No, I am not that clean. I just don’t let my place dusty. Aro was allergic to dust, but he was very lazy at cleaning. So, he would always sneeze all day, and that irritates me. What about you?” “I’m kind of a moody-cleaner; there were times when I don’t care, and that’s like most of the time. But there were also times where I would not stop until everything is shining, that’s once in a blue moon phenomenon.” She was talking while opening the cabinets one by one. “You like junk foods?” “No, that was Aro’s” Archie was making their coffee. “What about these teas? Is this Aro’s too or yours?” She asked. “That was Aro’s. He liked tea and I like coffee. I think that expired years ago, though. Don’t eat it.” “Okay, I like coffee more. The only time I drink tea is when I drink milk tea or C2” she laughed. “Oh, that smells good”, she was referring to the coffee. “We can drink this outside”, she suggested while Archie nodded. “You know”, she started as soon as they sat on the balcony. She heard him chuckle, “What? Why?” “I don’t know, you always say you’re not talkative, but you always have something to talk about, not that I don’t like it, it’s just funny.” “Yeah, I guess so. I don’t usually talk, especially with people I don’t know, but I guess you’re different. Anyway, I don’t meet lot of guys who believe in mermaids. I mean, not that I meet lot of guys, it’s just so rare” She said looking at him. “He’s good looking, good at sports and excels in academics, if he’s kind, he would be a complete package” she said with almost a sparkle in her eyes. “I think I’m developing a crush on him” “He was kind. But hey! That also applies to me; does that mean I am a complete package too?” he said teasing. She laughed at his question. “Yeah, you’re okay looking, good at sports and excelled in your studies. You’re kind, that’s for sure, so yeah, you’re a package too” she said laughing. “You are a very cruel person”, they were both laughing. “He’s good looking and I’m okay looking. He’s a complete package and I’m just a package?” He said enumerating how she compared the two of them. “Hey, it’s been a long time since I complimented anyone.” She said trying to make excuses. “Right, don’t give me that excuse, you are a very cruel person” he said laughing. “I don’t mean to be childish saying this, but my team also thinks I am a lot hotter than him” he really can’t stop laughing. “Oh yeah? Really, that sure doesn’t sound childish”, she said also laughing. “You just said it out of nowhere, so out of our topic” “Cruel and sarcastic, he would’ve liked you too” he said laughing. He really looked like enjoying himself. “Seriously, if he’s here, I would just wait until the two of you broke up, wait again for three months and court him” she said joking. “No, he would’ve courted you. You’re very likeable.” “Would that be okay to you, I mean, if he broke up with you and courted another girl?” She curiously asked. “Yes, our relationship isn’t just about being together. We are best friends, brothers, partners in crime. That won’t stop even if we broke up. We will always be great friends. And I think, that would’ve been better, if we broke up and be happy with the paths that we chose. Not like this. We’ll only think of what might have been because we didn’t know what happened to him” he sincerely said. “What about him? Do you think he would’ve been happy if you broke up with him and court another girl?” she asked. “That’s for sure. It’s just so hard now, because we never really found him. If I court another girl and ended up being happy and it turned out he’s stuck somewhere and all he’s thinking the entire time is how to come back to me. He would’ve been happy for me when he comes back, but it just doesn’t feel right to enjoy my life not knowing how he’s doing right now” he said sadly. “Have you ever considered the idea, that maybe, you know” she can’t bring herself to say the words. “I am really sorry Archi” she said softly. “That he’s dead? Yeah, sometimes I do. And that’s a little frustrating, because if he is, dead” he swallowed the coffee he just drank. “If he’s dead, I would have wanted to give him a decent funeral. Give him flowers and light him candles every November, because he deserves that. Because I also deserve that, I think, to know what really happened to the person I love, to know that at least, he came back, even if he’s dead. Because he always does.” She put her hand in his back and started rubbing it gently and then put it around his back and rests her head in his shoulder. “Maybe he will come back, and he would ask you, why the hell you remained single” she said slightly cracking a smile. “He would sure say that and I would beat the hell out of him for not knowing why” he said smiling too. She just smiled while still resting her head in his shoulder and just made a soft ‘hmmm’ sound while smiling. After having coffee, Archi drove her home. “Do you want to come inside?” she asked while they were in front of her apartment. “No, it’s already quarter to ten. It’s late, you should get some rest.” He said tapping her shoulder. “Yeah, you should rest too since you’re not getting any younger.” She said laughing while making a distance between them. He took a deep breath but looking like he’s trying not to laugh. “Yeah, I really do want to hurt you right now, like strangle you a little bit, you know that?” They were both laughing so hard. “You probably should go inside by now, you’re a lot safer there” he said making his voice sound angry which made her laugh harder. She waved as she goes inside; “Goodnight” she said smiling brightly. He waved back and mouthed goodnight to her, before she close the door, she added, “Goodnight grandpa Archi” and laughed.
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