Chapter 32

2110 Words
MIRA Mira closed her laptop and sipped her coffee. It’s been a month since she broke up with Archi and although it’s her idea to push it, the loneliness is finally seeping inside her body now. She sighed and look at the window of the apartment she’s staying in. Andrei might say it’s okay, but she can’t stay there forever. She opened her laptop again and continued editing her curriculum vitae when she heard her phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw Andrei’s name. “Hello, Andrei” she greeted. “Hi, Mira. How's it going?” it’s been three days since they last talk to each other. “I’m okay, what’s up?” she asked back. She heard the door bell, she started walking to the door. It was TJ in the monitor so she just opened it. He was holding three paper bags. “I’m good. I just want to ask if we could have a dinner some time?” Andrei asked again. She paused, “Really? What’s the occasion?” she further inquired. “TJ and Yuan will be coming too. I just want to introduce my girlfriend” she smiled. She can feel Andrei’s happy voice through the phone. “You got her back!” she exclaimed. She heard Andrei laughing on the other line. “Okay! We’ll be there” she told him. She checked her heart, she does feel happy. That makes her so relieved. She just doesn’t say she’s happy, now she's also feeling happy. She smiled. “Stop doing that, it’s creepy” TJ said when he saw her just smiling alone. She shook her head. How can someone be so cranky? After they had lunch together, TJ went home to change clothes for the dinner. She chose a black floral dress and a black two-inch block heel. She styled her hair in a fish-tail braid and put light make-up. Not long after, she heard the doorbell. She ran and open it. It’s TJ and Yuan. “Wow! Look at us, all so dressed up” she smiled at them. They went to the elevator and down to the lounge. When they walked to the park, Yuan didn’t get in TJ’s car, she looked at him walked past them. “Oh, I brought my own” Yuan referring to his car. “I can’t be with TJ at this time of the month. He’s extra” he paused looking for the right word. “He’s extra TJ” he said and got in his car. She laughed. TJ didn’t comment. “Why are you extra TJ these days?” she asked. He didn’t answer. She decided not to push it. There’s only so much a person can tolerate, and her being heartbroken may just not cut it next time. They arrived at the building they had their first group date. They entered the restaurant and the first thing she noticed are the flowers at every table. They are all orange. It is so lovely. There are hydrangeas, American roses, there are even orange tulips. And every vase has a different set of flowers in every table. She felt TJ’s hand on her back guiding her to their table. They all sat and not long after, they saw Andrei and his girlfriend walking towards them. She never saw Andrei smile that brightly. “Hi, guys” Andrei greeted them “I want you to meet Kathlyn, my girlfriend” he introduced her. “Hi, Kathlyn” Mira and Yuan greeted in unison. She didn’t hear TJ’s voice. “Kath, this is TJ, Yuan and Mira, my best friends” he introduced them. She can almost feel herself go ‘aaw’ with Andrei’s introduction of them. They all sat down. “Hi, Yuan, TJ and Mira. You can just call me Kath” she smiled. “I actually already saw you before” she said looking at Mira. “Really? When?” she asked. “Oh, uhm” she looked at Andrei. “I saw you two hugging, and I thought you two had something going on” she laughed awkwardly. “Sorry” she added. “Oh. No worries. I think those were when I just broke up with my ex-boyfriend. He’s been helping me ever since. All three of them” she explained. “I know” she smiled. Three staff walked to their table and started putting their food. It’s pesto with chicken and red wine. They continued chatting while eating. The dinner went great. They were driving back to the apartment. “It’s nice. Isn’t it?” she asked. “What is?” TJ asked. “Andrei and Kath getting back together” she answered. “Some getting back togethers aren’t so nice” TJ replied. She stopped smiling. She knows it’s just one of his snide comments, and she’s not really annoyed. She just doesn’t know what to reply. TJ pulled the car and touched her arm. “That was out of line. I’m sorry” he apologized. “I’m not mad” she told him. “Still, I’m sorry” he continued apologizing. “Apology accepted” she smiled. “You know, I’m actually thankful you three are always checking up on me. I had lots of heart breaks before, but I had no one” she remembered the time when her parents died and she had to do and prepare for everything despite grieving, herself. She had to continue her studies so she can support herself in the future. She lost communication with friends. Suddenly she just felt herself sob. “Oh, I’m crying” she laughed slightly between her sniffing. “I’m sorry, I’m just so emotional these days” she explained. She just felt TJ reached and hugged her. She doesn’t even know what she’s crying about. An expensive, exclusive TJ-hug, she just grabbed the opportunity and cried like a kid. After a while, she calmed down and TJ patted her head and sat back to his seat. “Thanks” she told him. “Don’t ever do that to me again” he said. She laughed. “Okay” she answered. After that, she started submitting her application. She browsed online for jobs. She just keeps moving. She even started to find a new apartment since she can’t stay there forever. She also learned that Archi and Aro got back together. Andrei told her. She doesn’t know how he gets the information. She sighed. TJ’s wrong. Getting back together is nice, not for her, since she’s left out, but still nice. “Are you waiting for your boyfriend? Same order?” a female crew asked her. She looked at her. She was sitting at the same spot she sat when she met Aro. “No, I’m alone” she told her. Most likely, she just wants to know if Aro is her boyfriend. “And he’s not my boyfriend. Iced caramel macchiato and a slice of double chocolate cake, please” she smiled at her. The crew seemed to like her answer since her smile got wider. You poor girl. He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my ex-boyfriend’s boyfriend. She shook her head. Yet another woman waiting to be rejected. A few minutes later, her order came and she started eating the cake. She took a picture and sent it to their group chat. That’s too much sugar, it’s Andrei Too much sugar, TJ sent. That’s too sweet, Mom. Yuan She laughed. Wanna come by later? We can have some coffee? Can’t. Date night. Andrei. She rolled her eyes. No, I’m busy. Sorry, mom. Yuan. TJ just seen her message. I guess it’s just me, then. She thought. She quickly finished her cake and carried her coffee. She paid her bill and walked back to the apartment. She finished her coffee just before entering the building. As soon as she arrived at the apartment, she showered and went to bed. She’s so exhausted she slept straight after lying. It’s already dark when she woke up. She got out of bed. Lights are coming from the buildings outside. She turned the lights on and brushed her teeth. She went to the kitchen and drank some water. What’s for dinner? She asked herself. She walked back to the room to get her phone. She needs music. She opened it and saw four miscalls. All from TJ. She called him back and he answered quickly. “Hi, TJ” she greeted. “Where were you?” she can feel his anger through the phone. “I fell asleep. I’m sorry” she apologized. “Open your door” he said and cut the call. She sighed. She rushed to the door and opened it. He saw TJ standing, poker face and exhaling anger. “I’m sorry I fell asleep” she repeated. He handed her the paper bag he’s holding. “What’s this?” she asked. “It’s the shirt Andrei lent me. Put it back where he took it” he said, no emotion in his voice. “Okay” she answered. “Did you have dinner yet?” she asked. He looked at her. “No. Did you cook anything?” he asked back. She scratched the back of her head. She hasn’t cooked anything yet. She just doesn’t know how much points she’s still allowed to lose before TJ kick her out of the group. Seeing her reaction, TJ sighed and walked to the kitchen. He looked at the fridge and took some cabbage and canned sardines. After chopping garlic and onion, he turned the stove on to start cooking. “Don’t put the garlic” she requested. “Why?” he asked. “I think it’s the oil. They don’t smell nice together” Andrei bought olive oil. She’s used to just regular oil. “Just don’t put the garlic please” she asked him. TJ nodded and continued cooking. They ate in silence and when TJ started cleaning the table, she stopped him. “You already cooked. Just let me clean the table and do the dishes” she told him. “You know, no matter how salty you are, you can be caring at times. I appreciate it. Thank you” she said. She feels at times he’s really losing patience in her, a little gratitude won’t hurt. “Don’t get used to it” he said still in serious tone. Did he wait too long outside? Maybe he’s still mad. “Okay. But why not?” she asked. “I will be leaving soon” he answered. She stopped cleaning the table and stared at him. “Where?” she asked. “Away” he simply answered. “How far away? Until when?” she continued asking. “It’s work related and I’ll be gone long” he answered. She paused. Her breathings uneven. “Why are you just telling me this now?” she asked again. “Why would I tell you?” he asked back. His voice doesn’t have a hint of condescension, just a question. “We’re friends. Aren’t we supposed to tell each other this kind of things?” she asked. “We do” he replied. “But we’re not obliged to” he continued. She looked at him for a while. “You’re right” she said. “You’re under no obligation to tell me things like this” she smiled bitterly. “I was just becoming so selfish I want to” she stopped. She can feel a lump on her throat. She’s about to cry again. Stop! Why are you so emotional these days! “Thank you for the dinner TJ. I ran out of coffee I can’t offer you tonight” she said. She can feel her eyes water so she looked down and continued wiping the table. TJ nodded. “Good night, Mira” he said before walking out the door. As soon as TJ left, large drops of tears started falling on the table. Why is this feeling so familiar? People starting to disappear in her life. She cried while cleaning the kitchen. She may be sad, but she needs to keep the place clean since Andrei’s just letting her stay. Oh, it is familiar. That’s how she felt when her parents left her. She was grieving and yet she needs to still study hard otherwise she might find herself on the streets one day. It’s hard being alone, being alone isn't an excuse to do nothing. She bawled like a child while washing the dishes. Her only consolation is that no one can hear her.
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