Chapter 72

1841 Words

“Mama Dolly!” Astoria shouted from the porch. “Yes, coming!” Dolores ran to the living room from the kitchen. “Hi, Mama Dolly! Where’s Ate?” she asked. “She’s still in her room, darling” Dolores answered. Astoria ran upstairs like she owns the house. “Careful, don’t run!” Alpha told her. Astoria knocked continuously, shouting ‘Ate’. After five consecutive knocks, Ara opened the door, looking like she just woke up. “Good morning, Ate! Why are you still asleep?” she asked. “I can’t sleep last night” Ara replied. Astoria hugged her and whispered. “Where’s daddy Aro?” she asked. Aro suddenly came out of his room drying his hair. “Daddy, I want to play volleyball today” Astoria ran to him and hugged Aro. “Wow, your two fathers know how to play but here we are” he commented grinning. H

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