Chapter 12

2200 Words
Six Years Ago, Mary Land State “You’re pushing yourself too hard, bro. Go to the hospital and have yourself checked. You have to be in good shape if you want to be included in next week’s expedition” Erik reminded her. “Fine” he replied. He’s told them over and over that he’s just having a cold. It’s normal, just paracetamol, lots of fluid and maybe vaporub, and I’ll feel better in no time. But no! You have to go to the hospital Aro! You have to risk having your seniors know about it and exclude you to the list! He rolled his eyes while going out of the lab. He’s been going on expeditions under water for a few times but he still can’t get enough of it. The world under the ocean is so vast and interesting. Plus, he still hasn’t seen a mermaid. He sighed. He waited twenty-five minutes before a doctor went and checked on him. He told him how he feels and that he just got back from the Philippines. They ran a few standard tests, urinalysis, blood tests and others before the doctor went to see him again. “You have a cold” the doctor told him. “I know” he replied. He wrote something and gave it to the nurse. “You will have to rest, fruits are good, lots of fluid and eat before you take the medicine I prescribed. The nurse will give you. You don’t need to be admitted” the doctor instructed him. “Thank you, doc” he told him. Well, it will be nice to rest before going underwater, he thought. He bought the medicine in the pharmacy inside hospital, and prepared to go back to his apartment. He sat at the bench near the lobby when he saw a pregnant woman who seems to be looking for someone. She must be five months pregnant, based on his estimation. She’s slim with a long strawberry blonde hair. Is that natural? He thought its beautiful. She was near the entrance of the lobby when their eyes met. She started walking near him, wide, teary-eyed. “James?” she called. This woman, he thought. Don’t come near me, lady. I’m dizzy, I can’t help you find who you’re looking for. “James, is that you?” the woman asked him as soon as she’s in front of him. “Uh, no. You’re mistaking me for someone else, miss” he softly said. He really feels dizzy, almost nauseated. “I’ve been looking for you. All over”, she keeps telling him. She’s now reached his hands and holding it tightly. Aro’s starting to feel alarmed too, this woman doesn’t seem well. She’s beautiful but now he’s worried she might be dangerous. “Miss, listen. I am not¬—” “Ella? Michaella?” a middle-aged woman with nurses and doctors with her suddenly came rushing towards them. The lady’s still holding his hand tightly, but he’s calmed down seeing there are staffs coming. “Mom!” the lady shouted. “Mom, I found James” she whispered to the other lady. “He’s here” she continued with slight sobbing. “I know he’ll come back. We’re having a baby now, why wouldn’t he. And now he’s here” He can’t bring himself to stand because of his headache but he looked at the older woman who stared at him with an apologetic look. “Darling, James just got back from work. We have to let him rest” the woman said to the younger lady whose name seems to be Ella. The middle-aged lady looked at him, moved her eyebrows up and down, signaling him to follow her lead. “Oh, uhm, yes babe. I kind of feel dizzy” he tried to convince her. The lady glared at him, “I told you not to call me babe!” she hissed. “Oh, yeah. He-he. Sorry. Force of habit” why am I explaining? He thought. Now he felt something twirl in his stomach, he ran outside and threw up to the first row of bush he found and threw up. He saw the lady and all the doctors and nurses ran towards him. I told you I’m dizzy, is the last thing he thought before his eyes felt heavy. He woke up in the hospital. I guess I do need to be admitted, he remembered what the doctor told him before he met the lady who— “What are you doing here?” his eyes widened as he saw the girl in the lobby lying next to him. “I know Mom told me not to stay because it’s not good for our baby but—” “Where is Mom?” he asked her in a commanding voice. He’s starting to panic. The lady’s about to reply when the door opened and he saw the woman in the lobby with the doctor. “Hi, you’re awake” the lady started. These people don’t seem to grasp the weirdness of this situation! He thought. “Sweetheart, James will have to stay here but you need to go home” the woman started. The young lady seems like she doesn’t like the idea and about to protest when the older woman spoke again. “James, will you tell her? It’s not good for your baby” the woman made her eyes larger while speaking to him and seemed to be signaling something again. Not babe, what should I call her? “Love, we can’t have you stay here. I don’t like our baby getting any disease here” he tried to persuade her. She looks worried but she looks like thinking about it. “As soon as I feel better, I will go home” he continued. “Okay” she finally conceded. “You’ll have to go home. We’ll wait for you” she reminded him before getting out of bed and gave him a quick kiss and went with someone who might be their assistant. He watched her and smiled as she went through the door and waved. “What was that about?” he asked as soon as she left. “Mister Montenegro, that's you right?” the middle-aged lady asked. He nodded. “I’m Eunice and that is my daughter Michaella. She’s psychologically challenged” she continued while he’s just listening. “James died two months ago, and the trauma seems to trigger her illness. She never mistook anyone to be James, to be honest. She just walks around and look for him. That’s until now. You don't even look like him” she continued explaining. “We won’t bother you. We arranged your documents and you can be released. I am sorry for causing you trouble today” the woman apologized. “It’s okay, Eunice. There’s no harm done” he replied. It was a weird day for him. It’s almost ten in the evening when he got back to his apartment and he went straight to bed. He was still included in the expedition and it took them a week. It was always tiring and amazing for him every time they go on expeditions. They went to the headquarters first and had a small meeting before going home. Tomorrow’s Saturday. He can go out and buy his groceries. He opened the windows so the dust will go out and started vacuuming the floor. He took fresh bed sheet and pillow cases and changed the ones in his bed. Alpha would’ve done this for me, he thought. No worries, a few more months and you will be home in his arms, he smiled. He took a shower and went straight. Don’t skip your meals! He remembered Alpha. He sighed. But I’m too tired! After a few minutes, he drifted off. He woke up from the cold breeze coming from the windows. Ah, he forgot to close it. He got up and close the windows, took his phone and made a reminder to take two vitamin c and a multivitamin capsule. He can’t afford to get sick. They still have one expedition left and then he can go home. After taking a shower, he chose a white and blue striped shirt, pants and blue trench coat. He went to the kitchen, drank warm water, took his bag and went out. The wet market here is not the same in the country, it’s less crowded. He bought lemons, bananas, oranges and apples for fruits. After that, he went to a vegetable stand and bought his greens and spices. It’s a walking distance from the market to the nearest mall so he decided to go. He went to the bookstore, bought a new sketching pad and pens. He was walking to see where he’ll go next when he saw a jewelry shop. It won’t be so bad to look for a new watch. He was looking through the displayed items when he saw in the corner of his eye the two sales ladies giggling. He looked at them and smiled which made them blush. Ah, still got that ‘Aro’ touch, he proudly thought to himself. There’s nothing that interest him. He’s about to go when he caught sight of a displayed ring. It’s gold with a simple, subtle design with blue gems embedded around it. He likes it. “Can I look at this ring?” he asked one of the ladies. “Sure, Sir” the lady replied. She took the ring and gave it to him. “Is this sapphire?” he asked. “No, sir” the lady replied. “It’s called ‘lapis lazuli’ and it is believed to protect relationships. Also, it is the stone of truth and friendship” the lady continued. “Hmm. You did your research” he smiled which made the lady blush even more. “I want two of this, size eight” he said. Good thing they’re the same size with Alpha. After walking out of the store, he was about to head to the exit when someone grabbed his arm. His eyes widened when he saw the lady from the hospital “You told me you’ll go straight home!” she told him and was about to cry. He looked around to see who’s with her but he saw no one familiar. “You came here alone?” he asked her. But she didn’t reply, instead she just looked at him feeling betrayed. “I’m sorry” he started. “I just got released today and I went to buy groceries before going home” he lied. He must buy some time and wait for someone to take her. She doesn’t seem dangerous, but still, it feels weird for him. “Then why are looking at the jewelry shop? Are you cheating on me?” she asked. “What, no!” he immediately replied. He took the boxes from the paper bag and opened them. Good thing they’re the same. “See? I bought two because I like it so much” he explained. Why am I even explaining to you? He asked himself. “Come here” he put his arms around her shoulders and sat on the nearest bench. “What are we doing here? Let’s just go home” she demanded. “I just have to catch my breath” he tried making an excuse. “I got too tired from buying these groceries” “Ah, there you are” it was Eunice. As soon as she saw him, worry was all over her face. “Hi” she greeted him. “Hello, Eunice” he greeted back. He felt Michaella pulling him. “Darling—” “I’m not going without James” she interrupted Eunice. “You see—” “I’m not going without James” she repeated herself. Aro and Eunice looked at each other. They know they can’t get out of this one. “Okay, we’re going home” he finally said. Michaella looked at him, happiness evident on her face. He went with them, Michaella was holding his hand the whole ride. When they arrived, he saw their residence and he knew they’re not your ordinary citizens. They arrived in a mansion with big lighted pool. Even the queen palms are covered with lights. In the Philippines, you put lights on trees only during Christmas season. The house is really huge. “I’ll show you the nursery” she said as soon as they got off the car. The helpers took the bags he’s holding and they walked up the stairs. She opened a powdered-green door and the room’s just amazing. It is a combination of sea green and medium gray. There’s also a pink sofa near the window which made him smile. There's a crib and stuff toys. “Do you like it?” she asked. “It’s beautiful” he replied. “I want all the best for our daughter” she beamed. “Daughter?” he asked. “It’s a girl?” he smiled. He doesn’t know, but somehow, it made him happy.
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