Chapter 26

2105 Words
ARCHI Archi looked at the apartment. He never thought how empty it would feel. It’s been so long since he last felt it. If there’s any love for me left in you, please let me do this for myself How can he argue with that? He can’t sleep that night, not even a wink. She took a bath early and went to McDonalds to buy breakfast. She might not have eaten anything yet. They didn’t even had dinner last night. He waited in front of their office until nine in the morning. No Mira. He went back home and waited. She might go there first before going to work. He sat at the edge of the bed for so long. But she still didn't show up. At three in the afternoon, he went back to the office and waited. An officemate of Mira saw him and approached, “Hi” he greeted first. “Uhm, hi” the girl greeted back. “Ms. Mira didn’t come to work today” she told him. “Oh. Okay. Thanks” he replied and went back in his truck. He drove back to their apartment and waited there. No Mira. That’s day one. Then came day two. Still no Mira. At day three, after he went in front of her office and waited for nothing again, he went back to the apartment. He looked at the duffel bag Mira prepared in case of emergency. He thought it’s weird when he saw her preparing it, but it did came in handy. He counted the clothes inside, it’s only good for three days. He shook his head. He sat in front of the cabinet feeling like someone’s punching his chest. It hurts. He took out all the stuff inside the duffel bag and started putting Mira’s clothes in it. She might not want to come back earlier, he doesn’t want her worrying about clothes aside from other things. He took his keys and drove. He knocked at the door three times before it opened. “Hey” TJ greeted. He’s not told him anything yet, but he looks like he doesn’t care already. “TJ, do you know where Mira is?” he asked. “No” he quickly answered. But they’re close. Doesn’t he really know anything? He heard a woman laugh inside and his eyes automatically went what’s behind TJ. “You think she’s inside?” he asked directly to the point. “No” he denied. He just got distracted by the noise. He knows that doesn’t sound like Mira’s laugh. “If you want to look around, please show me a search warrant first and I’ll gladly give you a tour” TJ sarcastically told him. He sighed. He’s too tired to argue. “I don’t know where she is, but she didn’t bring that much with her. So, if she ever contacted you, please give this to her” he asked of her. TJ just nodded. He went back to their apartment. He sat there feeling so out of it. How did that even start? He thought about it. Aro’s right. If he really wanted their memories gone, he could’ve just burned it. Why was he so antagonized by William? Looking back, all he ever cared was his feelings. His mother’s telling him to get married already, he’s the only one thinking they’re taking it slow. She said yes every single time he asks her to marry him. And Mira didn’t even complain when he and Aro talks like old times. He tried to dial her number again. But it’s just the same for the past two days. I want her back. MIRA Mira just got back from her work place. It’s nine in the morning and she didn’t even get to go inside. She saw Archi just waiting outside the building, she didn’t want to see him yet, or talk to him so she just went back to Andrei's place. It’s been three days and she ran out of clothes. Andrei gave her clothes, she asked him where he got it, he told her it’s the clothes her sister won’t miss. She didn’t know he has a sister, she only knew about the twin brothers. She didn’t bother asking him more about it. She turned off her phone since coming in Andrei’s place. She stopped her train of thoughts when she heard voices coming in. She walked out of the room and saw Yuan, TJ and Andrei. “Hi, mom” Yuan greeted, worry can be seen through his smile. She smiled back at him. TJ dropped a yellow duffel bag in the sofa. She recognized it. “What’s that? Where did you get it?” she asked. “Archi gave it to me” he answered. “He wants you to have it. I don't know where he got the idea that you'll contact me because apparently you won't” he said with the usual aloof look on his face. “I’m sorry TJ. I turned off my phone” she apologized. “What did Archi told you?” she asked. “He asked me where you are. I told him I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to believe me, but what can he do? He gave me the bag instead, told me you might ran out of clothes” he told her. “Thanks” she replied. “Your place’s nice, man” Yuan commented looking around. “Is there anything else you need?” Andrei asked her. “Yeah. Is there any way you can have my contract terminated?” as impossible as it sounds, she just doesn’t want to deal with anything at this point. “Running away?” TJ asked. “It’s easy for you to say that. You’re not in my position” she retorted. “That’s true” TJ replied, making her pause and just look at him. “There’s just certain things a third person can’t understand. We can’t feel how you feel, we can’t understand why you did the things you did” he even smiled. He walked to the nearest sofa and sat. “But you see, a third person can see dangers people in that situation can’t. I can’t feel your happiness, or your sadness. But I can see. When you’re running down the cliff, I can see. I don’t understand how devastated you must’ve felt, but when I say you stop running, it’s because I can see that you’ll fall. You’ll hurt yourself more” he looked at her directly in the eyes. “You also see how pathetic I look?” she smiled sadly. “Don’t worry, I only saw. I don’t feel anything about it” he quickly replied. If she’s just not tired, she would’ve laughed. “What would you have me do?” she asked. “You can start by turning your phone on” he suggested. She looked at Andrei and Yuan who just nodded. She walked to the room she’s using and took her phone. She sat again in the living room and turned her phone on. Not a long after, her phone beeped with messages. There’s message from Archi, Dolores, and then Aya. There’s a message from Andrei, he must’ve not known he turned off the phone. She opened his messages. There’s four. Don’t open the door unless you’re expecting a visitor. Lock the door. “Why are you telling me to lock the door? Isn’t this place safe?” she asked. “It is. I just thought, you’re not yourself. So,” he answered. “Oh” she realized how she’s been out of her mind since moving out. She continued reading Andrei’s messages. Do you need food? If there’s anything else you need, just text She felt so moved. “How can you be so sweet?” she told him. “Ugh” it’s TJ. She rolled her eyes. She continued scrolling her messages, there’s TJ’s messages. “Oh, here’s yours!” she laughed. Five new messages. Archi came. Asking you. He told me to give you the bag. It has clothes inside. If you need it, just reply. Otherwise, still reply. So, I can throw it. She laughed. “This is so you” she told him. TJ just shrugged. “Nothing from me. I didn’t know anything” Yuan suddenly said. She saw Aro’s message. Hi Mira. I didn’t see Alpha these past few days. But Tita Aya and Tito Arthur are beginning to worry. He didn’t go to work for three days straight. He’s not doing good. If you’re not going to talk to him, is there any chance you can talk to me? Archi didn’t go to work? What’s he doing? “Andrei” she called. “I will settle everything I can settle, but will you still help me?” she asked. “Of course,”, Andrei answered. She stared at the familiar house in front of her. Andrei just dropped her in front of Aro’s house. She remembers how she used to spend her weekend here for the last three years. She knocked at the front door and not long after, Dolores opened the door. “Mira!” she exclaimed. She grabbed her hand and pulled her inside and hugged her tight. “Hi, Tita Dolly” she greeted her. “Where were you? We were so worried. I am so worried!” she scolded her. “I’m sorry, Tita. I just need the time to think” she apologized. Dolores pulled her to the living room and guided her to sit. She then went straight to the kitchen. Mira heard the clanks and after a few minutes she came with two cups of tea. They sat there silently until they finished their teas. “Your fights with Archi has never gone this long” Dolores started. She doesn’t know how to start telling her. She doesn’t even know how it started. “What happened? Was it because of the kiss?” Dolores asked. She felt like cold water ran down her body. “What kiss?” she asked. Dolores looked startled. “Whose kiss are you asking me, Tita?” Dolores covered her mouth. “Oh, darling” she said when she regained herself. “Oh” was all she can say before she started crying again. She felt like someone’s slicing her heart again. How can that happen? Why did they do it? She doesn’t know how long before she calmed down a bit. “You know about Aro being alive for three years now” she started. “Is this why” she stopped and sobbed again for a few minutes more. “Is this the reason you told me to have friends? To have other people in my life aside from Archi? So, I’ll be” she stopped. She bawled. She doesn’t even know where the tears’ still coming from. She stayed like that for an hour or two. She cried and stopped and cried and stopped again. She stared at Dolores looking so worried at her. “I’m sorry, Tita. I shouldn’t have asked you that. I didn’t mean it” she apologized. “It’s okay darling. It’s okay” Dolores said rubbing her back. A car suddenly parked outside. A white one. Then Aro came out. She thought she’s ready to talk, but she’s wrong. She quickly stormed off the house, Aro’s about to follow her but she stopped him. “I can’t. Please, not now” she said. Aro didn’t say a word and let her go. She took a cab and went back to Andrei’s place. She can hear her phone ringing the entire way. She threw herself to bed as soon as she got there. She’s starting to feel her eyes drying up. How could she say that to Dolores? She turned her phone off again. She remembered the time when she was still alone. Is this better? She asked herself. She’s always mocking herself for saying just the appropriate thing to say in every moment. She says sorry for people experiencing unfortunate events, because that’s what’s expected. Now she can feel, truly feel, is it really worth it? Is this the cost of wanting to feel again? Why is it so painful? She asked herself. Now she wished hearts can heal outside the human body. How she wished you can take it out of your chest and put it in a jar for the meantime. Just until it’s healed. Before taking it back in again. Maybe then, this thing she’s experiencing, will be at least bearable.
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