Chapter 17

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The lunch is good. Dolores invited a few friends and a pastor to lead the prayer. The lunch is to celebrate Aro’s return. There were two small groups after they had lunch, one with Dolores and her friends and their team’s group. “So, Yuan, don’t you want to find someone else since you said Ms. Manager rejected you many times already?” she asked. “No, no” he replied crossing his arms. “There’s only so many times a girl can reject. Soon, I’ll wear her out and she will finally say yes” he continued emitting with so much dignity. Even Harold and Mathew’s laughing. “Ms. Manager?” Aro asked. “Your manager during high school?” TJ nodded at Aro. “Wow, that brings memories” he said. “I remember I was rejected by her, too” he confessed. Now all eyes on him. “You were?!” she can’t believe it. “But you’re so handsome” she exclaimed. “I know!” Aro agreed quickly. “Again, I’m right here! Just here” Archi said raising his arms. TJ and Andrei laughed at Archi, but the other’s attention seemed to be caught by Aro’s confession. “How beautiful is she?” she asked. Yuan then took his phone and tapped and scrolled for a bit and gave her his phone. She looked at the pictures. “Wow. She’s really beautiful. She’s also wearing a glass” she looked at TJ. TJ’s wearing one. “And she looks really slender” she continued. She continued swiping and then she saw the manager’s picture-perfect shot. She’s wearing an off shoulder, gartered, peach floral dress, and a very stylish light brown hat. They might be on the beach. She laughed lightly. She saw Yuan and three other boys playing in the background of the picture. She doesn’t seem to be wearing any make up, and also, she removed her glasses. “Wow” was all she said. “She looks like she could be a goddess” “I know right!” Yuan said proudly. He looked at the picture she last saw, the one with the peach floral dress. “Oh, TJ took that picture. It’s nice she let him took a shot. She’s Archi and Aro’s age by the way”, said Yuan. “Really?” she looked at TJ and suddenly her eyes got big. “Is she?” she tried asking TJ. TJ also got surprised. “What? No!” he denied. Andrei seemed to pick up what they’re talking about and then joined them. “No, Mira” Andrei told her. “When we were in high school, he likes our manager. Not theirs” he calmly said. TJ then looked at him with serious face, like he was just thrown under the bus. Andrei smiled. She laughed at them. “Why don’t you like her? She’s so beautiful” she asked. “I don’t like anyone just because they’re beautiful” he answered. “Wow, preach man! You preach” Yuan slowly clapping his hands. “You just are the baby, so she lets you take a picture of her?” she asked. Yuan and Andrei started laughing. “What are you talking about?” he asked. They all stopped when they saw Kathara walked down the stairs. Aro was about to get her when Dolores carried her. She pointed her friends while taking Kathara. She might be trying to introduce the little girl to her friends. Aro nodded. He was about to sit back when Archi sat first beside her. He’s carrying a tray with cups of coffee and tea. Everyone took a cup and continued talking. Aro then sat beside Archi. “So, Andrei” she started. Andrei suddenly looked at her after talking with TJ. “How’s it going with that girl” she asked. “who’s already taken” she continued with a bit smile. Andrei scratched the back of his head. “Well, I decided not to pursue her anymore” he answered. “I think it’s better to call it quits before more people got hurt” he smiled sadly. She stared at him and realized he does look handsome himself. He doesn’t stand out like Aro, but still. “Didn’t you considered pursuing someone else?” she asked. “Maybe that lady manager of Yuan since she seemed not interested in him” she suggested. “Why do you feel the need to say that?” Yuan suddenly asked with a serious face making her laugh. TJ smirked at Yuan while Andrei just smiled sadly. “No” he answered. “I liked her since high school, I’m not sure I’ll ever like anyone else again. But I think she likes that new boyfriend of hers, so this might be for the best” he continued. “Besides, it doesn’t matter. I’m busy with work. I’d love to spend my free time playing with you guys” The whole room suddenly got filled with ‘aww’ from everyone. If they’re inside an anime, the room will be filled of flowers. “You just warmed an organ in my chest” TJ remarked and made everyone laugh. “You have an organ in your chest?” Yuan teased. “It can’t be empty so I had my kidney put in there” he replied. She smiled with the flow of their conversation. “That reminds me, didn’t you have another brother? They’re twins right?” Andrei was about to reply when Archi spoke. “How is it that you know everything about everyone?” he asked her. “It might be useful. Someday, if you want to ruin anyone, you don’t have to dig deep you just have to ask me” she told him leaning closer and slightly with a hug. Archi then smiled and kissed her cheek, “I’ve never wanted you more” he said totally forgetting about the people around them. The crowd then started to make an ‘ugh’, ‘blech’ and vomiting sounds. “Look what I found on my cup” TJ said holding his cup of tea. “That’s right, it’s called cringe” he said looking at Mira and Archi who then laughed at him. “Well, that kidney in your chest just got the wrong emotion TJ. It shouldn’t even be a kidney, in the first place” she replied. “I did ask them to put a liver, but they told me a kidney is safer” he shrugged. Mira just shook her head. “Anyway, back to you” she pointed at Andrei. “Why can’t your brother just train your other brother? Isn’t it supposed to be the older that should take over?” she asked. “It’s not like we’re royalty that the older should be next in line. But I did ask him that too. ‘If Dad and Lolo can’t get Theo to manage a business, what makes you think I can?’ is his exact answer to me” he replied. (*Lolo means Grandpa/Grandfather in Filipino) “So, you’ll be like those men in stories. The young billionaire with that very romantic story” she joked. They all laughed. “That’s not true. I’m not a billionaire, nor are my brothers” Andrei answered. “But the Royal Luna Corps is worth billions. I even read about your grandfather in many articles. They’re billionaires, with your dad” she asked. “The company isn’t just owned by my family, there are other stockholders. We just own majority of the shares. Besides, being a billionaire doesn’t mean you have billions in your bank” Andrei told her. “It doesn’t?” she asked. “No, they might have a few hundred million but it includes the shares, the stocks, properties, cars, jewelries. They add all the value, not just the money” he explained. “And Mira, don’t believe that stories about young, handsome billionaires in your books” he laughed. “Real billionaires are like my grandfather. They’re old because they’ve spent their lifetimes building their wealth. Some young people might make it, billionaires at 20s or 30s, it’s not entirely impossible, but still, it rarely ever happens. You’ll need a lot of luck” he answered. “My brother might just make it, though. He knows how to make calculated risks” he continued. All eyes are on Andrei. “We never hear you talk that long”, said Mathew. “When Mom say, talk! You just got to do it, man” Harold added. They all laughed. They talk for a bit more before they went home one by one. It’s three in the afternoon and even Dolores’ friends started to also say goodbye. “We’re going ahead” it’s Andrei with TJ and Yuan. “Thanks for coming” she replied. TJ smiled. “Mira” he said and she looked at him. “If you ever need any of us, you can just call” he said. Mira stared for bit at TJ and smiled. “Thank you, TJ. I appreciate you saying that, that kidney in your chest might not be so bad after all” she joked. “And Yuan and Andrei, too. I hope we can go out and have milk tea again” she laughed. “Plus, it might get handy to have a billionaire friend, I should always be on your good side” she joked. “Moms don’t care about which side they’re on” Andrei joked making Yuan and TJ also laugh. “I know right. Still, don’t do a ‘fifty shades’ if you ever became a billionaire, okay?” she told him as she walks them to the gate. The three of them laughed loudly even she got surprised. “Okay, Mom” Andrei replied. They got out of the gate and started walking to the black Montero car. Now she can really see how Andrei’s on a really different level from them. “Good, or else I’ll be very disappointed, young man” she added laughing. They waved and she can see Yuan mouthed ‘bye, Mom’ as the car ran past her. She smiled. She went back to Dolores’ house and went straight to the kitchen and saw Aro and Archi doing the dishes. Aro’s washing while Archi’s wiping the dishes and arranging them on the tray. They were laughing about something when she sat on the dining area where she saw Kathara sitting and drinking a milk. “Hi” Archi greeted. “They went home already?” he asked. “Yeah, I just walked the three off the gate” she answered. She heard him make an ‘hmm’ sound and continued. “Hi” she greeted Kathara. “Hi” the little girl answered, “Can I have some of your milk?” she asked. She then saw Aro looked at her amused and then waited for Kathara’s answer. The little girl looked at her and made an ‘hmm’ sound then squealed, “Daddy?” Aro then went near them and patted Kathara’s shoulders. “Tita Mira, milk is off the table” he whispered. She laughed and looked at the little girl’s who’s looking at her like she’s done a terrible crime. “I’m sorry baby. It’s just a joke, Tita Mira will not take your milk” “Why do you feel the need to do that?” Archi asked but slightly laughing. Dolores walked into the kitchen and started preparing tea. She rested her head on her hand and watched her prepare the lemons, cinnamon and everything she needs. After more or less than five minutes, she’s pouring the tea to six cups. “That smells incredible, Tita Dolly” she commented. “Why, thank you” the lady replied smiling. She left the three cups in the table in front of her while she took the other three to the living room where Archi’s parents are sitting. Now it’s their turn on the living room. After Archi and Aro finished the dishes, they joined Mira at the dining table. Archi sat next to her on her left while Aro on her right. As soon as Aro sat, Kathara stood on the chair and sat on Aro’s lap. She looked at her father and pointed at her milk that’s a bit far from her reach. Aro took it and put in front of them. “So, Aro. Even you were rejected by lady manager?” she started. Archi laughed. “Why would you say it like that. I didn’t ask her out” he complained. “I believe her exact words were, ‘I’m not interested’” Archi added. She laughed harder. “You two are very cruel” he told them. “You are very close to them now, I see” he said. “Oh, yes. Your team are very welcoming. They helped me with everything I needed, especially when I just started playing volleyball” she said. “Hmm, so what about your high school and college life? Oh, and how many boyfriends did you have before Alpha?” he asked. “I had two, but they’re not that serious. Archi’s my first serious relationship” she told them. Archi reached her hands and smiled. “Do you ever talk about marriage” Aro asked. “We’re taking it slow” Archi replied. Really? She thought. “Why?” Aro asked. “Alpha, you’re not getting any younger” he reprimanded him. “Plus, they all like Mira. If she ever decided to leave you, there are a lot of people who can help her” he added. You tell him! She thought to herself again. “We talk about it. We just haven’t started planning yet” Archi replied. She watched them talk. She can tell, they’re really close. If this is how close they were before Aro got lost, then it seems time and distance didn’t affect what they have, they really are partners, soulmates. Ah! You’re so pathetic! Why do you always think like that? Now she realized, maybe she just forgot, but this might be what they call jealousy. She really felt so pathetic. She started typing. When's your free time? Let's meet. Sent to: Andrei, TJ and Yuan.
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