Chapter 20

1944 Words
MIRA She saw Archi leaning in his pick-up truck like how he usually does in their three years together. She went to the biometrics and then out. She walked towards him while he stared at her while walking. “Hi” he started. She smiled. “Love, I’m sorry about last night and this morning” he apologized. He smiled sadly and she smiled back. “I love you” he added. “I love you too” she said as he hugged her. “I know I’ve been too sensitive and insecure this past few—” “It’s my fault” he told her. “It’s not, but we should probably continue talking at home” she told him. He nodded. They went inside the truck and Archi reached to squeeze her hand. She smiled. They almost drove in silence but somehow, she felt okay. They arrive at their apartment and Archi opened the door for her. She almost jumped in surprise when he saw the inside of the apartment. There are bouquets of flowers, yellow holiday lights and balloons all around the apartment. The floor is also covered in rose petals. “What’s this?” she asked, her eyes teary. “I figured I’ve been giving you less than you deserve” he answered. “What do you mean? You’ve always been patient with me” she asked. “I know you saw the box in my drawer, and that might have given you something to misunderstand. I collected them to give it back to Aro. I didn’t tell you anything about it. I’m sorry” he explained. “It’s okay” she replied with her voice at least two pitches higher. She’s crying again, but this time, not for any bad reason. She hugged Archi. It’s Sunday afternoon and they didn’t go to visit Archi’s parents. Making up is too tiring for them to have the energy to go out. They are cuddling in bed, it’s particularly rainy that afternoon, when Archi received a text. Mira’s eyes are closed but not asleep. “Love, Aro just sent Kathara’s birthday party schedule” Archi started. “Okay” she replied. “We don’t have to go if you’re not comfortable” Archi told her. “We’ll go. Tita Dolly will be sad if we don’t go” she answered. “You don’t have to think about that. If you think it will make you feel bad later, better not do it in the first place” Archi replied. “Making Tita Dolly sad will make me feel bad later, love” she answered again. “It’s okay this time, I promise. Besides, it’s not about us. It’s about Kathara”, she added. “Although, that girl doesn’t seem to like me much. She sulks at everything I say. And she’s telling me on her father” they both laughed. “We’ll have to buy her gift” she told him and she just heard an ‘hmm’ sound before she felt Archi going down on her. ARO He looked at the box Alpha gave him. Its his letters, cards, their pictures. He looked at them one by one. All his life, he thought he’ll always be with Alpha. When they were not dating yet, he thought, at least they’ll have family of their own and they will still be neighbors, close like they always have been. Apparently not. It’s not Alpha’s fault, he’s gone for six years, he can’t bring himself to hate Mira. Its not like she planned everything all along when she doesn’t even know he’s still alive. “Why are you giving this back?” he asked. “Aro, it’s just too heavy. I am happy you’re back, you know I am. But you’re gone a long time—” “Still, why are you giving this back to me? It’s yours already. If this is too heavy, go and burn it” he answered. “I can’t do that either” he replied. He looked at him. He’s never seen him so conflicted. “Am I becoming a problem to you and Mira?” he asked. “It’s not like that. She doesn’t hate you, she doesn’t even talk about it. I think she’s just scared. I don’t like seeing her like that” he replied. “I’m not going to keep this long, you will have to take this back and decide whatever you do with this” he told him. Alpha just stared at him. “I’m not going to get mad whatever you decided to do with this” he smiled at him. “I’m sorry I took too long to get home” he apologized. “I know” he replied. He sighed. “It’s quite unfortunate, everything that happened. But having met Ella, and now having Ara, I wouldn’t have it any other way” he sadly smiled at him. Alpha put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, smiling. “I will love you still” he continued. Alpha looked caught off guard. He smiled. He never changed. He slowly stood from the sofa he’s sitting on, to get to the level of Alpha, who’s standing in front of him and kissed him. It was a long kiss. He’s just supposed to give him a peck in the lips. He was about to let go when he felt Alpha’s hand in his cheek. He’s kissing him deeper. The kiss went on, for a long while before they let go. He took a box on his pocket and gave it to him. The velvet box with the lapis lazuli ring. He got it, after all. And then he handed him the note. It was a while before he took it. “I can’t say yes now” Alpha said. That was two days ago. He looked again at the box. It is quite unfortunate. Sometimes you realize, you just can’t have it all. Alpha can’t say yes now. No matter how much he love him still, or how much he love Aro still. He knew Alpha still loves him. “Daddy?” Ara called. “Yes, baby?” he answered. “What’s that?” the little girl asked. “It’s called memories” he’s referring to the box. The little girl didn’t say anything, she just stared at him. “Is there anything wrong, mermaid?” he asked. Kathara looks like hesitating to talk. “Why were you kissing?” His eyes opened wide. “What?” “With Tito Alpha” she continued. “You what?” Dolores suddenly coming from the kitchen. “You kissed?” she looks more angry than worried. “It’s a goodbye kiss, Mom. He even gave me back all our memories. Even the rings” he tried to explain. Being gone for six years might have some perks after all, his mother didn’t smack him straight in the head. “We even had history. A simple kiss shouldn’t be a big deal” “You better make sure of that! It’s not just—” “But you were kissing a long time” Kathara interrupted. His eyes got as wide as it could, his mother’s look is very scary. Ah, baby girl. I tolerated you too much. He thought. “Baby, will you let Mama Dolly and Daddy talk?” “Sure” she answered and then went to sit on his lap. “Mom, it won’t happen again. This is just one last time” he promised. “That better be true. Mira’s a very sensitive child” his mother said before walking away. “She scolded you?” Ara asked. He nodded. “You shouldn’t do it again, Daddy” He doesn’t know if he will laugh or not. He started typing details of Ara’s upcoming birthday party. She doesn’t have any friends yet. Soon when school starts, he’ll enroll her. He needs to keep himself busy. He’ll apply for a college instructor job. It was a weekend away on a beach. There was Harold, Mathew, TJ and Yuan. Andrei can’t make it. Alpha and Mira will be late. They were barbecuing while Ara’s with his mom video calling with Ara’s grandparents Eunice and Lawrence. A few hours later, Alpha and Mira showed up and not long after they started the party. They sang happy birthday to his daughter, have the gifts and all. “Thank you, Daddy” Ara whispered in his hear while he’s carrying her. “Anything for you baby” he told her, kissing her head. “I’m happy” she added. There’s a sudden warm feeling in his heart. “Really?” he asked. “When I’m with you, Daddy” the little girl said. It’s enough to make him tear up. They had a night swimming after. “Don’t go swimming if you’re going to drink” he reminded everyone. “Why?” TJ tried to sound curious. This one, he’s testing my patience. He thought. “I don’t want you drowning tonight. You can do it some other time” he replied. TJ chuckled and took food. “Aro, we’re also going ahead” it was Mira. He looked at her. “Already?” he asked. “There’s room for everyone to spend the night” he said. “Yeah. When you need us, we got there so quickly. Our ears ached so much of your rants but we never left” TJ smirked at her. He’s testing her too. This one has a knack of making anyone want to smack him in the face. “Are you busy? Can’t you really stay?” he asked. Mira looked like she’s really thinking about it. “Next time, in the middle of your rants, we’ll also just go” TJ again. If only he’s not helping him, he’d just really smack him in the face. Mira rolled her eyes at TJ and slapped his back and arms many times. “Okay, we’ll stay a bit. We’re just thinking about some schedule” he told her after almost murdering TJ’s arms. He smiled at her and pat her shoulders. They continued barbecuing with a bit of drinking in between. He saw Mira talking and laughing Yuan. TJ’s sitting with them just listening to their conversation. Harold is singing The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars in the karaoke while Mathew is dancing in the beat, he thought he saw Alpha dancing with them, maybe not. “Aren’t you dancing? You like dancing with this song” Alpha suddenly in his side. His face is a bit reddish. He drank. “Ha-ha! I can’t” he declined. “Why not?” he started dancing those silly steps he recognized. He laughed so hard he didn’t have the strength to stop him from pulling him with Mathew and Harold. Not long after, their dance steps are syncing with Harold’s singing. They sang and dance for three more songs until they got tired and sat on the table Mira’s sitting. “Did you see me dancing over there?” Alpha proudly asked her. “I wish I didn’t” Mira replied smiling. “We all wish we didn’t” TJ commented. He slightly laughed. “Why not? I was really good back there” Alpha laughed trying to convince them. “Old men dancing? My eyes! I can’t unsee!” TJ in agony. “I never knew I hated something I’ve never seen” TJ added. He watched them exchange silly jokes and snide comments. He knew everything will be different. He just didn’t know adjusting will be hard.
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