Chapter 22

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Archi and Mira stayed in his parents’ house during the holidays. They decided to stay until New Year before going back to their apartment. So far, every thing’s pretty ordinary for her. They don’t spend as much time inside Dolores’ house ever since Aro came back. According to Archi’s mother, it’s how usually things are, they just always go visit Dolores to help her cope. “Love” Archi called. It’s three in the afternoon and she’s watering Arthur’s vegetable garden. She looked at him and made an ‘hmm’ sound. “We’ll have a reunion in on the 27th, do you want to come with me?” he asked. “Sure” she replied and continued watering the plants. “Are there always this much tomatoes in here?” she asked noticing the tomato plants are lot more than the other plants. “Dad knows you like tomatoes” he answered. “We’re going with Aro by the way, he hasn’t bought his car yet but I heard he’s planning so—” “Love” she interrupted him. “It’s okay. It’s not practical to ride a taxi when we can just go together” she stared at him and felt guilty. She’s so insecure about their whole situation she forgot how he must be feeling the whole time. He still looks conflicted about it. “It’s okay, love. I promise if I ever felt anything, I’ll tell you right away” she smiled and reached his hand and squeezed it. “Okay” he replied also smiling. “I’ll just tell him”, he stopped talking when they both saw Aro coming out of their house. He’s carrying Kathara wrapped in a yellow Spongebob-designed blanket. He’s also carrying a cup and was taking a sip. He’s about to sit in their front porch when he caught them staring. Archi nodded and she waved, he then smiled and waved back. He stopped from sitting and went near the fence. He looked like he’s telling something to Kathara and the latter lifted her head and looked at them then waved. They waved back. “I’ll tell him” Archi told her and went near the fence. She also started walking near them. “Hey” Archi greeted. “Hey. What’s up?” Aro replied. “The reunion’s the day after tomorrow. You want to come with us?” he asked. “Sure. Is it okay?” Aro asked. Mira then was near them, “baby, you say hi to them” he told Kathara. The little girl lifted her hear again and whispered, “hi”. “Hi baby. Did you already had your milk?” she asked. She remembered how she doesn’t want to share it with anyone. She thought it’s so cute. Kathara looked at her with teary eyes. “No” she almost squealed leaning again to Aro’s shoulder. They can hear her sobbing. “Oh! I’m sorry! Did I made her cry? Oh, I’m really—” Mira almost said in panic. “Mira, it’s okay” its Aro. “She wants to have milk again, but we already had our milk just forty-five minutes ago. Didn’t we?” he asked Kathara who’s silently sobbing. The little girl nodded, “And?” he asked Kathara again. “Too much isn’t good” the little girl replied. Aro then just rubbed her back consoling her. “But you always have tea” she told her father. They both laughed silently at them. “Well, daddy’s tummy is strong. Yours isn’t yet because you’re still a baby” he explained. Oh, she’s too cute, she thought. “So, we’ll go together then?” Archi asked. “Yes, thanks. Oh, by the way, the building we’re going to use will also host for two more reunions” Aro said. “Whose reunion?” Archi asked. “Wouldn’t it be crowded?” she asked. “Well, not really. That building has five centers, or big rooms you can say. We’ll be using one for our reunion, but there are other schedules for the other centers” Aro explained. “Wow. That’s nice” she replied. “Who’s having the reunion other than us?” Archi asked. “Yuan’s school, and you remember William?” Aro replied. “Ugh! Don’t tell me it’s them” Archi scoffed. “Okay, then I won’t tell you” Aro laughed and started walking back to their porch. “I’ll see you both, then” he waved and they nodded. “Who’s William?” she asked as she walked back inside the house. “That’s who we always went up against in tournaments before. He has a way of making people hate him” Archi told her. “Like TJ?” she asked. “No. TJ just make you want to smack him, nothing more serious than that” he explained. She slightly laughed. “Ready?” Archi asked her. “Not yet” she answered staring at the shoes Andrei gave her. “What’s wrong?” Archi asked worriedly. “It’s just, I don’t want it to be worn out yet” she explained looking at him. Archi laughed. “It’s just once. It’s not like you’ll wear it every day” he said persuading her. She looked at the shoes and hugged them. “I promise you your big sister will take good care of you” she said as if the shoes can understand. Archi chuckled and walked in front of her and then sat. “Come on, let’s wear this so we can go” he started putting the shoes in her feet. He stood up and pulled her up. “How do I look?” She asked. She’s wearing the sage dress TJ gave her and the shoes Andrei gave. A simple emerald-earrings, the watch Archi gave her and she wore her hair in a braided bun. “You will be the most beautiful woman in the room” Archi said kissing her head. “Don’t exaggerate” she told him. “I’m not!” Archi said while they walk out of the house. They saw Aro sitting in the porch and as soon as they walk out the door he stood up. He’s wearing a maroon suit, coat, a really nice silver watch and a black leather shoe. He looks dashing. “Wow! Look at you, you look really beautiful today, Mira” Aro complimented her. She felt her cheeks stretch. “You don’t look so bad yourself” she confidently replied making Aro chuckle. “I really should remind myself to always carry an ‘I’m here’ sign. Who knows, it might get handy” Archi joked while walking to his truck. They drove joking about William, sometimes calling him a bear. They arrived at the building twenty minutes earlier, there are a lot of people in the lounge. Mira held Archi’s hand while Archi smiled holding her hand with both his hands. “Now who is this beautiful lady?” they all turned around and saw Yuan. “Hi, Yuan” she greeted. Yuan came to hug her, “You look beautiful, Mom” he complimented. “Hmm, not bad” TJ came from behind them. “That’s all you can say?” she asked. “That’s the best I can do” TJ replied. She looked at TJ, he’s wearing a rust colored suit, also a watch. “What are you staring at? It’s creepy, you creepy lady” he snarled with crunched brows. She smiled. “Why are you so cranky? Is it that time of the month again?” she said teasing him more. She heard Yuan, Archi and Aro laughed. TJ rolled his eyes and didn’t reply. “Come on! Look I’m wearing your gift!” she lifted her hands a bit and spin twice. “What do you think?” He looked at her with a what-are-you-doing look in his face. “You look human, at least” he answered. “What do you mean? She’s so beautiful” Yuan told him. “If that’s the best you can do, I’ll take it because you warm the organ in my chest” she teased him. “Let’s go?” Archi asked her. She nodded. They waved and went to their respective centers. They saw Harold and Mathew already inside. They also complimented her and added that Aro should be used to not being the only beautiful person in the room. People flocked around Aro wanting to know the story behind his return. “Don’t worry about him, he’s used to it, people gathering around him” Mathew told her. “He’s not like us” he added. “What do you mean?” she asked. “You don’t like places with a lot of people, right?” he asked back. She nodded. The program started and they found their seats. She’s sitting beside Aro on her left and Archi on her right. There were speeches, they introductions and some intermission numbers. She asked Archi to show her the comfort room, he nodded and guided her there. She asked him to wait for her, she doesn’t to go alone. When she came out of the room, Archi also just got back from the men’s comfort room with Aro. “Finished?” he asked. “Yeah” she smiled. “Aro” an unfamiliar man approached them. “Yes?” Aro replied in a serious tone. “I didn’t know you’ll also have your reunion here” the man added and looked at her and Archi. “Alpha” he greeted him. “I told you to call me Archi”, Archi replied also serious. What’s happening? She thought. “Why? Your name’s Alpha right?” he smirked and then his eyes went on her. “My, how rude of me. I am William” he said extending his hand. She took it and shook hands with him. “I’m Mira” she told him. So, he’s William, she thought. She looked normal. “Nice meeting you, Mira. Anyway, see you on Monday” he told Aro. Aro just nodded and watched him walk away. “Monday? What’s on Monday?” Archi asked Aro. “I’m starting to work on Monday. I’ll be teaching in college, and apparently he’s also teaching there” Aro answered. “Oh, you got a job. Okay, I didn’t know” Archi said to Aro. “Oh” Aro looks lost for words. “I just got the job before Christmas, so I totally forgot. I was going to tell you” Aro answered. “Uhm, no pressure. I was just saying” Archi replied. What’s happening? Mira thought watching them the entire time. Perhaps I should be the one to have an I’m-just-here sign. “Let’s go back” Aro said. “You two go ahead. I have a phone call to make” Archi told them. Aro guided Mira back to the center. “I hope the program’s already ended. It’s so dreadful” he commented. “Yeah” she replied. “So, it’s nice Kathara let you go alone” she started. “Oh, yeah. She throw a fit, but got over it quickly” he answered. “You know, a lot of my batchmates are asking about you. I told you, you look beautiful” he told her. “Not as much as you. Now that you’re not going out with Archi, I bet a lot of girls are fawning around you again” she told her back. “Ah, yes. You can’t blame them, I’m just such a pretty person” he confidently told her. She laughed. “I always thought I got it from mom, she is beautiful, but my dad doesn’t look bad either. It’s in the genes” he continued. Mira’s about to reply when she stopped. “Aro” she called. “Yes?” he stopped walking and looked at her. “You know about your dad?” she asked. “Yeah. He’s a pilot. That’s all I know though” he answered. “Who told you about him?” she continued asking. Aro stared at her. “I saw his picture in one of Mom’s drawer. When I told her about it, she cried. That’s why I never asked about him again” Aro explained. “Do you know anything about him? Mom told me you keep her company most of the time.” “Well,” she didn’t know what to say. “Well? Well, what?” he asked. “Aro, I’m really sorry but I don’t know if I can tell you. It’s not mine to tell” she told him. “But it’s mine to hear” Aro persuaded her. Well, he’s right, of course. “Why don’t we do this” Aro started. “You tell me about it and I’ll tell you something not mine to tell” he smiled. “What is it about?” she asked. “Well, I know who TJ’s mystery girl is” Aro smiled at her. She thought about it for a long time. “Let’s not do this, Aro. If you really wanna know about him, I think it’s better if Tita Dolly tell you about it” she said. Aro smiled at her. “I know about him” he said laughing. Her eyes enlarged. “Mom told me when I got back. We’re planning on talking to him soon” he added still laughing. Mira hit his arms many times. “Why would you do this to me!” she exclaimed. Aro just laughed. “You always tease my daughter, so, payback time!” he continued. “Hey, you’re still here?” Archi coming back from the hall. “Yeah, we’re waiting for you” Aro replied winking at her. That didn’t go unnoticed to Archi. “Why are you winking at my girlfriend?” he asked Aro. “I’m not” Aro defensively replied. “He’s not” Mira agreed just before Archi could speak.
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