Chapter 24

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She went and sat back on her seat. Archi looked at her, “You’re back” he told her smiling. “You really have to watch your alcohol intake” she said laughing at him. “Why is it that you always leave me?” Archi asked her smiling, red-faced. He suddenly pecked a kiss in her lips. She laughed. “You’re drunk. How are we going to get home?” “Don’t worry Mira, I didn’t drink. I can drive” Aro told her while drinking water. She nodded. They stayed almost half an hour before they told Harold and Mathew they’re leaving. Aro supported Archi walking to the truck. Mira and Archi sat at the backseat. “I’m sorry I can’t sit with you there” she told Aro. She thought it’s bad manners to not sit with the driver, unless you’re in a taxi. “It’s okay. It’s not that long of a ride” Aro replied. They drove for almost twenty minutes before arriving at Archi’s house. She got out of the truck to open the gate. Aro then drove it to the garage and she open the front door of the house. “I can walk” Archi said still eyes closed. “He really can’t handle that much liquor” Aro told her. “Yeah” she answered. The lights are off except the one in the kitchen. His parents must already be asleep. She opened their room and they all went in. Aro gently drop Archi to the bed and about to go the cabinet before he stopped. “You can just change his clothes, he never vomits” Aro said. She nodded. “I am happy” Archi suddenly said. They both looked at him. Aro went to adjust him because he looks like he’s about to fall off the edge of the bed. “I am happy you’re back” he said crying while holding Aro’s face. “I don’t want to light you candles every November. I don’t want to bury you” he continued still sobbing. Both his hands went touch both his cheeks, “I am very happy you’re back again. I missed you the whole time” he said touching his face gently. Archi’s staring at Aro face so near him, Aro then stopped him and put him to bed. “He’s just drunk” he said to Mira. Mira’s speechless after watching them the whole time. “I have to get going. Mira, it’s just” Aro also looked lost for words. “It’s okay, Aro” she told him, although she’s not entirely sure it’s true. After Aro left, Mira changed Archi’s clothes, who’s now peacefully sleeping. She sat at the edge of the bed and stared at him sleeping. She didn’t notice large drops of tears are starting to fall her eyes. She sat on the floor and started sobbing. “Why did you sleep in the couch?” Archi asked her when she woke up. Her eyes puffy. “Are you okay?” he asked. “I’ll just brush my teeth” she answered. She went straight to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her face. She went out of the bathroom and saw Archi waiting. “Are you okay?” he asked again. “I am” she answered. “Did you cry again?” his questions are all straight to the point she felt like he’s losing patience in her. “You were so drunk last night” she told him as she walked to the couch and sat there. Archi, startled by what she said, was silent for a minute. “What did I do?” he asked. “Nothing” she said. “You just said some things” “Oh” he said looking so apologetic. “I didn’t mean” he started walking in front of her and knelt in front of her. “What did I say? Did I hurt you? I’m really, really sorry” he apologized kissing her elbow, her arm, shoulders and hugging her. She can’t help but start crying again. “It’s okay” she said in between her sobs, “I was just” and then she can’t control her cries. “I was so hurt” She cried for a few minutes before calming down. “I will never drink a drop of alcohol again” he assured her. “You don’t have to go that far” she told him. A few days later, they went back to their apartment like nothing happened. Archi’s been extra sweet to her. He cooks their meal, he even washes the dishes even when it’s not his turn. He doesn’t even try to rush her when they're preparing for work. It would’ve been nice, only if his moment with Aro didn’t happen. “Are we ready?” he asked her as soon as she step out of the building she worked in. She smiled and nodded. “Our first practice this year” he smiled. She smiled back, “Yeah”. She felt Archi touch her hand. She held his hand back and smiled. “Let’s go?” she asked. Archi nodded and started driving. They saw their team mates already playing. She went to put their stuffs to their team mates’ area. Their water, towel and other stuff. “Hi Mira” a familiar voice greeted her. She looked around and saw Andrei. She squealed and ran to hug him. Andrei chuckled and hugged her back. “Where were you? I miss you!” she told him. “I’m sorry, mom. I’ve been busy these past few months” he laughed. “I see you’re wearing Yuan’s gift” he said noticing her shoes. “Yeah, it’s very comfy to use” she smiled. “Hey, how did you know this is Yuan’s gift?” she asked. “We all bought our gifts together” he told her smiling. “I already used your gift” she said. “I saw” Andrei replied. “Really? How?” she asked. “Yuan sent me a picture. You also wore TJ’s gift. It looked really good on you, you were so beautiful that night” Andrei smiled. “Aww, how can you be so sweet?” she asked hugging him again. Andrei just laughed again ang hugged her again. They all look around when they saw Aro arriving with William. Aro glanced at her and smiled, his smile didn’t seem to reach his eyes. She smiled back, a smile similar to his. She then saw Archi approach Aro and William. “Do you have more time to practice with us?” she asked. “Yeah. My brother’s back in business and he will mostly be managing everything again” he told her. “That’s great—” she was interrupted when she saw Archi and William having a physical fight. Her eyes widened, they were throwing punches one after another and Aro, Harold and Mathew are having a hard time coming between them and trying to stop the fight. She ran towards their direction. “What’s happening?” she asked them. “You need to get him home Mira” Aro told her. “Let’s go, we’re going home” she told Archi but the latter doesn’t seem to hear her and still trying to punch William. “If you want to hurt him you will have to get past me and hurt me too!” she shouted getting Archi’s attention. He seemed to calm a little bit when he saw her in between them. “We’re going home” she said with finality in her tone. They drove in total silence back to their apartment. She went to the bedroom as soon as they got home. Archi followed her and looked like about to apologize. She’s not having it this time. “What happened?” she asked before he could even speak. “Temper got the better of me, I’m sorry” he apologized. “Why? How did that happened?” she asked looking straight at him. “What did you fight about?” he couldn’t speak for a while. “He’s irritating me” he answered. “How is he irritating you? Did he insult you? Did he insult anyone you care about?” “No” he answered again. “Then what?” “He’s talking like he can replace me!” he shouted in heat of the moment. She paused talking. “Replace you in what?” he asked again. Archi stared at her. “It was my fault, I’m sorry” he said. “You got mad because you thought he’ll replace you in Aro’s life?” she’s keeping her voice from cracking. Archi didn’t reply, nor find any excuse. “I’m sorry. I can't do this right now” she said and took a bag in the cabinet. “What are you doing? You can’t leave, please?” he asked her. “We’re just best friends now. Please don’t make me choose between you and him” he pleaded. He looked at him, eyes full of tears. “Archi, when you thought about choosing between us, the moment you thought there are choices, I’ve already lost” she said, took the bag and went to the front door. Archi followed her, “Please Mira. Let’s talk about it, or not. We can just sleep on it now and talk about it tomorrow. Or whenever you’re ready” he asked her still following her. “I need this. Please” her voice pitch higher. “If there’s any love for me left in you, please let me do this for myself” she cried. She took her hand he grabbed and went straight out. She was walking to the nearest jeepney station, crying. She must look like those children crying when their playmates g**g up on them. She took her phone and dialed a number. “Hello?” the other line answered. “Andrei” her voice cracking and she can’t help but burst into tears. “Mira? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” “No” was all she can say before crying again. “Are you hurt?” he asked trying to make sense of what she was saying in between her sobs. “Yes” she said and bawled again. She went to the one of the big pots in the side walk and sat there. “What? Do you need an ambulance?” he asked sounding so rattled. “No” she answered. She can’t say any words other than her yes and no. “Okay” he answered and suddenly the other line is silent. He’s still there because she can still hear sounds on the background. “Do you need me to do anything for you?” he asked after a while. “Can you find me a place to stay?” she asked after calming down. “Where are you?” he asked. She told him her location and after a few minutes, a black car is beeping in front of her. She stood up and get in the car. They drove for half an hour before arriving in a big building. He carried her bag and went inside. The receptionist greeted them and they went into the elevator. He pressed seventh floor and went into a wide hall with four big doors. He opened the second door to the left. The room is a complete house, twice bigger than their apartment. Now that she’s calmed down she asked him, “where are we?” “This is my place. You can borrow it” he told her. “Your place?” she asked. “I’m staying at my family’s house so you’ll be here alone. Everything you need is in here, toothbrush, shampoo, food, water” he explained. “Why are there complete supplies if you’re not staying here?” she asked. “My brother also borrowed this for a while. Don’t worry, this is a safe place for lost souls like you” he laughed at her. She smiled. “Thank you, Andrei. But can I ask, why are you helping me? Why are you so nice to me?” she asked. “Isn’t this the reason you befriended a future billionaire?” he asked smiling. Mira stared at him feeling guilty about it. “Hey. I was just joking” he immediately took it back. “There was a time when I felt like I don’t have anyone in my life, not even a family. So, I did everything I could to be good enough when I finally had one. I saw that in you. You are my friend, so if you need help, as long as I can, I will help you” he told her. Her eyes teared up again and she can’t even properly pronounce thank you. “What’s in your bag?” he asked. “Three days-worth of clothes, water, medicine, a few biscuits, first aid kit” she answered sniffing. “Why?” he asked, genuinely puzzled. “It’s my emergency bag, if there are emergency calamities, typhoons or earthquakes and I don’t have time to pack anything, I’ll have it ready” she explained. Andrei laughed. “Well, that came in handy” he commented. “Yeah, it's meant for disasters like this after all” she joked.
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