Chapter 19

2033 Words

Chapter 19 “My girlfriend is moving to Hawaii.” The phrase sent chills up Angelo’s back. First, it struck him as far too reminiscent of Jo’s statement about heading to Alaska for much of the next three-to-five years. Second, it was coming from his patissier, Eugene, at the end of another brutal shift. Angelo didn’t need him to be distracted when they were so busy they could barely breathe. They sat around the stainless prep table. Graziella lay with her head on her arms as if someone had shot her. Marlys the grillardin had kicked ass on the grill tonight and now she looked like the kicking had been the other way around. Vic and Valerie who’d done such yeoman service on the fryer and the soups were still upright and Angelo couldn’t imagine how. Marko was still finishing the last of the

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