Chapter 3

1049 Words
Jeremy’s POV. I grab a blanket from the basket which is kept under the table beside the bed. I lay on the couch and I text my mom that I will be crashing at Suzan’s place. I put the phone down and sleep as I was very tired. Almost about half hour later I hear Suzan screaming, “No didn’t do anything I have no part in it. I don’t know what you are talking about don’t put everything on me” I jump off the couch and run towards her, I try to wake her up and keep on telling her everything is alright “Suzan! Suzan! It’s alright Suzan you are just dreaming. Get up Suzy” She wakes up and she is out of her breath she hugs me tightly and tells me, “I killed you Jer I didn’t want to do so it just happened!” She is about to cry again but she holds her tears but she kisses me. Just by looking at her I know she is afraid a lot. I hug her and tell her it’s alright. She kisses me again and tells me “I love you Jeremy, when I saw you dead in front of me, I regretted that I never told you I loved you.” She holds my hand and looking in my eye she tells me, “I love you Jeremy I really do.” After hearing this I smile and kiss her on her forehead. She smiles when I kiss her. I ask her what she saw. She starts describing, “I was standing in front of your body and then my uncle came and started blaming me for everything even there was a huge mirror in front of me and I could see a weird smirk on my face.” “I didn’t want to kill you but I did it anyway.” “I love you Jer and watching you die was the part which broke me.” I see her eyes watering but she tries not to cry. I hug her and whisper in her ear, “I love you and here I am breathing beside you.” I get up from the bed after I hug her and tug her again so she could sleep. “Please would you sleep here with me?”, She asks me I stare at her and reply, “I thought we would take things slow but you want to jump right up huh!” “Jer!” She rolls her eyes “Yeah, yeah I will just grab my phone quick!” I sleep next to her and she keeps her head on my chest and sleeps I watch her sleep peacefully. After few minutes when, Suzan is asleep I hear footsteps approaching the room. I turn to see who it is and I see Sheila, Suzan’s mom “Hey Jeremy is she alright?” “Yeah!” I reply with a smile but weird awkwardness I try to sit up but Sheila gesture’s me to be as I am “She is alright I guess she just fell asleep now” I reply while I take a look at Suzan “That’s good then because it takes a lot of time to her to come back to reality other nights.” She replies with a smile. “This happens every night? I have no idea about this at all” “She doesn’t like to discuss this lot maybe she was not comfortable about sharing this”  I’m mad at her she was not comfortable with me? I try not to show it on my face. “And the thing is she doesn’t even remember what happened at night she would just remember her dreams. That’s the reason why Jay is coming back to see her, he just finished his PHD in psychology and her grandma is giving her any stupid reasons.” “I guess you could have told her the real reason behind her uncle coming because she thinks her grandma feels like she is not good. She was not great about it we just talked on our way here.” “She just barely told me how she was feeling about everything happening”, I continue after a deep breath. I’m kind of disappointed about this why would she not tell me? “Jeremy she’s been having a lot of bad dreams lately she does sleep much. She sees that she is killing people.” “Yeah, she killed me in her dream.”I reply “She gets a lot upset about the dreams.” She tells me with a small smile. “Jeremy dear could I tell you something” Sheila asks me with a weird expression. “Yeah Sheila what is it?”I reply “Jeremy, dear she loves you she thinks I don’t know but I really know she likes you, loves you. Don’t break her heart. Take care of her on your dream vacation because we will not be there.”  I nod as a reply but with a convincing smile. “Jeremy, would you mind staying till noon you could meet her Uncle then?” “I would love to meet him Sheila” “Okay Jeremy Good Night” She speaks with a smile. “Good night Sheila, I will be there for Suzan tomorrow.”I reply as she is leaving the room   After almost 6 hours I get up because Suzan is moving a lot. When I get up, I see Suzan all confused and trying to get up. I help her get up.   Suzan’s POV I hear a noise and I get up. When I move around, I feel a hard body against me. When I open my eyes, I see a beautiful face which is Jeremy! “What the hell” Why am I cuddling that too with Jeremy? I’m confused what’s happening I just remember telling him to stay, not cuddle me! I see at that handsome face and how he is sleeping peacefully. He wakes up. “Hey, Morning Suzy” He says “Morning Jer.” He helps me get up and I sit on the edge of the bed. “What happened?” I ask Jeremy “You had a bad dream and then I came to wake you up! You asked me to sleep beside you and you even said I love you.” “What?” I’m embarrassed He gets that I’m embarrassed, “I love you too and even your mom warned me about breaking your heart.” “If I do that, I will be in Danger” I giggle at that and he laughs too.
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