Chapter 13: Cafeteria Chatter

1119 Words

"Ow!" My books clattered to the floor and I stumbled forwards, the person that ran into me also falling backwards. I bent down and gathered my books, the girl bending down to help me. I looked up at her, recognizing her from my English class. I didn't know her name, nor had I ever spoken to her. Her long brown hair was almost always done up in a high ponytail completed with a headband, and her soccer jacket that she wore everyday just showed how dedicated she was to her sport. She was pretty girl, and definitely seemed to do well in class. "Sorry about that," she said with an awkward smile, "guess I'm a bit clumsy." I smiled weakly, "No problem. I'm Jade," I said, nodding at her. She grinned, "I know. The new girl, you're in my English class. I'm Brynn," she said with a huge smile. I

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