Chapter 4: First Impression

1689 Words
"Miles," I scoffed his name as he flung another elastic down the hallway. "You're going to get yourself a detention," I rolled my eyes, unable to stop the small smile that had grown on my lips. Miles scoffed, "Oh please, there aren't many kids in this school that get decent grades. They wouldn't throw one of the only ones they have in detention." I rolled my eyes and hugged my books to my chest as the bell rang to end the day. My classes had felt short; since thankfully I managed to have three of them with Miles. As for the fourth, I was lucky enough to find Molly, a quiet girl that was more than happy to have myself to talk to. I was fine in all my classes, that is, if Miles was there each and every day. I cursed at the thought, which was interrupted by a voice. "Hey!" I turned to see who was screaming at us, finding 3 tall, well-muscled guys storming towards us. Miles sighed, giving the front guy a fist pump once they had gotten closer. "Centon," the guy breathed Miles's last name, "You missed out on that locker room." I scowled and looked off to the side. The guy looked at me, obviously having noticed my reaction by the smirk on his lips. He nudged Miles's shoulder and nodded towards me, "And what’s this, besides what I’m assuming is the reason you skipped out on a locker room full of naked girls." Miles's cleared his throat, ignoring his friend's comment, "This is Jade, Jade Leckson, the new girl. Jade, this is Flynn," he said, pointing to his friend. "And this is Peyton and Noah," he said, gesturing to the other two. I nodded, having no interest in befriending some player jocks. Flynn smirked, "A little on the quiet side. Do you play any sports that involve a dressing room?” The two other boys chuckled, but I only licked my lips and looked down. He chuckled, "Still nothing. Well alright then, a tough one. Lighten up new girl.” He suddenly stepped forwards and his hand towards me. In reflex I shoved my palm into his chest, sending him stumbling back a step. His eyes widened, as if he had never expected to be rejected by a female. Miles grabbed my arm and began tugging me in the opposite direction. I tripped over my feet as I fought to keep up with him, fumbling through the hallways until we burst through double doors and outside. Miles practically flung me forwards when he released my arm and leaned his back against a tree. He stared at me for a moment, his eyes grave and his lips straight. I felt fear bubble up inside me. Then suddenly he laughed. I rolled my eyes, letting him continue for a moment. "Would you stop?" He chuckled as he caught his breath, "I cannot believe you just shoved Flynn Turner," Miles let out another laugh. I grinned as I pulled my hair back from my face, "Oh please, don't act like no girl hasn't done it before, or have at least wanted to." Miles laughed, "I don’t think he’s experienced such abrupt rejection. A few feet stomping, a few have canned him, but no one has even dared to give him a shove right off the bat.” I let myself laugh, "Well it's about time there was a girl that gave him what he's been asking for.” He grinned, "Got some moves, do ya, Miss Jade Leckson?" Miles began hopping around me in a fighter's stance, kicking his leg up like a bull. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, "You're acting like a child." "Come on. You afraid?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. I shook my head, trying not to smile, "Miles, I'm not fighting you. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.” I grinned. He smiled and sat down on the grass, gesturing for me to sit beside me. I slowly did so and pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them. “You’re easy to annoy, aren’t ya?” he asked, brushing grass from his pants. I rolled my eyes, "That's what my brother says. Maybe people just shouldn’t be so annoying.” He smiled, "How old is he?" "Fourteen.” I laughed, "in other words the peak of attitude central." "Oh the good ol’ days," Miles laughed. There was silence for a moment, and then he grabbed my hand with the cast around my wrist, "Did he have something to do with this?" I pulled my hand away, almost too quickly that I felt embarrassed. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "I got in a car accident," I whispered. I looked away, not wanting to see the sympathetic look overtake his face. I had seen it too many times in the past three weeks. From doctors, realtors, neighbors, teachers, friends, anyone that I ever knew. Miles scratched the back of his head, "I'm real sorry to hear that. I’m sorry for pressing you. At least you got out alright, though." I bit my lip and rubbed my other hand across the cast. "Yea, you're right. I did." Miles looked down, "I'm guessing that you weren’t alone.” I shook my head, turning away so he wouldn’t see the tears break onto my cheek. "No," I sucked in a jagged breath, "my boyfriend was driving." I closed my eyes and breathed deep, just like the doctor had told me to. "He, uh, we were dating for four years. We were really close,” I sniffled. Miles leaned towards me, keeping his voice low, “You keep saying ‘was’”. I let out an awkward laugh, like I was impressed on his observation. I wiped at my eyes and rubbed my hands on my jeans. Miles swallowed as he averted his gaze, "I'm sorry." I shook my head, "Don't be." He slowly reached out towards my cast, and this time I let him rest his hand on it. “You were so lucky--” he paused and looked up at me, embarrassed. I sighed, "When the other person didn't get out at all? I know. I should be dead, but I’m not. So here I am.” “Why here?” Miles asked. I ran my tongue along the front of my teeth, "The doctor suggested a change of scenery. Too many memories.” “Jade, I don’t know what to say.” I shook my head, "You don’t have to say anything. In fact, anything anyone says is pointless, and just repetitive.” I looked up at him, feeling slightly ashamed for pushing away his attempt at comfort. I cleared my throat, "Can you," I sighed, "Can you keep this between us? I mean, that isn't exactly the impression I want to make as the new girl." Miles licked his lips, nodding quickly, "Yea, don't worry about it. Why don't I take you home?" I looked up, "No, it's fine. I can walk, it isn't far," I brushed myself off as I got to my feet. Miles popped up beside me, his eyes pleading, "Jade, let me take you home. It's no problem at all." I shook my head and gave my best smile, "No, really, I can get myself home." He sighed and stuck his hands in his pockets shrugging. "Well then I'm following you in my car, yelling at you every second to get in it until you do it. So, Jade Leckson, your choice," he raised his eyebrows and grinned. I stared at him, finally breaking into a smile, "Fine." Miles smiled and led me to the parking lot. He stopped in front of a car, and I gawked when he pulled open the passenger door of a bright red Audi. "Step in," he said. I slowly slid into the car. I fingered the leather seats as I waited for him to get in on the other side. He put the car into gear and waited for the engine to rev sweetly before he began down the road. "How the hell can you afford this at seventeen?" I asked, looking around the leather interior. He sighed. "Let's just say I’m a spoiled brat, and that my parents are wealthy and are never around, so they buy me nice things to make up for it.” I nodded and squinted, “Lucky, but dark.” He laughed, "Yea, you can say that." The conversation ended as I began to direct him to where I lived, and within a few minutes we pulled up to my small house. I stepped out and leaned on the window sill, "Thanks for the ride, Miles. And well, for everything. I would've been so screwed today if it weren't for you," I looked down, sheepish. He smirked, "Not a problem. I'll try to smooth things over with Flynn tonight," he said with a wink. I grinned as I waited for his car to disappear down the road. I slowly stepped up to my front door and walked inside. My mother was at my side in a mere second. "How was your first day?" she asked excitedly. I shrugged, "Good." "Who was that?" she asked, gesturing to where Miles dropped me off. "Just a friend. He offered to drive me home," I said, brushing past my mom. "Friend? You already made friends!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes, "Yes, mom.” I nodded at her then raced up the stairs to my room. I closed my bedroom door behind me and collapsed onto my bed. I closed my eyes as I thought about my first day in my new town. This was my new home, Lethbridge was officially where I could say I graduated high school. I was ready to start the rest of my life here. I think.
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