A dinner full of surprises.

1217 Words

Anna's POV Let Antonio spoil everything for us. I am just going to ignore the whole thing about the pregnancy tests. Everybody can wait until I am ready to tell them whether I am pregnant. They can't wait until dinner when we tell everyone our good news. I know everybody is curious whether I am pregnant or not. They can wait until we tell them. Everybody is watching me with a hawk eye, but Charlie thinks fast. He gives me sparkling grape juice. So it looks like I am drinking champagne. I can see the disappointment on everybody's face, but they don't know that I am not drinking an alcoholic beverage. I smile at Charlie and wink at him. I love my husband, as it feels like he can read to my mind. "Dinner is ready. I think we can all go to the dining room," I say. We all moved to the dining

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