
1040 Words

Charlie's POV I am shocked not only by Lerato and Kagiso and their betrayal but also by the audacity of that woman to slap me and give me back the money my mother gave her. Did my mother pay her to go away? I cannot believe that my mother would do something like that. Perhaps my mother was trying to help me to get rid of her so that I could save my relationship with Lerato. I'm still shocked. So that is what Anna meant when she said she felt sorry for me when I realized the truth. So Lerato never wanted me. She was in love with someone else. Why did she not tell me? Why make me look like a fool and cheater? I sigh as I walk back to my truck. I followed Lerato when she sneaked out this morning, worried she would be in danger and thinking she was running away alone. I could not sleep. I

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