My grandchildren.

1513 Words

Lindiwe's POV I looked down at the two sleeping faces. I can see very little in the house except food for the children and a bed for them. I look around and see the old couch standing in the corner. I know Kagiso had been sleeping on that couch. How can I ever leave my grandchildren behind? If they go and stay in Italy near Charlie and Anna, I will feel happy. I will come and visit them at least once a month. I have lost all my respect for my daughter. This is the last thing I have expected from her. Kagiso will never take her back, and I cannot blame him. I will be thrilled if he allows Thabo and me to be proud of the children's lives. I cannot stand my grandchildren living like this. I can see that Kagiso did himself short so his children could have food and clothes. "I am studying on

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