A day together like sisters.

1127 Words

Anna's POV I know that Don Alonso is not a very aggressive Don, but it seems like he was very angry with Angelica. It was the first time that I heard him talk ill about women. Usually, it's a gentleman, but I don't know what made him aggressive towards Angelica. Perhaps it is because she drove into his car. I mean, I cannot blame him. That car is worth a few million dollars. Angelica was driving recklessly but did not mean to drive into him. He could have been a little bit more friendly. He knows us well, and he always supports the Pistone family. He believes that Charlie should stay the godfather of the Italian Mafia. Don Alonso Romano and his family are very influential in the Italian Mafia. They have a lot of businesses around Italy and the rest of Europe. He was one of the first Dons

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