Chapter One As luck would have it, my mouth was working about as well as my two left feet as I tripped, biting my tongue as Logan sidestepped, gripping my elbow as I huffed out my thanks. He would have gotten a better reaction if he’d stripped down to his skivvies and danced the Cabbage Patch. He’d landed a whopper on me. Wait—make that two. The first came in the form of Kelly Decker haunting me from beyond the grave, holding me solely accountable for bringing her mother’s killer to justice. Whopper numero dos, minus pickles, catsup and all the other tasty stuff, came in the form of the name of her mother’s killer—who just happened to be the father of a friend and the soon to be father-in-law of another. And, did I mention, said killer happened to be a fairly…notorious Los Angeles crim