Chapter 2: Juice

1655 Words
Name: Bianca Edgerton. Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde. Eye Colour: Violet. Bloodline: White Warriors. Species: Werewolf. Gender: Female. Family In Order: Hunter(Father), Ivory(Mother), Gavan, Candace, Gwyn, Hotah, Irven, Jeneva, Kent, Laban, Laksha, Mineko, Olwen, Roka, Sibeta, Skah, Tecwyn, Vanora, Wira, Zuine. Skills: Almost Everything. Occupation: Warrior apprentice. Nicknames: Bibi (younger children), Bia (friends). Special: Has birthmark over her entire right hand, a small replica of mother's birthmark but only in one spot.Mother, I won't make it in time for practice. Bianca's POV: I didn't really live a protected life, even if I was a wanted breed. I could fight for myself, but other times I let mother beat people for me, like when the boy two doors down stole my swimsuit. Boy, was he scared when mother showed up at his door. I could still do things myself, like when the school's popular girl tried to put Maria, my best friend, down. That bubble head never saw it coming, and by 'it' I mean my tray of mashed potatoes down her yellow tank top. I was strong, and independent, but I was still protected at times. Mother made sure I was safe and trained the rest of my eighteen siblings how to keep themselves safe when she wasn't there. I remember when Mineko beat up a boy on valentines day because he tried to kiss her cheek. Took the teacher ten minutes to untie him from the railing, and another three weeks to fix his snapped wrist from being pushed over the edge. The worst I did was the whole mashed potato incident, and I still get high fives from it. We were legends from birth, the species that almost didn't survive, yet was thriving in somewhat secrecy. Emphasis on somewhat. There were packs that knew about us, tried to protect us, kept us in secret. The packs that didn't know about us were our secret enemies, friends that could suddenly turn into enemies in seconds just from our faces. How nice is that to think about. Every time someone from those packs comes over to a meeting with father we all have to hide in our rooms, but most of the time we go and sneak into grandfather's room and he will tell us stories in reward for our quietness. I was officially the eldest, until four months, then Candace and Gavan will be sixteen with me. I cherished the time interval, because it was the only thing that gave me the slightest amounts of bragging rights, and being the eldest means you get to level up faster in training, so now I was on drug resistance instead of temperature control. So now every morning I stab myself with a tranquilizer dart, and every day after school I repeat the process. Next week I will double the amount, and then triple until I can take as much as mother when father caught her the first time. I loved those stories. Speaking of after school, me and Maria have a tradition we do. Mother is fine with it as long as I wear my emergency shirt and contacts, and as long as I get back for practice on time. For my siblings and I, every summer, night, morning, after noon and time we aren't at school was devoted to training, and we were quite good already. Maria told me that our favourite shop in the world, the place we hold for our after school tradition, Rhythm Juice had a new flavour, not that we would try it anyways. To mother I already passed high school with all the secret training she gave me behind father's back, so I wait for Maria to get out of school before we go to Rhythm juice. As soon as my contacts were in and my dart was taken, Maria came out the back door and we drove to the next town for our cherry smoothies that we loved. "There! Blackberry pineapple fusion." She says with a twisted voice. "That sounds interesting." I suggest, but we still get our usual. I had on my special shirt, where, if needed, a hidden face mask was tucked under the collar and I could hide my facial features in seconds. Mother came up with it. We grabbed our drinks and hip checked each other over to the usual table, but Maria stops and stares at the door, usually meaning a werewolf walked in. I pull up my mask and turn around, seeing a very muscular, very sexy, and very aloof man in the doorway, werewolf sheen in his eyes and black hair covering his head. His head snapped to us and I couldn't look away in time, my eyes meeting with his green ones, my heart fluttering. His muscular chest ripples beneath the black tee and gray sweatshirt as all concentration was placed on me. "Mine." He growls and I almost swoon. Almost. The man takes a step towards me and all my evasive tactics flood into my mind, lunging me past him and out of his reach. His hands grab the air around me as I dash by him and out the bathroom. He calls out to his buddies, who try to block my path, but I jump and duck over and under tables, ramming the front door to see Maria in the truck, engine started. I mentally thank the brunette and jump into the back as she slams on the gas, my grip holding me in the space. I see Mr. Olympia chase us, first on foot until his buddies catch up to him in their ford pickup. Maria, whom my mother taught how to escape a car chase scene and several other tasks to ensure my safety, presses down harder as I slip into the passenger seat and out of the wind. "Wait! You'll take them back to the pack! My siblings!" I remind her. "Shoot." Maria mumbles and makes a hard turn on the nearest road and we decide the way we will get the others lost in the streets. Right before we can see them follow us around the turn we make another, then another so we are on another road entirely. We don't see the truck following us anymore, and both of us sigh in relief, but mother always told me to never let my guard down, even when it seemed everything was clear. So glad for those words now. We just passed by one turn and were about to go by another when the truck appeared and slammed into us. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, Maria's reaction time slower than my own, so I grabbed her and threw her back, our seat belts always unbuckled during a chase. I block the shattered window glass with my body and feel the tiny fragments hit my arms and back, Maria and I lunging into the backseat. The car rolls over twice in a row, but we are relatively unharmed other than the fact that the werewolves surrounding us either wanted to kill me, or mate me. Like a familiar story mother once told me. I quickly slip out the broken window and form a protective stance in front of the three men walking up to us, prepared to show them what happens when you mess with me and my breed. Mr. Olympia holds out his hands in surrender, but I only get lower and growl louder when I hear Maria trying to get out without cutting herself, something I didn't even care about. "You're hurt." Mr. Olympia says, actual concern in his voice. For a second I believe he cared about me, like he was going for the mate side and not the kill side, but I have been taught otherwise. He reaches out for my arm, but I quickly reel back from him, scooping up Maria in my arms and slinging her over my shoulder. "Stay." Mr. Olympia orders, like I was an average pack member. Two sides of my DNA let me override his command and dash away, Maria's weight not slowing me down by anything. "Stop! What the heck?" I hear him yell as I speed away. A black wolf jumps in front of me and shifts quickly into Mr. Olympia, making me skid and slam into his stone like chest. Maria drops from my shoulders and tries to get to her feet, the other men holding her down. I jump on one of their backs and rip him off, kicking the other in the face and sending him tumbling back. I launch myself sideways and wrap my legs around Mr. Olympia's neck, jolting backwards and flipping both of us over. He catches my feet between his and is about to trip me when I reach down and grab him by his shirt, throwing him over my head. "Bia!" Maria yells and I look over long enough to see the two guys back on their feet and wrestling Maria into the car. As soon as I make a move to help her I feel a needle stab my calf and look down. Mr. Olympia found my bag, and all the tranquilizer darts meant to be used for later use. It was over the limit I already was using, just taken one before we went to Rhythm Juice, and already I feel dizzy. I quickly take it out and throw it at one of the guys, stabbing him in the neck. He cries out and I'm suddenly tackled by Mr. Olympia, his weight pressing down on me, yet comforting? I hear the truck windows being banged on and the two men rush over to hold me down with their leader, holding down my arms as I fight back, and injecting me with three more darts.   Mother, I won't make it in time for practice. I say through the mind link. Why not? She asks me back. I black out before I can respond.
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