Chapter 25

635 Words

Chapter 25 “Oh, now that’s magnificent,” Kyveli said excited. She hopped in place. Guillermo smiled. She was so childlike in her reactions some times. Other times, she was lithe and sexy and… This was one of the former times. “Indeed. Those are called tigers. Fearsome and beautiful, just like you.” The men below cracked their whips and kept the animals in check with electric batons. It was a specialised keeping area where the animals roamed free instead of being caged. They were used to the presence of people, but they still had their instincts. Only a fool would wander carelessly inside. She walked close. “Careful, madame,” the carer said and had his baton ready. Kyveli was not in any danger, of course. She had a protector at all times. She stretched her hand out and got it close t

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