Chapter 8

682 Words

Chapter 8Sartre had to push those feelings that had bubbled. He sensed that Madsen wanted an appreciative gesture or word but didn’t know how much he could trust Madsen. He already slipped up by mentioning his sons. He had to be better at keeping his guard up. But, yes, he gave an honest answer. Alex and Owen reminded him of his own sons. It’s because of them, and his family back at Neso that he took the risk to go to Europa 11, and then Enceladus 2. Their long-term survival was more important than his even though it was risky to expose himself, and the trip would take several years to accomplish, but that’s what enhs had more of than the regular human: time. Still, he couldn’t explain why he was letting Madsen get inside his head. What was it about Madsen? He had just trained Madsen on

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