Almost losing Her

2282 Words

MERRICK My body was shaking as I held her up in my arms. I could feel myself losing her. The bond was slipping away and I was barely holding on. Stay with me, Baby, please. I never had the chance to show her just how much I cared and I loved her, yet he was going to take her away from me. I was on the floor with her, a hand cupping her sliced neck while my surrounding became chaos. Some of the trainees ran around trying to get to their phones to get help, others were in tears and the rest simply stood frozen, with utter disbelief that this had happened. Stay with me, Ava… I tried to keep the bleeding contained as much as possible while Avalon went unconscious in my arms. “Ava, open your eyes baby, keep them open.” I shook her with my other hand but to no avail. I had my fingers tightl

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