Chapter 5: Finding Out About The Debt

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Jade I walked out of the shower and slumped on my bed. Now was the time for me to get a good sleep as I had stayed up all night trying to get a lead to Demeo Ianniello, and as always I ended up with nothing, which was quite sad as I had better expectations. Anyway, it was time for me to sleep, at least before I got a call from Valla. I searched through my closet and settled for a white crop top and blue shorts. I put some powder on my face, as I would always powder up my face before sleeping, and when I was satisfied with my look, I slumped on the bed, ready to rest. I was so sure I was in wonderland when I began hearing certain voices coming from our sitting room. Our house wasn’t so big, so it was normal for my sleep to be disrupted when there was too much noise. “What the hell?” I cussed, stretching a bit as I rubbed my eyes grossly. My head was also hurting like hell because I had forced myself to wake up from my deep sleep. "Please, you don’t have to do this. I promise to pay up what I owe, please. I beg of you.” I heard a voice say while I was still trying to come out of my sleep. I rubbed my eyes again and sat up properly, and that was when I heard the voices again and realized it was my father. He was talking to some people; I had no idea who they were, and it made me confused. What was he pleading for? And why could I hear so many voices? I immediately got up from my bed and rushed to the living room to see my father being surrendered by some men I deemed dangerous. "Father!" I screamed, rushing to shield him with my body immediately. “Oh Jade, you should have stayed back in your room. I thought you were sleeping.” He asked. “I was, but I woke up immediately and heard all the noise,” I replied, still holding his hands tightly. I looked up to take a closer look at the guys, and my mouth fell open at the next thing I saw. “What the f**k?" I muttered silently, still shocked. Why the hell was he here, and how come he was able to locate my house? “Surprised to see me, baby girl?” He asked with a flirtatious smile on his face. It was him. The guy from the bar the other night. Yes, Xavier, Layla’s boss. It was him, but what was he doing here, and how did he know my house? “You? What are you doing here, and how did you know my house?” I asked with a stern look on my face. I glanced around the room and counted a total of 10 men with him in the room. For f**k sake, why does he need that many men? “Don’t you think you’re asking the wrong questions, baby girl?” He replied with a wink on his face. I was feeling extremely uncomfortable by this time, as I just realized I was wearing just a short and a crop top with no bra underneath in front of 11 men aside from my father. What the hell? “Why are you here? If it’s about my stoning your car the other day, I’m very sorry about that, but please, I’ll kindly ask you and your men to leave as you are invading my privacy and disrupting the peace of our house.” I replied feeling conscious of my body. He smiled a little before bringing a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up. He took a drag from it before puffing it into the air, which made me cough a little. Why was he so disrespectful? “Let me give you a little surprise information, baby girl. Your father here owes me $500k, and his debts are due.” “500 WHAT??????” I screamed, interrupting him. What the hell did he mean by my father owes him $500?? There was no way my father would be owing such an amount of money. I looked up to see he had scrunched his face a little bit, apparently displeased by the way I had screamed. “I’m sorry, Mr. Xavier, but that is impossible, and I think you’re in the wrong house, so kindly.” I tried saying before he cut me off. “I don’t make mistakes, baby girl. And let me rephrase that a little bit, in case you didn’t hear me properly the first time.” “Your father not only owes me $500k, but he also stole the money from me, and he thought he was smart enough and had gotten away from it.” He said. “Enough, I will not have you come into my house and disrespect my father in that manner. As a matter of fact, I want you to leave before I call the cops on you.” I threatened. “Father, won’t you say anything?? Or would you just stand here and let him insult you?” I was already pissed off by the fact that he was so quiet through this whole time. “If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. I mean, call the cops.” He said, still taking a drag. "Father," I said, turning to look straight into his eyes, waiting for him to say something to defend himself. “It’s true. I stole $500k from him.” My father replied, shamefully bowing his head, and I felt my heart drop. What??? How the hell did that happen? How?? “You don’t mean that, do you?” I asked in shock, but he didn’t reply; instead, he kept his head bowed. “Hey, hey, hey.” I am only here to tell you that I need my money by next weekend, or else you won’t like the end result.” He said coldly. “Next weekend???” I shrieked. How did he expect us to get that kind of amount in such a short time? “Please can you give us like 4 months to gather the money, please?” I pleaded, going on my knees immediately. I would never allow my father to be in harm's way, even though he owes me an apology later. "Oh, so the pretty princess can be this humble. Well, I have an offer for you.” He said, and I paused to look at him. “Be my pet for a year, and I’ll have your father's debt canceled.” He dropped the bomb, and I stared at him in shock. What did he mean he was his pet for a year? What did he think I was?? “Never, she will never be your pet.” My father replied immediately, although I could see the fear in his eyes. “Very well then; see you both next weekend and by then you better have my money.” He said before stomping off.
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