Chapter Three

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*** The party had stretched through the afternoon with guests socialising and mingling, celebrating the induction of the new Royals who had made their debut in front of the gathered crowd only moments before and received an outstanding ovation and cheers from those gathered. It was a wondrous sight, one that Allegra had gazed upon with a grin, all the while ignoring her anxiety that unfurled within her the closer they got to the Mohen Ceremony. Soon, the skies were darker as the lights slowly turned on around the city, showcasing the wondrous view of Grevia at night. The stars were bright, shining down upon the magically- laden land with an aurora spanning across the sky, almost as if welcoming the new golden era with a host of gorgeous northern lights. Allegra and Hades stood secluded from the rest of the crowd, atop the balcony they had dubbed as their own little spot. It was where they had first met, where their fates had been sealed as one and their futures had intertwined to prepare them for this very moment. The Queen of the Underworld was content in her beloved's arms as he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her protectively as they looked upon not only the incredible view of the city beyond, but also of the guests who were slowly exiting the party and returning to their homes and realms. "It seems the time is upon us, my love. Are you ready?" Hades murmured, gauging his wife's reaction closely. He knew she was anxious about the spell and although she had managed to spend most of the afternoon with her parents, who had reassured her that everything would be okay, he knew that she would miss them. It was a completely normal reaction, especially considering that she had spent most of the last couple of months in the Underworld rather than with them. Guilt threatened to consume him at having deprived her of such moments with her family but she, in the uncanny way she always knew, turned in his arms to face him with a radiant smile and nod, her gaze bringing all his errant thoughts to a close. "I know its going to be hard and I will miss them, A LOT, but this is the cycle of life and they will be safer within the Mohen Sleep, restoring their magic and replenishing their health rather than struggling whilst awake. They've already pushed it as is. I'm ready to perform my duty as a Princess of Grevia and I am so grateful to have you here with me. Besides, it's not like I won't come visit whenever I can." She responded firmly, no trace of anxiety or otherwise on her. She was truly at peace with what was to come and pride as well as love swelled in Hades' chest as he pulled her in for a warm hug and chaste kiss on the lips. "Of course, my brave, beautiful love. Anytime you wish to come, I will accompany you. Always." Allegra grinned, her heart soaring at the affection and devotion he showered her with. It had taken her time to come to terms with the process of the Mohen Sleep but she chose to trust nature and the will of Hekate, who had cherished her mages more than anyone else. The sleep was meant to not only replenish their magic but also extend their life force and she was okay with that. She knew her parents would wake sooner than any other monarch that had come before them. They were, after all, the strongest mages of their time just as her husband had declared. "Well, I've got a serious case of deja vu...Anyway, its time. We're heading to the Enchanted Gardens now." Karin spoke up from the double glass doors leading to the balcony, making the couple chuckle before they followed her back into the main ballroom, hand in hand, as every single one of their close friends gathered in the middle of the ballroom. Many of the guests were gone, leaving only the inner circle of friends and family; the Steros family, the Livorno's, King Under of the Seelie Court, the Aspen's, Lucifer, Thanatos and Dorian Salvatori, who pulled his wife Helena Steros close after having arrived from a mission in the middle of the ball. "Thank you all for staying behind to witness this. You all mean so much to us and we could not have picked anyone else to be with us as we rest for a couple of years and prepare to return stronger and more ready to embark on our retirement." Atalante commented, earning chuckles from all around. "I agree. You are all our beloved family and we are grateful for all the sacrifices you have made for us. And now, as we prepare to undertake this new journey, we hope you won't miss us too much but rather wish us well as we leave you for a small while." Evanora added, earning kind smiles from all around and nods of understanding. The Mage Priest approached in that moment, echoing that they were ready. Allegra couldn't help but venture forth, taking her mother and father's outstretched hands before they all begun the procession towards the Enchanted Gardens where generations of Mages had rested during their Mohen Sleep. It was a beautiful glass structure, almost like a greenhouse, decorated with a multitude of roses that permeated the air with a wondrous scent. Magical circles were engraved upon the glass walls, offering not only protection from the outside but equally ensuring the conditions within were optimum. The concrete floor in the middle equally possessed magical circles, each of which glew as they approached the raised slabs in the middle that had been draped with white sheets and covered with herbs and flowers all around it that were meant to lull them deeper into the spell. The two monarchs had already changed out of their formal gowns and were now clad in matching white robes with Evanora's embroidered with golden flowers that glimmered under the magical energy of the room. "I know it sucks and believe me, we will miss you just as much if not more than you will us. I promise you that we will make our way back to you. Time is not as shattering a concept for those in our world, and especially for you, our little Celestial. We will be back before you know it and I expect a detailed run down of everything I will have missed, okay?" Evanora echoed, holding her tears at bay as best she could as she watched her daughter nod firmly before they hugged tightly and warmly, letting the emotions of the moment flow into each of them. "I promise, Mother. I'll be okay. Rest easy knowing that I'll be right here, waiting for you both to come back to me." She echoed, wiping a few errant tears away as she hugged her father just as warmly, stunned at the sight of his own tears that he was quick to wipe away as well, before brandishing a reassuring grin. The rest stepped forward, echoing their own goodbyes before the moment was upon them as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky, the perfect conduit for the spell. The two monarchs ventured towards their prepared resting places, pulling each other into a warm hug and deep kiss before they separated and simply placed their foreheads against each other. "No matter where you are, I will always find you. You are a part of my soul. A part of me, now and forevermore. I love you, Evanora. Always and forever will. You don't have to wait for me on the other side. You know I'll always chase after you," Atalante declared with a broad mischievous grin that earned him an emotional chuckle from Evanora before she planted yet another chaste kiss on his lips. "You better. Or I'll be forced to come hunt you down. And you know I always find you too." With one last kiss, they reluctantly pulled away from each other to lie down, turning to look upon their daughter one last time who granted them a reassuring smile before she stepped forward with Merlin and Morgana, each of them activating the spell. It was a break from tradition, as the Mage Priest always carried out the ceremony, but Allegra had refused to let anyone else usher her parents to their magical sleep. And so she let the power flow through her, warming her veins as the enchantment of the spell came naturally to her. Watching her parents look upon each other as the magic flowed all around her filled her with resolve. They would be with each other in the dreamscape and that was the best reassurance she could get. "A tie as old as time, a sleep that beckons and replenishes, may this bind never be broken until the time is right. Come forth, unbroken rest and consume them with the Mohen Rest." Crimson light burst forth from Allegra, melding with Merlin and Morgana's light to engulf the two monarchs before it disappeared just as quickly, revealing the two monarchs whose eyes were shut and the air around them shimmered with magical energy, a shield that would protect them and keep them in stasis until they awoke. Allegra wiped a few of her stray tears away, allowing her godfather to reassure her with a warm hug, his words erasing all of her sadness and were replaced with absolute curiosity and more. "You have nothing to be worried about, little sparrow. Those two have braved through worse situations together and emerged victorious. They were blessed by the goddess just as you were...Favor will always shine upon them. They'll be back soon...but, in the meantime, I am going to tell you a very interesting story, one I know they've never shared with you because they can be so oblivious sometimes." The new King of Grevia gestured at one corner of the room that had been prepared for them. Cozy couches had been set up for each of them to rest and indulge in the prepared snacks and wine that was passed around as they all settled and waited with bated breath for the Mage whose eyes glowed ethereally, a magical circle glowing above them all as he initiated what seemed to be an ancient spell. "Tonight, you will all be privy to my memories as we take a trip down memory lane. I am going to show you the power of your parents' love. A love so strong that it conquered not only the hearts of those it came across but equally acted as the catalyst that ended the war. Many believe that I am the strongest Mage to walk the five realms, but I'm afraid that isn't quite true. There is one who came and became stronger than me. This is the story of the 200-year war and how the Evanora Gremory gained the favor of the Celestials and was dubbed forevermore- the Queen of Magic." ***

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