18 “A GYROCOPTER.” Henri’s eyes were wide. “It’s PanAf. They’re coming for us.” Thayu and Nicha glanced at each other. What now? The ship must have been flying overhead, since we were going through a patch of connectivity. Gyrocopters means PanAf? Nicha wanted to know. PanAf or militia, as far as I know. Why would he think they’re PanAf? If they were, why would they come for us? I shrugged. Your guess is as good as mine. “Quick, quick. We have to go. We can’t stay here.” Henri’s voice rose to a squeal. “PanAf is not your friend, huh?” “They’re no one’s friend. These are corrupt people and they only work for themselves. They’re supposed to protect us from the krayfish, but when you complain about them, PanAf soldiers come to take you away and shoot you. Please, they must not find u