The bad boy

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Blake has been seeing Bella for a while now, but they only see each other at school. He has not taken her on a date. He is afraid her parents will not approve. He knows everyone in town knows his father's reputation, and many think he will turn out like his father. He also knows that his father has business dealings with Bella's dad, Charlie. He is afraid Bella's parents will judge him on what his father is doing. He avoids going to Bella's house. He knows he will get a lecture from Charlie Stevens. Everyone in town also sees him as a bad boy. They think he messes around with girls. There are even stories that he is using drugs and drinks. He knows none of this is true. He does not care anymore what people say of him. He is not a rebel, and he is always quiet. He is the captain of the football team, and he loves to gym. Bella has asked him to help her plan a surprise birthday party for her brothers. He knows he can not get out of this one. So he goes to Bella's house while the twins are practising basketball. He feels uncomfortable when he rings the doorbell. Charlie opens the door. He knows Blake. Blake is the twins best friend since they were small. He also heard the stories about Blake, and he finds it hard to believe. "Hi Uncle Charlie," Blake says as Charlie opens the door. "Hi Blake, the twins are not here," Charlie says. "Actually, I am here to see Bella. She asked me to help her with the surprise party for her brothers," Blake quickly explains. He is not in the mood to be preached to. He knows what people say about him, so he does not want to hear that he is no good for Charlie's daughter. "Come on in, Blake," Charlie says, smiling. He likes this quiet boy, and he knows what this boy is going through at home. Maybe that is why he turned out to be a bit of a rebel. Who knows? He still does not know if he believes all the stories. Charlie goes to call Bella. "Blake is here to help you with the surprise party for your brothers. Bella, don't fall in love with Blake. I don't want you to date him or see him. He is going through a rough patch in his life, and I do not if all the stories about him are true or not, but I am not taking chances with my daughter's reputation. Do we understand each other?" Charlie says. Bella looks at her dad. So he is just going to judge Blake and not even give him a chance. Blake, standing at the bottom of the stairs, hears every word Charlie says and walks out. It is better if he goes. He knew he was not the right one for Bella. He will rather stay away from him in the future. As Charlie and Bella come down the stairs, Blake is just about to leave. Charlie feels a bit guilty as he knows Blake must have heard him. "Blake, stay. I was overprotective and said stuff I did not mean," Charlie says, and Bella is close to tears. "I am okay, uncle Charlie. I know what people say behind my back. I just never thought so many people believe it. I will be leaving, and I will never come near Bella again. I promise," Blake says, and Charlie walks over to him. "Come in, Blake! Let's talk in my office," Charlie says and gives Blake no option but to follow him. Charlie saw Bella's face, he knows she likes Blake, and he can not just let the young man walk out on Bella like that. As they enter Charlie's office. Charlie offers Blake a seat. He pours himself a drink and hands Blake a cooldrink. Blake is glad Charlie did not try to test him and offered him a beer or a drink. That is normally what the other fathers will do if he went to take out their daughters. "I don't drink or smoke, sir, and I do not do drugs. I am playing football, and I can not do any of that stuff while playing football. I do not have a lot of girlfriends, and I do not go out much," Blake says he wants to get it out of the way. "I know. I have known you most of your life, Blake. I wanted to protect my daughter, that is all. I should have known better than to judge you on the gossip of other people. I am sorry, Blake," Charlie says, and Blake is a bit surprised that Charlie apologized. "It is okay, uncle Charlie, you were protecting Bella. I ould have done the same thing if I was in your shoes," Blake says. "You have my permission to see my daughter. Just remember, don't stay out later than eleven," Charlie says with a smile, and Blake is surprised again. "Thank you, uncle Charlie," Blake says. He feels happy. For once, someone is not judging him. He feels relieved knowing he can see Bella. "What is your plans for the future?" Charlie asks Blake. "I do have a scholarship for my football, but I decided to enlist in the Army first until I can decide what I want to do with my life," Blake says. "It is up to you, but think hard before just joining the army," Charlie says. Blake has, however, made up his mind he wants to go to the army and learn the discipline. He wants to come back and average his mother's pain. That man coursed her. He wants his mother to feel how it feels if he is not around anymore. Maybe then she will not blame him for his father not coming home at nights. Blake is sad. His mother was the only one he felt loved him in a way. Well, she burst his bubble that morning he went to the first day of his last year in school. "What is wrong, buddy?" Charlie asks Blake as he can see the boy is looking sad. "Nothing, uncle Charlie, it is just my parents. I feel sad thinking about them. Maybe if I were not born, they would have been off better," Blake says, knowing his mother and father do not give a s**t about him. "Don't think like that. I am sure they love you. They are just in a difficult relationship, and it is not your fault," Charlie says, trying to console Blake a bit. Blake smiles but says nothing. He knows better. His mother told him in so many ways she blames him for his father's infidelity. He wonders if he is even his father's child. Maybe that is why the man does not love him at all. Maybe that is also why his father hates his mother and is always trying to hurt her. He will get a DNA test done. He is sick of his situation in his life. "Thank you for the talk, Blake. I think Bella is waiting for you. Enjoy your time with her. Remember to think about going to the army. You will be gone from home for a long time. Think about what it will do to you and Bella," Charlie says. He gets up and hugs Blake. Blake is like a son to him, and he is still mad at himself for hurting Blake. "I will, and thank you for listening to me, uncle Charlie," Blake says as he walks out to go help Bella plan the twins birthday party. Bella is glad to see Blake. She can see he feels more at ease and that he and her father must have had a good talk. "Your father gave me permission to date you," Blake says with a smile. Bella grabs him around the neck and plants a kiss on his lips. It takes Blake by surprise. He does not act on it. He feels Bella is still a bit young to make out. He will wait for her. He is not in a hurry. "Okay, let's get to work," Blake says, and Bella laughs. She knows Blake wants her to wait. He thinks she is still too young to be a girlfriend and to kiss and stuff like that. She is okay with that. She can wait until she is older. "Okay, so I was thinking of asking my Aunt Elaine if we can do it in the banquet hall at Harmonies. I am sure she will not mind. Can we go there?" She asks Blake. "Sure, let's go. We can not stay out after eleven. I promised your dad," Blake says. They get in Blake's mustang and drive to Harmonies. Elaine is happy to see Bella. She is willing to help, and when Bella tells her what they are planning, she tells Bella to leave everything in her hands. "We want to help. We want to do the decorations." Bella says. "Okay fine, I will let you do all the decorations," Elaine says, smiling. Blake is listening to them but says nothing. His eighteenth birthday is in a couple of days. He tells no one, and to him, it will be just a normal day. His mother and father will forget as usual. He wished he had a family like this that cares about him. Blake does not know that Bella knows about his birthday and plans to celebrate it with the twins' birthday. She bought him a gift. She also told all their friends that they would be celebrating Blake's birthday with her brothers'. She knows his parents will not remember his birthday, and that makes her sad. She decides to send them an invite to make them feel bad about forgetting their son's birthday. She hopes they do feel bad and attend the party, but she does not have high hopes. As soon as they are done, Bella greets her aunt and quickly asks her for another birthday cake for Blake. Blake is talking to Nicolai and does not hear what Bella is asking. Blake and Nicolai talk about football, and Nicolai can see the young quarterback and captain of the football team knows what he is talking about. Blake makes a good impression on Nicolai. Nicolai knows people. He knows who is good and who is bad. He knows Blake is a good guy, and he likes this nice young man. He also knows Blake's father. He heard the gossip about Blake, but he knows that people will talk bad about someone they are jealous of. He thinks a lot of parents are just jealous of this brilliant young man. Blake gets straight A's, and he is a good student. He does not even study hard. After Blake drops Bella off at home, he drives to his father's office. He walks into his office as the secretary says he is not busy at the moment. "Blake, what can I help you with?" His father asks. Not even a hello. "Nothing was just wondering if you will come home tonight," Blake says. He pretends to dust something of his father's suit jacket but takes a sting off his father's hair. "Ouch! Watch what you do!" His father says, irritated. "Sorry, so will you be home tonight or not?" Blake asks again. "No, I am not coming home this week," Brandon Jordan answers. "Okay, then goodbye, see you when I see you then," Blake says and walks out. Blake drives straight to Doctor Audrey she is his doctor and he asks her to do a paternity test for him. She looks at Blake. She says nothing. She knows Blake. He is a quiet nice boy. He always are friendly and nice to her. "Okay, come back in two days, and I will have the results for you," Audrey says. "Thank you, Dr Audrey," Blake says and he leave for home. At least he can sleep in his own bed tonight as he knows his old man will not be home tonight.
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