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KISSING YOU WAS COOL, AND HOT, AND SWEET. What should she do? Should she ignore him? Susan wondered to herself. She was going to ignore him, she decided with a nod. “Yes, just ignore him,” Susan whispered quietly to herself before slowly walking away as she pretended to concentrate on the skull of a plant eating Triceratops. But no matter how hard she tried Dr. Kelly still dominated her thoughts. Without even looking at him, Susan could feel the intensity of his gaze on her which caused a twinkling feeling slithering down her spin. Susan dared to look in his direction and their eyes met. And she saw the storm that was brewing in them and there was something physically exciting about the way their eyes were locked with each other. She sensed a strong masculine aura about him that made it impossible for her to resist him. Moments passed between them without one word being said and yet Susan felt an electric jolt that made her heart ache with need, she was completely lost under his gaze. Their eyes were still locked together and everything felt warm and tender. Susan almost forgot to breathe. She had not planned on seeing him nor did she ever thought seeing him was going to make her feel this way. Indeed, Susan wanted to look away but could not. Dr. Kelly moved closer, his eyes still caressing her as if he had all the time in the world. Susan felt her emotions swell with a passionate favor. “Are you going to pretend like you have not seen me?” Horace asked. “I beg your pardon? I didn’t see you, so you cannot throw accusations like that,” Susan blazed defensively as her cheeks colored. “Why are you always in attack mode?” “I believe it's best form of defense; would you not agree?” “What really do you want from me?” He asked, “you must want something or you will not put this much effort into stalking me.” “I do not want anything from you and I am not stalking you!” Susan cried as she glared up at his handsome face. He was devastating, she realized with surprise. He was too good looking for his own good and Susan was sure most ladies were smitten with him. Just a look, a caress or a kiss from him could set any woman’s heart fluttering. Susan hardened herself to such vagrant thoughts before saying: “What a ridiculous statement that I am stalking you? You are not all that you know?” His eyes gleamed derisively. “I think you are lying or trying to kid yourself. Once you are able to admit that, then you and I can come to some sort of understanding.” “My God, Dr. Kelly, you are the most conceited man I have ever met!” “Why are your spirits so railed up by what I said? Clearly, your emotions are involved and that is why you are acting so defensive.” Dr. Kelly smiled with an undisguised humor. “So you think because you are handsome and have the title of Doctor, any woman you come across wants something from you?” Susan said tightly. “Are you speaking for all women in general or are you speaking for yourself?” Susan felt her cheeks flush even with more color. Clearly, he was mocking her, which made her emotions become irate with each passing second. “Now I understand why you are so disagreeable, it’s because your mother didn’t give you a good s******g when you were a child,” Susan was taunting him now and enjoying it, but not for long. Susan became alarmed when she felt his arms around her as he pulled her determinedly to him. He was all hard muscle and filled with a magnetism that she had not suspected. “You little spitfire,” he murmured. Before Susan could protest, Dr. Kelly was kissing her. His lips were cool and demanding and completely hypnotizing. She found it hard to resist as her lips parted voluntarily beneath the pressure of his pressure of his lips. It was impossible to check the quickening of her pulses as the kiss went on. Susan did her best to ignore the rapid beatings of her heart and need that burned within her belly as Dr. Kelly imprisoned her against him. Then suddenly, he ended the kiss. “Let me give you a little advice. Keep your opinions to yourself.” And with that he was gone. As the weeks passed, Susan spent most of her free time rewriting her w*******l and at the same time she could not stop thinking of Dr. Kelly or his kiss. There was something enthralling and physically exciting about the way he had kissed that made it hard for Susan to concentrate on her writing. She remembered the strength of his arms around her as she was crushed against the virility of his chest. As a woman felt her desires fully aroused by him and the intoxicating smell of his cologne. It was as if they both were lusting after each other and the kiss had served as proof. Susan paused her typing and looked up from the laptop. She could still remember the feel of his lips as they moved hers and how much she wanted the kiss to go on and on. Susan pulled the long sleeves of her cardigan to her elbows, took a deep breath and then returned to her typing. At her day job, she was adept at keeping the boys occupied and interested during the mid-term holidays. She took them out for walks, which they liked doing, naming birds, helping them distinguish weeds from wild flowers. Going on a scavenger hunt and teaching them how to draw and how to paint with water colors, which they did to their hearts' content. When her w*******l was signed and published on the Dreame app and got its first 50,000 reads, Susan decided to host a dinner party to celebrate. She sent out cardstock invitations to her writing circle and even dropped one off at the Colton Museum for Dr. Kelly. He had called her delusional for calling herself a writer and now that she was published she wanted to show it off to him. Not that he would care much, but she was going to show it off anyway. At five minutes to six, Susan was ready in her lovely in a turquoise brocade cocktail dress she had bought for the occasion with matching turquoise satin kitten heels slippers and she also took time to do her hair and makeup. She went over the menu, there would be a serving of canapés before the three-course meal, followed by cake and coffee. Susan then made sure the drinks trolley was well stocked before she picked a glossy cocktail book with a hard cover. She was glancing through page after page about how various cocktails are made when she heard a knock at the door. It was Rosalind and Brigitte arriving together, hugs and kisses were exchanged before Susan helped them out their coats. Rosalind brought Lillet wine while Brigitte had a scented candle in a box for the hostess. After they were seated, Susan went over to the drinks trolley to pour out drinks for her guests. “That’s very nice,” Rosalind remarked. “You mean the dress?” Brigitte asked. “Yes, I was referring to the dress,” Rosalind nodded. “I agree; Susan looks divine in turquoise.” Susan took their drinks over and sat down on her own. After a few sips of martini, Brigitte suggested, “Can you give a mini tour of your flat?” “Yes, I can,” Susan rose from her seat with a smile. “The entire flat has an interconnecting floorplan,” Susan said as Rosalind and Brigitte followed her. “What about the walls? Was mustard their original color?” “No, I specifically had them painted in different shades of mustard,” Susan said as she led them into the bathroom which was swathed in marble and cornflower blue towels hanging on gold-plated rails. “I wanted the parlor to be an intimate entertaining space,” Susan said, “and I am always on the hunt for silver and crystal ware. And I don’t save them for special occasions. I use them all the time.” “I can see that,” Brigitte took one look at the set dinner table, “I don’t see any plastic.” “Yes, no plastic at the dinner table!” “I think I need to adopt that principle too, Brigitte laughed. “At home when I was little, my mother would make our curtains and everything would match,” Susan said as they examined the wool crepe drapes that hung the windows. “Did you make these yourself?” “No, I had them made for me.” There was a knock at the door. “I will answer it,” Rosalind offered. Brigitte took another look around and said to Susan. “Now that I have seen the flat, I understand why you were constantly rearranging the furniture and buying things to decorate with.” “Susan, do you know a Dr. Kelly?” Rosalind asked. Susan and Brigitte turned. Standing beside Rosalind was Dr. Kelly with a bouquet of red tulips and a mocking smile on his lips. Immediately, Susan felt her cheeks color with a feverish intensity.
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