1716 Words

"Did you hear that?" Derrick asked after he heard screeching sound of a vehicle that seemed to be speeding off.. Dru: sounded like an accident to me.. Derrick: lets check it out.. They both got into their cars and drove towards where the sound had come from. The two were not far off from the hospital so in a blink of an eye they were there.. Derrick: holly s**t! He cursed when he saw someone lying on the road. He stopped the car and quickly rushed to the scene. Clara's face was bloody and she could not move even though she showed a sign of being alive.. Derrick had seen Clara at Stella's place but the face hadn't come to him yet.. Derrick: we need to help her . By then the people who were around the hospital had began to gather around. No one saw the car that hit her, not even the

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