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Breakfast Thoughts The following morning, Nicole left home early for work, hoping to finish quick before leaving for school. Her first class was Mate 101 and she was determined not to be late again, like yesterday, especially with her birthday round the corner. She felt antsy, eagerly looking forward to meeting her mate. Daydreaming about who he could be, the colour of his eyes and hair, and his voice. The teachings at school about the quality of love the mate bond brings into a person's life, thrilled her. She just couldn't wait to meet him. Flipping the pancakes she was making, she heard Luna Malia call her name. "Nicole." "Good morning, Luna," she greeted, smiling warmly as the Luna approached and hugged her. "Good morning. You're early," Malia observed. "I want to finish quickly so as not to miss my first class." "Mates 101," Malia said nodding. "You're really looking forward to meeting your mate?" A soft smile played on her lips. "Yes, Luna." Nicole giggled, blushing at the same time. "You should. The goddess has her reason for giving us our mates. Irrespective of who they may be." "I wish more people can have the same mind as you." Fear and doubt filled her mind as she remembered what the Ashton girls had said in class. Mates could reject each other. What if her mate rejects her because he didn't find her up to his standards? "Don't listen to what anybody says. I am sure your mate is going to love you. You're beautiful inside and out." She pushed Nicole's hair away from her face. "Who wouldn't love such a beautiful face and mind?" Nicole smiled wide, encouraged by the words of the Luna. "Thank you, Luna." "Anytime. I am always here if you need to talk or anything." She patted Nicole's cheeks before leaving. Nicole's heart fluttered with joy, danced in her chest as she flipped the pancakes over. The other omegas gave her funny side looks, smiling at her enthusiasm. The twins, straight from the gym, were already sitting at the table with their parents, when Nicole entered the dining room with the food. Their heads snapped up from their phones towards her and holding her in place with their sharp gazes. She almost dropped the plates of food in her hands and seemed frozen in place. The sight before her released a sudden warm feeling over her. She felt the warmth settle more in her heart, where an invisible cord curled round her it. This was followed immediately by a huge wave of sudden attraction towards them, washing over her mind and body. Vince was clad in a form-fitting black tank top, revealing an impressive array of upper arm muscles. His face and body glistening with sweat that soaked the tips of his dark hair. Some wet strands stuck to his forehead, stopping just at the top of his brows. The tank top covering his body didn't hide the details of his chiseled broad chest and abdominal muscles. Her eyes raked him up and down, wanting to feel those arms round her. A steady throb between her legs came out of no where. Vance, shirtless and glistening with sweat as well, had his marbled chest rising and falling slowly. His sinewy arms...his biceps bunching over as he flexed them. Goddess, she wanted to feel the ridges of the taut muscles on his stomach. Run slow kisses over each one. Place her head on that chest and let his heartbeat lull her to sleep. She wondered what was wrong with her? Why was she suddenly attracted to this massive display of raw masculinity? This was not her first time of seeing them. Maybe this way. Snapping her eyes away from their bodies and mentally scolding herself, she proceeded with the plates. She wasn't surprised that their eyes followed her to the table, with the usual hate in them. Though, this time their eyes roamed over her body, slowly. She managed to place the plates of food on the table without any hitch. Swallowing the lump in her throat, and pushing through the wall of fear that always surrounded her when she was in their presence. "Good morning, alphas." She greeted, keeping her eyes glued to the plates in her shaky hands. Both of them gave her a curt nod, before dropping their eyes to the table. "Good morning, Nicole." Alpha Drake answered sweetly, putting down the newspaper he was reading, his grey eyes full of nothing but warmth, and picked up his coffee. "How are the birthday preparations going? No party?" Nicole shook her head. "I don't really want one. But I am sure my aunt, uncle and Savvy are planning a surprise for me." She replied cheerily. "The major surprise is you meeting your mate for the first time. Are you looking forward to that?" He tilted his head curiously at her. In a voice filled with anticipation, she replied. "I am, alpha. But..." "Dad, can we please eat now?" Vince cut in, rudely, glaring at her as usual. "Bring the rest food, please." He waved his hands dismissively at her. She nodded and walked back into the kitchen to bring the rest food. The plan to leave the pack swirled in Nicole's thoughts as she carefully navigated her way back into the kitchen, picking up the rest dishes, then headed back to the table. "One more thing you should know about mates, Nicole." Alpha Drake began again as she arranged the food on the table. "Our mates are given to us for a reason and we have to accept them, no matter who they are. I hope you know that." "I told her already." Luna added, smiling at Nicole. "What if it's the other way round?" Nicole asked. "What if my mate doesn't accept me and chooses another person? What if he rejects me?" The twins stifled the growls coming from their wolfs. Alpha Drake, placed both elbows on the table, "What makes you think that your mate will reject you?" Dropping her eyes to the floor and playing with the hem of her apron, Nicole replied in a soft and sad voice, "I may not be up to his standards." Vince's spoon clattered down to his plate. Vince almost choked on the water he was drinking. "If your mate rejects you because he sees you as not up to his standards, then he needs to be committed to an asylum." Alpha Drake declared. Vance cleared his throat loudly while Vince stifled another growl from his wolf. "Can we just stop talking about mates for once." Vance let out through gritted teeth. "It's no big deal." "Because you haven't found yours doesn't mean she shouldn't be crazy about finding hers, Vance." Luna Malia defended Nicole. "Not like we need mates anyway. We're doing great without them." Vince added. "You can leave for school or wherever it is you go to." He motioned with his palm for her to leave. "That's rude!" Luna gasped at her son's remarks. Not wanting to stay under the twins' hateful radar any longer, Nicole turned away, but was stopped by the alpha. "That reminds me...hold on, Nicole..." Looking at his sons. "I believe both of you have something to say to Nicole." He narrowed his eyes at them. Nicole's eyes widened in fear. What could the twins possibly have to say to her? Obviously, nothing good. "She has to be in school, boys." Luna Malia said, hurrying them up. Dropping his spoon on his plate, Vince raised his grey eyes to Nicole's brown ones. "My brother and I apologize for yesterday. It wasn't our intention to ridicule you and your friend. Kindly, accept our apologies." His mouth said the words, but his heart said the opposite. Nicole drew herself out of the shock she was in, nodding as she walked away. "Was that really necessary?" Nicole heard Vince's angry voice say to the Alpha. She couldn't wait to leave the pack. The idea more reinforced with what had just happened. She prayed her mate wouldn't be in the Firestone Pack, so she could use it as an excuse to want to leave. Why remain here when the alpha's sons clearly don't want her here? She mused to herself on her way to school.
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