1053 Words
ANAYA Still consumed by the intoxicating mixture, Nicole stumbled out of her room and reached the top of the staircase but tumbled down the steps, clutching the edge as she crawled up. Behind her she could hear her uncle and aunt calling her, but she didn't stop. Her focus was set on finding the source of the scents invading her senses. Bursting out of the house, she saw blurry figures standing before her, along with indistinct voices. "Nikki!" She heard Savvy scream her name, but chose to ignore her. The cracking of bones persisted, her vision blurry as she wobbled towards the figures, sniffing the air. She came to a halt in front of two tall, muscular figures from whom the scents emanated. "Mate," It escaped her lips as her vision cleared, revealing the identity of the two tall, muscular figures she was facing—the Stone twins, Vince and Vance. Mates! Mates! The voice in her head chanted ecstatically, overjoyed at this discovery. Nicole didn't share the same sentiments as the voice did, particularly considering the unsettling looks the two were giving her. She collapsed to the ground, dropping to all fours as her bones shifted, her fingers slowly morphing into claws before coming to a halt. She managed to crawl backward, slowly distancing herself from them, her expression transforming from dread to one of intense pain as her bones continued to crack sending waves of agony pain rippling through her body. "Arghh!" She howled out in excruciating pain. "Help her, guys! She's shifting," Savvy's voice rang out from somewhere nearby. "You are her mates." "We have no intention of accepting her," Nicole could hear Vince's voice, resonating with more hostility than before. Why are they saying that!? The voice whimpered in her head. "I..Vince Stone, future Alpha of the Firestone Pack, hereby reject, you Nicole Bennyson as my mate and Luna." "I...Vance Stone, future Alpha of the Firestone Pack, hereby reject you Nicole Bennyson as my mate and Luna." Both brothers chorused, rejecting her spitefully. "No!" "No!" Nicole and the voice, screamed in unison as she felt the pain in her chest and bones intensify, spreading all over her body, hooking itself into every nerve and cell. Tremors rocked her body, igniting a deeper pain that dove straight down to her soul. In her mind, she saw a white wolf, shudder and shiver before it collapsed and retreated into a deep crevice in her mind. Whimpering all the way. She felt hands around her, catching her as her head hit the ground. Then multiple screams surrounded her. Calling her. Hands were shaking her. Her eyes took in one last look of her environment before she succumbed to darkness. NICOLE Silence. That's the only sound echoing in my ears as my eyes slowly flutter open, followed by the sensation of being submerged in water. Opening my eyes further, I find myself staring into an abyss of watery darkness surrounding me. Its coldness on my skin thrusting waves of terror and fear rippling through me. My heartbeat spikes as I burst out to the surface of this dark abyss, which seemed to keep expanding wherever I turn, as I fearfully toss about in it. Every body of water had to lead somewhere, I thought. There has to be a river bank. With this thought, I start to swim, determined to find that river bank. But as soon as I start swimming, my limbs grow weak against the heaviness of the current. Something clamps down on my ankles, pulling me under. A loud scream laced with fear and terror escape my throat, as I struggle to not get submerged again. My screams for help dying as the dark waters cover my face and swallow my screams. When next I open my eyes, the sky is above me with the moon softly nestled between soft silver clouds. A wave of calm slowly wash over me. My eyes scan the sky above me, basking in the beautiful canvass before me The scent of fresh grass fills my nose and I inhale slowly, relishing how each molecule travelled down to my lungs before settling into my stomach. Though the air is cold, I feel it warm my insides. The soft air caresses my face, kissing my skin with its cold fingers, forcing me to giggle lightly. The moon, bathing me in a silvery ethereal glow as I lay here, has never felt so close or looked this beautiful to me. I have also never felt this strong energy coming from it. An energy as soft as the radiance coming from it now. That's wrapping round me gently, like a lullaby, eagerly soothing me to sleep. A rustling in the grasses draws my attention away from the moon, and it's coming from my left side. I turn my head towards there to see two white paws emerge. Tracing the paws upwards, I find a beautiful white she-wolf with striking purple eyes gazing at me. Purple eyes swirling with a pain and sadness, that I understand. She whimpers as she trots to me, settles on my left, and rest her head on my laps. "Hey," I whisper a greeting to her, feeling a sense of familiarity towards her. "Do I know you?" Stretching my hand to caress the soft white fur looking silvery under the moon's glow. She whimpers again, blinking her eyes. "You're so beautiful, Anaya," I murmur, loving her presence with me in this moment and in this place. She makes me feel safe and wanted. I also want her to feel safe and that I want her. She whines, raising her head to lick my hand. "You like the name?" She licks my hand again and release a low mournful howl, her snout up in the air. "I am so sorry," I don't know why I am apologising, but feel I should. She rubs her head against my palm. "We can stay here and enjoy the glow of the moon," I gaze up at the moon. A contented smile on my face, loving how I feel nothing, only the peaceful and silent glow of the moon fills me. For me, that was more than enough. "Let's go to sleep, Anaya," I tell her as my eyes grow heavy, fluttering gently as sleep beckons to me.
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