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WHAT IS SHE THINKING? VINCE I revel in the sensation of her touch, the softness of her skin, and the scent that sends both Ares and me into a realm of pleasure. Sparks dance over my body as she rubs her palms over my arms, exploring the contours of my muscles. The fact that she enjoys it ignites a warmth within me. “Mate loves how we feel,” Ares purrs in my head. “Yeah, she does.” “Do you think she’s falling for us?” he asks anxiously, wagging his tail in anticipation. I’m not entirely sure, but I know I can tell she’s enjoying touching me. It’s a miracle that she allowed me to hold her waist. “Hopefully.” “You like them?” I whisper into her ear, rubbing my nose over it, feeling a sudden jolt in her heartbeat. “Mate felt that,” Ares purrs. She releases a soft sigh which my brain interprets as a moan, sending a wave of desire through me. I can feel myself getting hard, hoping she doesn’t notice. “Let her notice. It’s what she does to us,” my bloody horny wolf purrs, his tone dripping with lust. He’s right. I am about to say something when I feel her tense up, and grunt, clenching her fists. Worry blasts through my mind when I feel the anger coming off from her. And her wolf? “I feel it too,” Ares confirms it. “What is it? What are you thinking, sweetheart?” I ask, pulling away from her, frowning. Ares growls, mirroring my concern. “Nothing,” I see how she swallows hard and slowly start to leave my arms. That’s not happening. “Hey,” I stop her and have her face me again. “What happened? Tell me?” her eyes search mine, filled with questions I wish she’d ask. “Nicole?” “It’s nothing.”. “Not so fast, sweetheart,” I pull her back and this time hug her to my chest, resting her head on my chest. I hear her sigh and cherish the moments as she inhales my scent. “Talk to me, please,” her silence is eating me up. I know it’s a long shot asking her to open up to me. I still have to earn her trust. But I need to know why she acted that way. Shit! Did she smell someone on me too? Instantly, my mind sifts through my memories. I haven’t been with another female for a while. And no woman has ever given me a cologne, let alone mix her scent into it. My search comes up empty. “Ares?” I call him for confirmation. “Nothing of such. We are clear,” he replies instantly. “Nikki?” pushing her away a little to peer down at her, Ares also watching her through my eyes. “Talk to me,” confusion and fear riddle my mind. Maybe we didn’t remember something. “What were you thinking when you were touching me?” I can’t bear the thought of her being distant with me like she was with Vance. He still can’t get over it. That’s why I had to pick her while he started the meeting with the students at school. “Nothing,” she says in a shaky voice, avoiding my gaze. “Just thinking about how good the Moon Goddess can be.” “Do you mind explaining?” I am even more confused. Who knows what the goddess has done. Has she given Nicole a second chance mate? “She’s a perfect matchmaker.” A slight tremble travels down my body at her words. I can sense she’s lying. This can’t be happening. “How?” I can’t help but ask because I won’t give up on this brown-haired and brown-eyed she-wolf before me. I will challenge whoever dares to lay claim to her. Mate or not. She’s mine. Mine! “That’s what I was taught at school,” she says, looking away and clutching her bag tightly. “Can I go now?” Sighing deeply, I search her face, trying to find a clue as to the fears I have. But her beautiful round face remains unreadable. “I will take you there,” I offer, extending my hand to her, but she ignores it, heading for my car. I walk alongside her, holding the door open and gesturing with my hand for her to enter. “Thank you,” she gives me a small, tight-lipped smile as she enters. I place my hand over her head, guiding her in. She gives a startled gasp when I reach across her chest to fasten her seatbelt. I can’t miss the loud thud of her heart and the quick redness that creeps over her cheeks. “Sorry,” though I am not. “I need to strap you in,” I would give any excuse to always touch her. “Thank you,” she murmurs as I pull back. “You are welcome, sweetheart,” grinning as I shut the door. “Are you hungry?” I ask as I start driving. Her Aunt’s place is a bit of a distance from the center of the pack, about twenty minutes’ drive from her school. “We can go to somewhere to eat.” I would love to feed her like every male wolf loves feeding his mate. She chuckles sharply, causing me to glance sharply at her. “Are you for real?” she retorts, rolled her eyes at me before turning to gaze out the window. My face breaks into a wide grin. I love how she chuckled. She rolled her eyes at me? Wow. Vance is going to die of jealousy when I tell him this. “Yeah, what’s wrong with asking you that?” “Nothing wrong, except when I am going to meet my aunt at her shop where she sells food,” she gives me a look that says, ‘stupid’. “She doesn’t sell real food. Pastry is not food.” “She doesn’t only sell or make only pastries. She makes real food too. I would have you know that people come there for breakfast and lunch.” “But not dinner. And even the breakfast and lunch isn’t food know food someone should be eating always. We need beef,” I narrow my eyes at her, enjoying this banter. She’s talking to me and opening up to me. “We have hamburgers, fried chicken, chips…” she starts counting on her fingers. My gaze lingers on her slender fingers. Her nails are unpainted, and well-trimmed. “I wonder where else is trimmed well,” Ares purrs in my head. “Right?” I raise a brow, trailing my eyes up her arms to her neck and face. “Yeah. And if not trimmed well, we can do the trimming. And after that we can…” Ares continues with his suggestive thoughts until Nicole interrupts. “Hello.” Her voice crashes into our fantasy. “But no spaghetti, meatballs, roasted chicken…” I say, quickly catching up with the conversation. “That’s because it’s not a restaurant.” “Exactly,” I agree, shifting gears and turning off to the left. “It’s not a restaurant.” “But we still sell food,” she folds her hands across her chest, a small pout forming on her lips, making her look so adorable. “I know and I don’t doubt your aunt’s creations. Her croissants are a delight, as do her pancakes.” “You have eaten her pancakes?” her eyes pop out in surprise. Nodding my head, I reply her. “I do,” if only she knows how much I love those pancakes because she’s the one who makes them. I feel like such a hypocrite. Vance too. We both love those pancakes so much, we always looked forward to having them in the mornings. The times when she didn’t come to work at the house, we made orders from her aunt’s place. The first day we tasted them at home, and our head maid had told us Nicole them, we never stopped demanding for them. She opens her mouth to speak, closes it, opens it again, looking confused. “Is there something wrong?” of course I know she’s surprised to hear me say I have tasted her pancakes. She bites her lower lips blinking furiously, her eyes darting about. “I..I…You.” My fingers tighten around the steering wheel tight as I force myself to focus on the road. Does she even realize how that simple act is turning my head upside down? “I made them,” she finally says, looking at me shyly. “You did!” I feign surprise. “They are really delicious. We love having them every morning at breakfast.” “You do?” disbelief clearly in her voice. Nodding, I shift gears again, easing to the driveway of her aunt’s pastry shop. My eyes find the five warriors assigned to her, sitting down at different tables, blending in as customers. When she came out of the school building, I had told them to head to the shop, to wait for me. After leaving her, I will join Vance at the meeting. “But you never said anything about it?” “We didn’t know you were the one that made them? We always thought it was your aunt or the head maid,” I hope she never finds out about this lie. And pray that when she does, it would be after she has accepted and allowed us mate and mark her. “Oh. That’s true,” she says nodding at me. “Jerk,” Ares snarls at me for lying. “Do you want us to be like Vance, right now?” I ask him. “No, please.” “That’s what I thought.”
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