Chapter 13

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VINCE I often hear Vance training, even in the dead of the night. His punches, grunts and groans keep me awake for weeks now. He stomps around the gym, releasing whatever frustrations he has on the equipments. His current girlfriend has become a frequent visitor to his bedroom at night, staying over until the next day and having breakfast with the family sometimes. Our parents don't seem thrilled about this and neither am I. She's a golddigger in my own humble opinion. The s*x is loud, and from the sounds I hear, it's intense. Vance is definitely battling some strong demons that don't seem to want to let him go. Good thing Billie has gamma blood. He probably would have broken her. He is a fool to think that, Billie loves him. Or that she cares for him. Just like her parents, she only cares about the money, fame and position. All which he could give her. Dean Ashton was no fool in how he's been positioning his daughters near our family since they were little. Seeing that my foolish brother was already with one twin must have made him think that I was going to follow suit with Millie. I detest her with every single strand of my hair. Her fake attempts to make me fall for her annoy me every time she comes near me. It further irks me to no end now that I have this unknown feeling of emptiness in my heart that doesn't seem to want to let go, no matter what I do. I tried to have as much s*x as I could with different females. Human, werewolves, vampires, name it. Nothing worked. Drinking didn't help either. Training and immersing myself in pack business seem to give me some respite from it. Even then, I am assaulted with the images of a female with brown hair and eyes. Seeing the images adds more to the an added punishment. I can't let go of the emptiness, and when her face comes my way, I have more pain and emptiness. Why would someone be punished like this? "Son," my dad's deep baritone voice brings me back to his office where we I am having a meeting with him, my mom and brother. "You blanked out. Again." He frowns at me with a bit of annoyance showing in his grey eyes, deeper than mine or Vance's. My mom's soft eyes are filled with concern and fear. "Everything okay, Vince." Breathing in deeply, I respond, "Yes, mom. Sorry I zoned off." Arranging myself well into my chair. "What were you saying?" "I was talking about the meeting with the other alphas. Some news has been traveling about a growing threat." My dad explains. "Against packs?" Vance asks. I am surprised he's attentive. Our father nods. "A mad alpha looking for power of some sort." "Evil or good?" I ask "Can't be good if he's threatening, harassing and attacking alphas and their packs. The other alphas are calling for a meeting. Since we are the largest, they want us to host it," He pulls out a large folder and passes it to me. " As the eldest it's your job to know how many are coming and how to cater for them." "Are they going to be staying over?" Vance asks. "I highly doubt it. In times like this, most alphas will prefer to stay back and guard their packs," I answer for my dad. I would do the same thing. "In that case, I will call Mabel to give her a heads-up." Mom says, picking up the phone. "How many people are we talking about?" My brother and I share a look before I quickly scan the document to see how many alphas were on the list. "Uhmm...ten alphas. We don't know how many people each would bring." "Let's say each is bringing their beta and gamma, that makes thirty people..." Vance begins. "Let's make it fourty," I say. "Good idea, Vince." She starts to punch in the numbers for our mate's aunt, then holds the phone to her ear, waiting. "Is there anything else for us to discuss?" I ask my father wanting to leave their presence, scared of what Mabel could say to her. "Don't you want to wait for your mother to end the call?" Dad furrows his brows. "I...we can always ask her later," I stammer. "Hi, Mabel..." Mum starts to say and stops, wrinkling her brow. "...this is Luna Malia. How do you do too? Can you put Mabel on the phone please?...oh...since when?...alright...just tell her I called, and she should please call me back...thank you...bye." She ends the call and looks at us. "Mabel's not at her shop. I guess we will wait for her to call back." I heave a silent sigh of relief, and can sense Vance feels the same way too with how he blinks fast and puffs out his cheeks. I also sense it through our bond. "I will see you all at dinner then." I am about to leave when my dad calls us back. "Vance, Vince. A word with you two." When my father goes all formal with us like this, I know it's about pack business or something more serious. Did he find out about what we did? "Sure, dad." He remains silent for a while. Choosing his words I guess. "I know that you both have been spending some considerable time with the Ashton girls." Thank the Goddess. Not what I was thinking of. If he was worried about me hooking up with Millie, I am the wrong son to worry about. "I had a word with your brother the other time when he went to have dinner at their place." He glances at Vance, then back to me. "A mate is not a trivial part of your existence. She's the most important part of both your human and wolf sides. She's the balance that helps to keep both alive and strong. One side must never be overwhelmed by the other. She's the one that calms your wolf down, the same one that also brings your humanity into play when the need arises. Only she holds that balance. You've seen how your mother, over the years, has been able to ensure I maintain an excellent balance that has spread over the pack and into your lives. It's important that you have mates that will do the same for you both. Especially you, Vince." He pauses. "Those girls may look pretty and have status and all that, but I doubt if what they feel ..." Looking at Vance. "Or what they will feel..." He narrows his eyes at me. "for you both is love. They are just mere extensions of their parents. Leeches that only go where they can find blood." "But why is their father your Gamma?" Vance asks the question that I am about to ask. "People change, or rather, we often hope that people will change for the better. Dean was once a good guy or so I thought. But that's a story for another time. I only want you both to know what you're doing." "You have nothing to worry about with me, Dad. It's this egghead here you should be worried about." I smirk at Vance. "Really? You're one to talk. Should have seen Millie sad because you refused to come to dinner." He huffs out. "I've never showed any interest in her." Through our bond, I could feel his conflicting emotions slap through the walls. "You don't have plans of dating her?" Mom asks, tucking behind her ears her short black her. She and her mate had the same dark and shiny mane which my brother and I inherited from them. "Never did. Only tagged along because he always begged me to. They're not my type." Right now, no other female was, except a she-wolf with brown eyes and hair. "Well, that's a relief. If that's the case, let's leave it that way," Mom says again, with genuine relief on her face. "Sure, Mom." I agree. "Vance, it's your choice to make. I hope you will understand better when I tell the full story," Dad says to Vance, who seems to be fighting his demons openly now. "Sure, Dad." Vance replies sourly, rising from his chair, while giving me a stink eye. "I hope your mates are as beautiful and sexy as your mother. She already gave me two handsome boys. May the goddess make it go round." "Yeah, right." Vance snickers as we go out. "You heard his prayer. May the goddess grant us a beautiful and sexy mate. And maybe she did." "Why are you angry? Is it because of what he said about your baby?" Bumping his shoulder as I give him a hearty laugh on the way out. "Shut up!" His wolf, Axel, growls at me. "Someone's in a bad mood." My wolf, Ares, growls back at him "And you haven't been? You think I don't hear you tossing and turning every night?" He throws back at me. "Thanks to you and your loud and intense banging s*x with your golddigger girlfriend. My ears are already full and overflowing with the moans, grunts and moans of you two." "You're just jealous." He stalks off but I stop him asking a burning question that has been on my mind lately. "Have you seen her since that day?" He shakes his head, stopping. "Tim and Savannah have also been scarce. Especially Savannah." Turning to me, he bends his head slightly, thoughtfully. "He's doesn't stick around like before...quickly leaves after a while. Maybe Savvy, banned him from being near us." Vance suggests. "She can't, he's going to be our beta and she our beta female." "What if they both refuse to? Or Savvy refuses to?" Vance says. Oh no. This never crossed my mind.
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