Chapter 5

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Mathias I decided to run back to the pack house. I made it in no time. As soon as I did, I rushed to the garage and jumped into my car, kicking rocks and dirt as I peeled out to catch up to those girls down the road. I saw Danny and her mate sitting on the chairs on the porch of the compound we set up for him as he and his father were visiting. Sylvie was there too, sitting on the lap of the beta. I'm assuming he was either her mate or she was just wanting attention. As I sped down the road, I caught up with the sisters in no time. I pulled in front of them, scaring them slightly. I got out and smiled at them. I wasn't sure if they were being honest about being friends with someone in the pack or if they followed someone out there. "Get in." I said as I opened the doors for them. "Umm, I don't think that's a good idea," the younger one said. Alana, I think her name was. "Come on, the walk along the main road will take you half an hour to get back. You would have had a better chance cutting through the woods." They looked at each other and Erika finally spoke. "Okay, but only till we get to the main road, and we can walk from there. We live on an old ranch a couple minutes away." "Or I can take you the whole way and possibly take you out later." I went back at her smoothly. I got a smile from her "We will see." She let out a giggle. My heart raced at the sound of it. I didn't expect that to happen. Why do I feel like a jittery pup with a crush? I wasn't the only one who noticed either. Maddox wanted in on my thoughts too. "Is that mate?" Maddox asked. "I don't think so, Mad. But she is cute." I said back to him. "I want to talk with her." He was prancing around in my head. Like he had just found a new toy. Then we both noticed something we hadn't before. "Why doesn't human have scent?" He asked. I didn't notice that until now. It wasn't normal, but I didn't feel like it was a threat. The more I tried to get an idea of her scent, the more I smelt just her perfume. "So Erika, do you like Round Mountain High?" I asked, trying not to set any alarms off in her to scare her. "Yeah, I guess, we both do." She said easily. "Nice! How old are you?" "I'm 17." She hit me with a smile and I just about died. I studied her features for a minute. She had bright green eyes, her hair was red. Her complexion was fair with a beauty mark right above her lip. All I could do was admire her. I thought back to how small she seemed compared to me when she ran into me and it made me smile. I noticed she caught me staring at her. I felt my face warm up as I blushed, in hopes she didn't notice that part. "How old are you, Mathias, was it?" The little one asked aggressively from the back seat. "I am 18, I'll be 19 next July, and yes, it's Mathias." I smiled at her protective demeanor over her sister. I heard Erika giggling again, and I looked at her. I heard a scoff come from the back seat. "If you're 18 why are you still in high school?" "My father started me a year late. It wasn't because I was held back or anything like that." All I got from that was a head nod. "So what were you two fighting about back there?" They both looked at me stunned. "Because as smart as my sister is she has anger issues." Alana's words looked like they hit Erika like venom. I guess they didn't think they were as loud as they were when they shouted. "Geeze will you shut up already?!" Erika retorted back at her. Alana rolled her eyes and started to mumble under her breath. Erika didn't really catch it but I heard her and looked at her through the rear view mirror. "This one is us." Erika pointed to a house that wasn't a castle but it was one of the bigger houses in the area. "Wow, living life here, huh?" It was half a joke, but I was also serious. It seemed perfect for them. "Yeah I wish." The little one in the back said with an eye roll, as she got out. "Thank you." Erika's voice broke the silence from her seat. She was about to exit the car but I grabbed her hand before she could. She quickly turned around quickly and looked down at her hand. I didn't realize I was holding it a little tighter than I meant to. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just wondering, will I get a chance to take you out?" I tried not to ask like I was so excited to hear an answer. "I mean you are a cheerleader, I play football, its like one of those cute clichés, you know." I tried to tease her so I could hear her laugh, and just like I hoped she had let out a small giggle. "Ha, umm sure, I guess. I mean why not, I could probably use a distraction." She didn't seem very confident at the moment. "Wait! How did you know I was a cheerleader?" She asked with a curious look on her face. "That is top secret. I can't expose my resources," she looked at me, trying not to smile, "okay fine. I noticed you at practice one day after school." "Ah I have a stalker." She joked, and laughed.. "Thank you for the ride again." I waited as she walked up the rest of the driveway to make sure they were able to get inside. When she opened the door, she looked back and flashed me a huge smile. It looked familiar but I couldn't place it. Leanna "Who was that?" I asked as both of my girls walked through the front door. I swear if looks could kill, these two would be serial killers. "A guy named Mathias, mother. We were walking home and he offered us a ride." Erika was finally coming into her own personality but I wasn't happy with all the attitude lately. "Are you crazy? You cannot just get a ride home from random strangers! Especially here!" I scolded, immediately regretting the way I put it. "Are we crazy?! Seriously? Mom, do you really think we would get a ride from somebody we didn't know?" Erika yelled back. Before I was able to say anything else, they were already at the top of the stairs heading to their rooms. I pulled out my phone so I could text Dante. -I hope you have a plan! Because if something happens to my girls before we can accomplish this suicide mission, I will kill you myself! I paced in the living room of this big empty mansion! Waiting for my joke of a partner to answer me, but just like before nothing. He left the night when Erika thought it was a good idea to run off and come back in the middle of the night, knowing how he would react to her coming back when she did. I haven't heard from him since. He said he had to start putting things in play so we could return to the pack. I feared what the kids would do when they found out why we never stayed in one place too long. The only reason we came here is because the alpha of this territory was a friend of my old pack. I just wasn't sure how he would react to us coming back all these years later. My phone rang. I don't think I've ever answered a call so fast in my life. "Dante?" "You need to stop making empty threats Leanna!" His rage was obvious. "Erika is making friends with them! Its only a matter of time before they find out what she is!" "Then do your job Leanna!" "I'm trying!" I yelled at him as I started crying. "She doesn't want to listen to me because YOU decided to throw them around like they are garbage, and she doesn't understand why you hate them!" I was hysterical at that point. "Get it together! You knew that this was going to have to happen one day, Leanna! You agree with me 14 years ago when we went on the run! Now do your part! Keep her in line, or your life will be on it instead." "-------" the line went dead. I held my hand over my mouth trying to muffle the heavy sobs escaping it. Suddenly, I caught the scent of my oldest child standing in the doorway of my room. I turned and saw the door opening and her there with her arms across her chest. This wasn't a sight I ever thought I'd see. When did my sweet girl become a fighter? She stood there with a glare that had mixed emotions. "What's the matter?" She asked, trying to hide the concern in her voice. "Nothing love, did you need something?" "A straight answer! For once mom!" She saw through my fib, and I felt the air in my lungs being pulled from me."It'll all make sense one day baby. I'm sorry it doesn't right now," I managed to say before I was completely out of air. She gave me a look and walked out. Leaving me alone, wishing I could go back in time to when she was a little girl. The sweet girl that always smiled and laughed. I never thought the last time I held her was the last time I'd ever hold her. I tried to recall when that day was and I couldn't remember it, and my heart broke. I don't by any means regret my decision to keep them safe. I just wish I had done it on my own. I didn't need Dante, he was a warrior before, but now when I saw him, all I saw was a bitter drunk. He cared for Arya and Lucas, but little by little he started to push our older kids away, and I didn't understand why. I think back to when it started, the pain he caused them, physical and emotional. He would lock them up in the basement and wouldn't allow me to let them go. I never knew what he did to them. When they were allowed back out, each one of them seemed a little more distant and cold. I didn't agree with anything he did to them, but it made them strong and fearless. I hated myself for thinking that way, but it was the only way I was able to look on the bright side of his actions. Anthony When I saw Alana looking at Nick like she had seen a ghost, I had to make sure I wasn't seeing one. And there she was, the one that was my world for a short time, my whole world in human form, my Erika. My heart hurt when I saw the look on her face when she realized Danae was my reason for being there and I wasn't there to take her back with me. It played in my head over and over again, and with each replay, my heart broke for her more and more. Why was she here? I looked over and my mate was sleeping, and felt a pain about wanting to see her again. Stupid mate bond! I didn't want to hurt Danny but I didn't mean to hurt Erika. "Erika isn't mate." Kane snapped at me. "I know! But we loved her too." I threw back at him. "We did, but now we have a mate. Alpha's daughter from this pack. She is strong and leads like a luna we need. Erika didn't try and stay with us." "No! She was taken from us!" Tears swelled in my eyes and burned. "She didn't have a choice!" "Everyone has a choice. Erika chose to go with her family! She could have been chosen mate! But she never came back to us after that last night, we were able to hold her!" Kane retreated, leaving me alone after the argument that just took place in my head. Tears started to fall and I knew what I had to do. I went outside stripping as I walked. I opened the door and there was Mathias. "Tired of all the hot sweaty fun already?" He questioned with a chuckle. I sighed "What are you doing here, Mat?" He laughed, "why do I have to want something to come visit my friend?" "Because last time you came here you were trying to get me to reject Danae." "Oh brother, that ship has sailed. You want her? You can have her less of a headache for me." He smirked, "I was actually here to talk to Danae but clearly your festivities wore her out. I'll come back some other time." He turned to walk back toward the pack house. I can't wait till I get to go back home away from these backstabbing mutts! The only good thing here is, I found where my Erika was, and two, I found Danny. I turned around, phased and ran as fast as I could. I ran to the house I followed her to when I saw her the first night I was here. As I got closer, I crouched as low as I could so nothing and no one would have a chance to see me. I went around back and changed back to my human form and threw the clothes I carried with me on. I walked around to see if I could find where her scent was strongest, and I found it. Her room on the second floor, there was a window open and it was like her scent was pouring out of it. I climbed up the side of the house and quietly made my way in. I looked around at her room and it was like it showed exactly who she was. The color of her curtains matched the comforter set on her bed. The bedroom set was white with fancy but classy knobs on them, her closet was filled with clothes that complimented her curves, that only I knew, and only I have held. As I looked more, I found the dress she wore the last night I saw her. I was able to smell her scent mixed with mine. I realized she had never washed it after that night. My heart ached even more knowing she hurt just as much if not more than I did when she left. And then Danny popped into my head. I knew I couldn't have both, but I loved Erika. The only issue was I didn't just love Danny, I needed her. I heard the bedroom door close shut and I jumped to my feet without skipping a beat. I heard a pulse. It was steady and strong. As I got closer to the closet door to see if it was her, I felt my heart race as I tried to remain calm. I peaked out but didn't see her. I pushed the door open a little more and stepped out, when I suddenly hit the floor with a force I did not expect. When I was able to focus, I saw her green eyes holding my gaze with pain in them. "Why are you here?" She gritted through her teeth, anger seething through her words. "Gorgeous, I'm not here to hurt you." I felt her add pressure to my chest, as she considered swinging her free hand that was in a fist ready to strike. Tears in her eyes were apparent. Before she was able to make her decision to swing, I threw her off and caught her before she fell and pressed her to the wall. "Get out." She growled. She still didn't know her own strength, or what she was. I tried so many times to tell her, but I couldn't imagine uprooting her whole life. She thought she was human, and it wasn't my place to tell her she was anything else. "No! I didn't run all the way here just to get a glimpse of you and leave." "Then why are you here?!" She finally broke down. I let her go and pulled her into my chest. "For you. I'm here for you, my moon." "No!" she cried in heartbreak as she tried to free herself from me. "Let me go! You moved on!" I was fighting back the tears trying to calm her. But I couldn't. "Please let me just hold you!" I begged, crying into her hair, as we sat on the floor. "Nooo!! I hate you! Get away from me!" Before she had the chance to say anything else, I grabbed her face and crashed my lips into her perfectly plump heart-shaped ones. I felt her breathing calm and she was suddenly reciprocating my kiss. When she finally calmed down completely, she broke our kiss, which was filled with the most passion I've ever felt from her. But it wasn't because she wanted to try and hold on to me. It was more like she was saying good bye to me. I felt what seemed like a hand squeezing my heart, hoping she wasn't letting go of the faith she had for us. Erika I was finally able to let go and catch my breath. "So why are you here really?" I asked quietly. "I needed to see you." "Why? You smell like you were just with her! Her perfume is all over you!" I said in a hurt tone that openly revealed my pain. "I can't believe you actually had the nerve to come here after today." Just as I let those words escape, my bedroom door opened and in walked Zeric. "Hey Ricky can I......" he saw Anthony and froze. "What are you doing here man?" The excitement of seeing one of his best friends was written all over his face as he pulled him in for a hug. That was until he caught the smell of a girl's perfume on him, and suddenly it all changed. I heard what sounded like a deep growl come from Zeric as he went from a hug to slamming Anthony into the wall. "What did you come here for, huh?" He gritted through his teeth. "Zeric put him down." I asked, trying to steady my voice, in my attempt to hide that I was crying. "No," he scoffed at me, "why should I? He is in your room and smells like another female. What did you expect, huh? That it would be ok to try and get into her bed after you just finished with whoever you were with before coming here?" Anthony's face stayed glaring at my brother. After hearing what Zeric said, I realized what he meant. I looked at Anthony, who turned to look me in the eyes, with no denial of the accusation. He had just slept with her. "Get out." "No, wait, that's not what I was trying!" "GET OUT!" I shouted as loudly as I could. "Erika please let me --" before he could finish his sentence, I pushed my brother out of the way and grabbed him myself. I pushed him out of my room with a force that sent him flying. I was letting my anger take over as I made my way to him. "Wait! Erika, please let me just talk to you please." I heard him beg, but I didn't care anymore. I reached him and grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him to the stairs. "No," I said clearly as I stood him up, "now get out, before I make you get out." He looked at me like I just ripped out his heart. He turned around and finally made his way down and out the door. I turned to go back to my room and ended up looking straight into my twin's face. I felt my lip start to quiver as I tried to stop myself from crying. "No sissy." He said with a sorry look on his face. "You don't let him make you feel this way. You don't give him that privilege of knowing your love anymore, sissy." He told me as he became the rock, lifting me up at that moment. Me and Zeric didn't always get along or act right with each other, but when I was hurt he was always the comfort I needed. I couldn't stop the tears that began to fall, no matter how hard I tried. I felt my knees buckle and my brother was the only thing keeping me from hitting the floor. Leanna I heard the shouting going on upstairs and then saw Erika's boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend? I don't know at the moment. I'm pretty sure ex, by the way, she was ready to throw him out. As soon as he was out the door, I heard my daughter start wailing in heartbreak. I ran up the stairs to find her wrapped in Zeric's arms with tears streaming down her face. I reached out to her and my touch must have stunned her because her head snapped in my direction faster than ever. As soon as she saw me, her crying only grew worse. "Momma," hearing the heart break in her voice caused my own heart to break now. I helped Zeric pull her to her feet and we walked her to her bedroom and I laid down with her. I cooed to her and cuddled her like I used to when she was a little girl. Bringing her comfort in the only way I ever could, just holding her as she cried and screamed her pain away.
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